I have some strong political beliefs. In most cases, the reason why I have
these beliefs is to prevent government from doing things to people.
Notice all of the cases below where things the government does will hurt the poor. Most of my beliefs are based on not
doing the things that government unwittingly does to the poor.
If a government wants respect, it must first become respectable. There are no respectable governments on the earth
right now, because all governments put their own interests ahead of the interests of their populations.
- Government must not put itself first:
- Government must never make itself special in the public eye.
- The rights of others must trump the rights of government.
- Government must be regulated more than people and business are.
- Civil rights and freedoms are more important than security.
- A government that takes away rights, in order to preserve itself, becomes unnecessary.
- The needs of the people outweigh the desires of government.
- Special permission shall not be required for someone to sue government.
- Government shall not compete with private enterprise.
- The following shall not be owned by government. They compete with or prevent the existence of similar private services:
- Utilities
- Delivery services (including mail)
- Sports arenas
- Schools, Colleges, and Universities
- Factories
- Vehicles used for private transport
- Parking garages
- Buildings used or rented out for commerce
- Housing
- Medicine
- Insurance
- Any news medium, including the press and broadcasting stations
- Auditoriums, theaters, and other venues for performing arts
- Businesses
- Franchises
- Government must not take sides in any dispute
- Government may stop one side from attempting to violate the rights of others.
- Disputes may be resolved by nongovernment arbitrators agreed to by all parties.
- Disputes shall be resolved by juries in civil courts.
- Government must never get special deals.
- Government may never give itself any special deal in any market that other individuals or businesses are not allowed
to have.
- There shall not be a special favored interest rate for government borrowing.
- Government shall not have first pick in public sales or auctions.
- In an estate or bankruptcy is being settled, all other creditors shall be paid first. Government must wait to claim
any taxes or debts owed from the remainder. But government may not take more than 10 percent of the remainder. The rest
of any debt owed to government must be forgiven.
- Government officials must not have armed guards.
- The threat of armed retribution by the populace is the ONLY deterrent to excessive government.
- The second amendment was intended as just such a check on government power.
- Government must never be allowed to prohibit the people from having the means to stop runaway
- People have the right to bear arms for this purpose.
- No gun control.
- We should have the right to petition the recall of all government officials.
- There shall be only three levels of government: federal, state, and county.
- Municipal, township, precinct, and district governments must be abolished.
- There shall be no appointed boards to run specific functions of government, including school boards.
- Extra governments needlessly duplicate functions and officials, and cause higher taxes.
- Symbols of government shall not be protected against demonstrators.
- This includes flags, seals and other symbols.
- They are just symbols, not sacred artifacts.
- Only those who worship government demand that they be protected.
- Government shall not be worshipped.
- Why government must be last: Government is inherently stupid:
- The whole of any government can be no smarter than the stupidest person in that government.
- A legislative house is no more intelligent than the stupidest voting member.
- A legislator is no more intelligent than the stupidest voter who voted for him.
- Where administrative law exists, the stupidest bureaucrat is usually the limiting factor of the intelligence of
that government.
- Stupidity exists in the ranks of police and prosecutors when they decide on a single theory of a crime before
the investigation is over.
- The total tax rate is usually a good indicator of the stupidity factor.
- When the Plurality Voting System is used, the result of an election is usually stupid.
- Corollary: The stupidest person wins each race.
- Corollary: An occasional race where the winner is not stupid has no effect, since stupidity always holds the
- Stupidity cannot be destroyed. It can only be changed into various forms.
- No government, person, or group has any right to interfere with religious beliefs:
- Nobody shall be forced to obey any religion.
- Nobody shall be prevented from performing actions that are required by religions, unless such actions
are done to physically or materially harm others.
- Nobody shall be forced to do anything that is prohibited by any religion.
- No religion shall be forced to change its beliefs.
- Nobody shall be discriminated for or against due to religious beliefs.
- Nobody shall be denied rights or funding others receive, due to any religious membership, religious
school attendance, religious college major, or religious job.
- No school shall require a course with teachings that violate or contradict any religion.
- Materials needed for religious ceremonies shall not be prohibited.
- Government and politicians shall never demand to be worshiped.
- No religious organization shall be forced to hire nonmembers.
- No religious belief shall be part of the law (other than similar civil rights).
- No religious offerings or organizations shall be taxed.
- No alternative school user shall be taxed to support public education.
- Government must be religion-neutral, not anti-religion.
- Government must never favor or oppose certain religions.
- Government must not be anti-religion.
