My inventions and discoveries
- My Inventions and Discoveries
- Two Kinds of Effects in sound mixing
- The solution to the 1964 Socorro NM UFO case
- Phlazex Surround Sound Encoder (details)
- Methods for encoding surround sound using ordinary mixers
- Multi-ball pinball device
- Autospeed modification for Collaro Conquest record changer
- Velocity trip method for detecting motion onset time
- Recombination counting measure for cases where objects are
replaced, but the order does not matter.
- Second Gear Start with Gear Indicator for winter driving.
Build it for your GM car.
- Record Changer Easter Eggs
Books under construction
- Relativity: As Easy As Pi (details)
- Mixing: Do it yourself
- UFOs: You've Been Hoodwinked
Audio CDs
- MidiMagic: "It's Automagic" (details)
- MidiMagic: "A Musical Christmas Card" (details)
- MidiMagic: "Easterfest" (details)
- MidiMagic: "Hymnstacular" (details)
- Hymns for God
- Raetta
- Ondine
Other Projects
- Sound
- DJ Service (weddings & parties)
- Sound Engineering, Recording, Mixdown, Mastering, Surround Encoding
- Technology
- Sound System Design, Room acoustics analysis, Electronic design and construction
- Record changer repair
- Scientific
- Bad Science Detection
- UFO Case Solution
- Educational Services
- Tutoring:
Math, Probability, Statistics,
Physics, Astronomy, Computer,
Sound Techniques