Here is a list of the ways many newsmen misbehave while reporting the news:


    Journalism is supposed to be a neutral reporting of the facts. Today's "journalism" is rarely unbiased. Most reporters seem to have axes to grind:


    Journalists take all "scientific reports" they receive as fact. Some of those reports were scientific rubbish, but the reporters want to believe them, so they believe them. Examples:

    Too often, the reporter is so frightened by the ramifications of predictions in the report of possible effects of some feared event, that the reporter doesn't notice that the report presents absolutely no proof that the event is real.


    Many newsmen go absolutely nuts in favor of projects that governments should never spend money on, including:

    What is it about newsmen that makes them worship these extravagances? Is it taught by journalism schools? None of these items is important enough to justify taxing people to pay for them. But journalists want them!


    Too many journalists have a fascination with celebrities, almost to the point of worship. Examples of such celebrities:

    Here are examples of how most reporters are more interested in celebrity worship than in the facts:


    Too many journalists prefer a freedom to do wrong over the prevention of immoral acts. In doing so, they ignore the rights of the victims of the wrongdoing they promote. Instead, they portray the wrongdoing as "victimless" acts. But there are victims of these crimes, and they are ignored by many reporters:


    Journalists often advocate a bigger government, because they see government as the only power that can solve social problems. The trouble with this is that they believe that government has special powers, knowledge, and abilities. But because government is made up of people, government has the innate fallibility of people. The multiplicity of people in government makes it more fallible, instead of less. Government does not have super powers.

    Newsmen in particular want the government to pay for their health care. But it is wrong for them to foist their desires onto the rest of the people.

    One falsehood that many liberals (and some journalists) believe in is that, if government gets large enough, then nobody would have to work. This utopian economy is impossible, for these reasons:


    Too many times, reporters favor government over individuals. Many reporters have worried more about the effect a news item has on government than the effect it has on ordinary people (especially workers). Examples of these:


    For some unknown reasons, many journalists seem to hate business:

    They don't seem to realize that business can always do a better job than government can do it, because business is not hampered by the innate inefficiencies of government.

    The part that makes no sense at all is that these reporters have so much animosity for businesses, but then they demand more jobs. Just where do they expect those jobs to come from? Business is the source of most jobs, and work is the source of most wealth.


    Too many journalists think that their "right" to get the story is more important than the privacy of the people they are hounding and stalking to get information from:


    Many journalists believe that secrets are being hidden from the people, and especially the press. Examples of these beliefs:

    The one conspiracy they won't report on is the conspiracy of the press to try to make people liberal.


    Most journalists do not investigate the claims they report about the economy. They either do not understand how the economy works, or they actually believe the faulty Keynesian Economic Theory that is taught in high schools by union teachers favoring liberal candidates.

We want real unbiased journalism!


Why is the press so liberal? Here are a few theories, with the reasoning behind them:

  1. Money!

    Sensational stories sell papers, gather TV viewers, and attract radio audiences. Conservative issues are not sensational, except when they threaten to undo the work of liberals.

  2. Health care for themselves

    Freelance reporters and "stringers" don't have employers to provide health insurance plans for them. So they want government to provide them with health insurance.

  3. Change the world!

    Many studied to become journalists in the 1970s with the intent to change the world. Before that, journalists passively reported what happened in the world, only calling for action in cases of dire distress.

    There is no such thing as activist journalism. When writing becomes activist, it ceases to be journalism. It becomes editorializing instead.

  4. Somebody must DO something!

    Journalists see more suffering than is seen by people working in any other profession, other than police, fire protection, or emergency medicine. They see so much wrong, that they decide that something must be done. Their error is, of course, that they see government intervention as the only solution.

  5. Government worship

    Government is the god some journalists worship. The see it as the benevolent provider, and will do anything to serve it. Then they pray for free stuff, hoping to get it.

  6. Government comes first

    To liberals, government is more important than anything else. The see it as their benevolent provider, and will do anything to further it.

  7. Simple answer

    Most readers want a simple answer to a problem, not a complex solution that only a few can digest. Unfortunately, world problems, especially economic ones, are not simple. Liberal politicians tend to have simple, easy to understand, wrong answers to problems. Conservative answers are complex, but are more correct than the liberal answers.

  8. Action, not words

    The reporter is not content to warn people of a situation. The reporter wants action. If a child's car seat is defective, warning parents is not enough. Asking the manufacturer to fix or replace the product is not enough. The government must immediately take the product off the market, or endure the wrath of the reporter's pen.

  9. Immediate action!

    When a reporter sees something "wrong" happening, he calls for a solution NOW! A wait while all of the side-effects of the solution are evaluated is unwarranted to the reporter. A call to wait might also cut the sales of the reporter's paper or broadcast station.

  10. Single issue

    The reporter gets so involved in the story that other issues raised by the problem are ignored. Only the reporter's assignment matters.

  11. Safety before liberty!

    The reporter sees all sorts of tragedies, including freak accidents. This is a necessary condition of the job of being a journalist. Reporters become oversaturated with tragedies, so they want every product, every place, and every situation to be as safe as is possible, no matter how much it costs to do, or whose rights are violated.

  12. No censorship!

    Reporters fear conservatives, because they think conservatives will impose moral codes on materials in print, preventing them from being the creative writers they want to be.

  13. Help those poor people at all costs!

    Reporters see a case of neglect, starvation, or abuse. They call for immediate aid. They don't care who must pay for it, or what people lose their rights. The problem must be FIXED, before someone else gets hurt.

  14. Self interest

    Journalists favor safety-net programs and government handouts, because they are subject to sudden loss of employment. Events such as a media takeover, a merger, an economic downturn, a libel suit, or a mistake in a quote, can send a reporter to the unemployment lines quickly. And freelance reporters can't depend on their income.

  15. Lack of math and science skills

    The kind of mind that makes a good writer is not the kind of mind that understands technology. So most journalists do not have the necessary skills in math and science to be able to understand the arguments liberals make, let alone refute them. Note that most liberals also lack these skills.

  16. Love of entertainment

    Journalists favor wasting tax dollars on entertainment and arts programs, so they don't have to pay for their own entertainment. In addition, entertainment provides jobs for some journalists.

  17. Love of sports.

    Journalists favor wasting tax dollars on sports programs and facilities, so they don't have to pay for their own sports entertainment. In addition, the existence of sports provides jobs for some journalists.

  18. Living wage.

    Unless they are famous, reporters don't make much money. Reporters see people earning less than they need to feed their children. They write about required minimum wages and government safety nets, because they want them. The fact escapes them that setting a minimum wage inflates the money until everyone makes the real income they made before the minimum wage was set.

    Reporters should notice that wealth is really being siphoned off in taxes. But the lack of math skills inhibits most reporters from understanding this. Also, cutting taxes means smaller safety-net aid for reporters if they lose their jobs.

  19. Prestige!

    Pulitzer prizes and other awards are given to remarkable, touching pieces of writing. Human interest is one of the favorite topics for a prize. Nobody is going to get a prize for an article on the advantages of cutting government spending, unless waste and fraud are exposed in the article.

    It has recently been shown by example that most of the prize givers are also liberals, and that they do not understand science or math. The proof of this is that they gave awards to Al Gore for his bad science.

  20. Journalism professors.

    For years, liberals have controlled most college campuses. The journalism courses teach reporters to look at mostly the liberal sides of issues. Why are the professors so liberal? They need liberals in office, so they can get all of the grant money their own research programs must exist on.

Look here for evidence of malfeasance.