- Government must not adopt policies that are offensive to any religion.
- People hate governments that interfere with religion.
- According to some religions, some acts of government interference can prevent entry into the afterlife.
- Most religions are defined by immutable ancient texts. They may not be changed.
- Government has no right to interfere with religion.
- There cannot be such a thing as freedom from religion.
- Government may do the following with respect to religion:
- Protect the same civil rights any religion independently protects.
- Prohibit members of religions from murdering, maiming, kidnapping, or destroying the property of others.
- Keep religions from forcing their rules upon nonmembers.
- Keep religions from controlling government.
- Equally fund education in both religious and secular schools and majors.
- These religious activities do not force religion onto others:
- Exposure to religion or religious teachings, unless others are forced to watch or listen to them.
- The presence of religious sights or sounds near a workplace.
- Handing out pamphlets, unless others are required to take them.
- Refusing to do something that someone else wants done, due to a religious objection to doing it.
- Obeying a religion by avoiding forbidden acts that are practiced by other religions.
- These are religions. Their beliefs must not be part of public policy or be forced onto others. Their
beliefs may not be taught in any school, unless either all religions are taught in that school, or the school is
a religious school:
- Any group worshiping a deity, whether spiritual, material, or conceptual
- Any political belief
- Environmentalism (but not scientifically proved and verified ecological science)
- Political Correctness (the Baha'i Faith plagiarized)
- Evolution as the origin of life:
- Rules that treat miracles as random chance discriminate against religion.
- It's not a theory - mutation causes in the past aren't testable. It's the null hypothesis.
- Humanism, Secular Humanism, Humanitarianism, and Statism (worshiping people and/or government).
- Any movement using bad science to "prove" its belief.
- Anything that is part of a religion, such as Yoga, American Indian lore, Mandala creation, or
Transcendental Meditation.
- Abortion is murder.
- Killing a human being who has not been found guilty of a capital crime, and who is not in the process of
endangering lives or property, is murder.
- An unborn baby is a human being. To kill it without first convicting it of a capital crime is murder.
- But an abortion may be performed to save the mother's life if the pregnancy is medically endangering life.
- The status of homosexuality is a religious belief.
- The belief on the permissibility of homosexuality is different for each different religion.
- Thus, homosexuality cannot be a civil right freed from discrimination, except as a practice of any religion that
permits it. Any other rights policy gives homosexuals a special civil right at the expense of the religious rights of
- Political Correctness and other liberal religions do not have special status. They are equal in
status to all other religions.
- Homosexuality is not hereditary. The science saying it is hereditary is bad science.
- If homosexuality were found to be hereditary, it would disprove the natural selection part of Evolution.
- Most religions treat homosexuality as a sin (prohibited behavior).
- Homosexuality cannot be used as a right in order to prevent someone from obeying religious requirements to avoid
the presence of sin.
- Those practicing homosexuality are not to be mistreated. They may be warned about the eternal consequences of
homosexual acts that certain religions believe in.
- Most religions believe that homosexual cravings are similar to cravings for other pleasures (such as gambling),
and that people should have the power to control their own cravings.
- Government is wrong to claim that homosexuality is an inevitable trait.
- Government has no right to try to change any religious beliefs.
- Political beliefs should have the same status as religious beliefs.
- Most political beliefs are beliefs that cannot be proved. Thus, they have the properties of religious beliefs.
- The political beliefs of many people are the result of their religious beliefs.
- Political Correctness and other liberal beliefs do not have special status. They are equal in
status to all other beliefs and religions.
- Most political beliefs on homosexuality and abortion are based on religious beliefs.
- Political beliefs are not facts.
- Those with certain political beliefs are not to be mistreated or discriminated against.
- Government is wrong to side with certain political beliefs and shun others.
- Government has no right to try to change any political beliefs.
- Only the Independent Voting System is free from bias.
- Independent Voting lets you vote YES or NO, or abstain (not entering a vote) on each choice, independently
of your votes on other choices in the same race.
- All of the other election systems either give some voters more power than others have, or are biased
for or against certain choices.
- Plurality Voting: Biased toward isolated choices, against nearly similar choices, given 3 or more choices.
- Approval Voting: More power to those choosing multiple choices. Biased against isolated choices.
- Condorcet Voting: Biased toward similar choices, against isolated choices.
- Ranking Voting: Biased toward centrist choices, against outlying choices. Can't discern whether voter likes or
dislikes a given choice (ranking is a poor way to measure anything).
- For more information on Independent Voting: click here.
- No public office holder or resignee shall run for
office on any ballot before the current term of office expires.
- Ideally, no person should hold an elected public office more than once in his entire life. This gives more people a
chance at holding office.
- Practically, this requires that any elected official must take time out and WORK AT A REAL JOB
before running for office again. Lobbying is not a real job.
- Unless disabled, no former nonmilitary public office holder shall collect any government pension or stipend
before the normal age of retirement.
- This is more effort to require officials to take time out and hold real jobs.
- No person who has ever been convicted of any felony or misdemeanor shall run for or hold any elected or
appointed public office, including police officer.
- This gives a double incentive to obey the law.
- Lawbreaking politicians must be banned from politics.
- Politicians convicted of breaking the law while in office must be removed from office - no
- While arrest may not be used as a trick to prevent an elected legislator from voting in the legislature, an
indicted legislator must be arrested as soon as the legislature adjourns.
- Any person acquitted on appeal may run for office, but no person given an executive pardon may run
for office.
- It should be a felony to lie to win an election.
- This includes candidates and campaigners.
- This includes false statements made against a candidate.
- This includes third parties and political action groups attempting to influence an election.
- Government may never create policies that favor one political party or position over another one.
- Government must also not create policy just for the purpose of creating policy.
- If a policy is not absolutely necessary, it must not be created.
- Candidates shall not entice voters with monetary value.
- That kind of act is buying votes.
- Voters shall not be given gifts in exchange for voting.
- Politicians may never promise policies that give money to poor people in order to win an election.
- Candidates shall not promise money from the treasury in exchange for votes.
- The media must not take sides in elections.
- The press must never take sides in elections.
- The press must never take sides for or against any tax change.
- TV Entertainers must not use the popularity of their characters to affect elections.
- The opinions of anyone in an entertainment industry on the subjects of business, economics, or the military are
dubious at best. They are unlikely to be expert opinions.
- This includes movie stars, TV celebrities, recording stars, newscasters, and all other practitioners of the arts.
- Any person who is an expert in business or economics would get out of the entertainment business with haste, and
into another, more stable line of work.
- Practitioners of the arts do not want to have to justify their products to private sponsors.
- Thus, practitioners of the arts are biased toward government funding for the arts. This means that they are biased
toward socialism.
- Government funding for the arts should never be allowed, because art is not a necessity.
- Educators must not take sides in elections in the classroom.
- Educators must never take sides in elections in the classroom.
- Educators must never take sides for or against any tax change in the classroom.
- Those hiring educators must not use their authority to cause employees to affect elections.
- The hiring, promotion, and firing of educators must not be based on political or religious belief.
- Instead of recounts in cases of fraud or a close election, there must be a revote.
- No person who failed to vote in the regular election may vote in the revote.
- Only the disputed race or races must be revoted.
- Special elections, never appointments, must fill vacancies in elected offices.
- No laws should ever be made by appointed people.
The rules for taxation and spending should be:
- Taxes are for funding essentials and services that people are required by law to use. They are
not for anything else.
- User fees are for funding nonessentials and optional services. They are not for anything
- Any tax and fee arrangement other than this misuses the taxpayer and usually hurts the poor
the most.
- Any politician who is constantly looking for more things to tax belongs in prison.
- The CASCADING TAX EFFECT must be removed.
- Taxing a business actually taxes the consumers who buy the products that business makes
or sells.
- This is the cascading tax effect. It is discussed in the section on economics, found here.
- This is a hidden tax on the poor, so it must be abolished.
- No more than 10 percent of income may be taken from any individual or business by any
combination of government taxation.
- This is not anti-government. Above 10 percent, taxation reduces business and consumption enough that raising the
tax rates reduces government purchasing power.
- High tax rates also cause more people to need public assistance, limiting government purchasing
power. Such overtaxation creates poverty.
- Government should charge fees for optional nonessential uses of government facilities.
- The gasoline tax is really a user fee to pay for the roads.
- Government shall also have the right to place a surtax on products that can cause others to harm bystanders when
they are used, such as alcohol, tobacco, recreational drugs, and pornography.
- Nothing may be taxed except the purchase of new merchandise that is not essential to
- This type of tax prevents poor people from having to pay taxes they cannot afford.
- Property tax, income tax, excise tax, and border duties all cost the poor.
- Exempting essentials, and prohibiting tax on the sale of used goods, ensures that poor people don't pay taxes.
- Income tax and withholding keep the poor from doing odd jobs to survive.
- Renters, not landlords, really pay property tax. It's included in the rent as a cost of
providing the residence.
- If someone can afford a new nonessential without starving his family to buy it, that person has enough to
pay taxes.
- Television and entertainment are not essentials.
- Government shall not charge fees for required, necessary, or emergency services.
This means:
- Legally required uses of government facilities must not charge user fees.
- Emergency services (such as firefighting or ambulance) must not require payment for the services.
- Exercising one's civil rights (such as voting) shall not incur monetary charges.
- Nobody shall be required to pay for obtaining law enforcement or justice.
- But those who turn in false alarms shall be charged for triple the costs.
- Services funded with tax money shall not also charge user fees.
- Charging for justice means that the poor don't get justice.
- Charging for emergency services is a slap in the face to a disaster victim. It's government greed.
For more information on fair taxation,
click here.
- Any creation or change in a tax or a government fee shall be by voter referendum using the
Independent Voting System.
- Politicians must not have the power to set tax rates, fee schedules, their own salaries, or the salaries of other
- Voters must approve any change in revenue raising methods or salaries.
- Government must not spend tax money on nonessentials.
- Tax money spent on nonessentials is really stolen from the taxpayer.
- User fees and donations must be used to fund nonessentials.
- Taxes must be restricted to funding absolutely essential services.
- Absolutely essential services shall include:
- Police, Fire, Emergency Services, and the Military
- Crime Investigation, Justice, and Corrections
- Elimination of proven hazards to unwitting bystanders
- Public Health, Safety, and Sanitation
- Legislation and the Executive
- Education funding for the essentials (but not to pay for the schools themselves)
- Emergency poor relief
- Nothing else
- Absolutely essential services shall NEVER include:
- Anything having to do with the arts, sports, entertainment, or recreation
- Museums, monuments, memorials, statues, and other honors to politicians
- Beautification, fancy architecture, gardens, decorative fountains, etc
- Parks, trails, swimming pools, ice rinks, and bicycle paths
- Landscaping for purposes other than erosion control
- Advertising other than that required by law
- Utilities
- Land or buildings for anything in this list
- The budget for each government shall be kept in surplus, or at least balanced, unless the economy is
in recession.
- The surplus shall be kept in bank accounts earning interest.
- Surpluses must be saved for times when the economy is in a recession, and unable to supply the normal tax revenue.
- Attempting to spend any of the saved surplus when the economy is not in recession shall be a felony.
- Tax rates shall never be raised during a recession.
- Doing so prolongs the recession.
- Attempting to raise tax rates to replace lost revenue when the economy is in recession shall be a felony.
- Such an attempt is an attempt to place government higher than the people.
- Social Security is nothing but a legalized Ponzi (pyramid) scheme.
- A legitimate retirement system means each person has an individual account that earns
- Medicare and Medicaid are similar pyramid schemes.
- Government must stop taxing the poor
- Social security is now taxed.
- Pensions are now taxed.
- Unemployment is now taxed.
- People making well below the poverty are now taxed.
- People doing odd jobs are now taxed extra.
- The occupants of rental dwellings, instead of the owners, are now taxed by property tax.
- Look how GREEDY government is!
- An additional check is needed against runaway government taxation and spending.
- The checks and balances against this were accidentally amended out of the Constitution.
- Now all government officials have a built-in bias toward higher government budgets, because they desire to
increase their own salaries.
- This must be changed.
- Omnibus budget bills are unconstitutional, but nobody will challenge them.
- Omnibus budget bills must be abolished, because they encourages overspending.
- The Independent Voting System must be used for the budget.
- The burden of proof of the need for regulation is always on government.
- Especially, government must always prove its case before regulating or taxing.
- Regulation on scientific grounds requires independently verified scientific proof.
- Statistics, the methods of political science, and bad science are not considered to be proof.
- Scientific proof must be independently verified by disinterested scientists.
- The use of bad science to try to enact regulation shall be a felony.
- Government must consider how many jobs any new regulation will destroy.
- Regulation costs business, which reduces the number of jobs.
- Government must be limited in what it may regulate.
- Government may not prohibit any act, except:
- Deliberate attempts to harm others.
- Acts physically harming others.
- Putting people or their property in danger without notice and consent.
- Reckless behavior.
- Government may not regulate or require licensing, except:
- Activities that can endanger others or their property if done wrong.
- Occupations trusted with large sums of money.
- Government exceeds its authority if it prohibits or licenses anything else.
- Licensing other occupations costs the working poor.
- Government must never act solely on the unproved fear that something bad might happen.
- Statistics, the methods of political science, and bad science are not considered to be proof.
- Scientific proof must be independently verified by disinterested scientists.
- The use of bad science to try to enact regulation shall be a felony.
- Freedom is more important than security.
- Driving a car is regulated because doing it wrong can kill.
- Prices and wages may not be regulated. They pose no risks to life, limb, or property.
- Government has no right to require that everything be super-safe or idiot-proof.
- Obvious hazards will be seen. Normal people will take precautions.
- Annoyance is not sufficient grounds for government regulation.
- Nuisance prohibitions often cost the poor their businesses.
- Alcohol and drug use can cause harm to others
- Therefore, they can be regulated.
- I suggest that alcohol consumption should be licensed.
- It shall be a felony if government officials violate alcohol regulations.
- Government must never use quotas
- Government must not limit the number of businesses in an industry.
- Government must not control the number of people or products entering or leaving the country.
- Fireworks may be regulated, but not prohibited
- Two safety distances must be printed on each firework.
- The maximum distance the firework can travel.
- The user must make sure that no combustibles or persons unaware of the firework are within this range.
- The distance an explosion can cause harm.
- The user must make sure that no persons or propellable objects are within this range.
- The user must be sure he is able to move out of this range.
- The firework must provide enough time for the user to get out of range.
- A license should be required for fireworks that can do the following:
- Explode with enough force to cause serious injury or major damage more than 3 feet away.
- Fly with enough impact to cause serious injury or major damage.
- Propel other objects with enough impact to cause serious injury or major damage.
- Administrative law must be totally abolished.
- Appointed people must never have the power to make law.
- Only elected legislators should make law.
- Those who would appoint people to make law fear repudiation at the next election.
- Administrative law unjustly sidesteps the electoral process.
- Appointed experts should be used to apply already created laws where expertise in a technical area is necessary.
- Examples of this are traffic control and structural safety.
- Layman politicians should be prohibited from actually applying these laws, because they do not
have the necessary training.
- Government has no right to regulate the economy.
- Government may make adjustments in spending to stabilize the economy.
- Government may prevent the crimes of monopoly and fraud.
- Government has no right or power to regulate profit except in the case of monopoly.
- When government covets and takes profit away from business, it destroys jobs.
- Government has absolutely no right to control prices, wages, quantities, profits, imports, and exports.
- The rest of the economy is none of government's business.
- Everything that government does to the economy causes side effects that make the economy worse.
- The side effects of government actions put companies out of business.
- Such actions hurt the poor first.
- Government shall not enact laws containing numbers, weights, or measures.
- Exceptions:
- To fix the standard values of weights and measures.
- To set terms of offices, licenses, and punishments for crimes.
- Safety limits of the amount of weight placed on structures.
- No numerical possession limits should exist.
- Monopoly must always be prohibited.
- Every monopoly causes prices to be higher, which hurts the poor.
- The union shop is a monopoly that throws people out of work.
- Government must not create utility monopolies:
- Government must not cause monopolies in order to simplify regulation.
- Monopoly is bad enough. When government encourages monopoly in order to make its own job become easier,
it's even worse.
- Government must not limit the number of utility services occupying public property.
- Governments may not own utilities.
- Choice must exist for all forms of the utilities in any area.
- Choice must exist in the mail too.
- Governments must bid out each individual purchase, not yearly contracts for supplies.
- Patents and copyrights must be limited.
- Patents and copyrights are monopoly powers.
- Patents and copyrights must not last longer than 20 years.
- Patents and copyrights must expire earlier if the protected product is removed from the retail market for at
least one year.
- All patents and copyrights must allow compulsory licensing to all comers.
- The biggest problem with patents and copyrights is that they allow the creator of a work to do the actual labor
of creation only once, but require them to be paid for that same physical labor many times over. If they are to be
paid many times, they should be required to do the labor many times.
- Copy-protection systems must be abolished permanently.
- Copy-protection is a monopoly power.
- Copy-protection illegally persists after the patent or copyright expires, or is placed in the public domain.
- Copy-protection systems often fail when operating systems are upgraded, losing the protected information or
damaging other material.
- Serial copy management is copy-protection.
- Area restrictions used on DVDs are a form of copy protection.
- Government shall never advocate or require the obsolescence of products.
- Examples of cases where government wrongly caused products to become obsolete:
- FM radios and TVs made before World War II
- 23-channel Citizens Band radios
- Cyclamates (due to bad science)
- Radio-controlled models on the old frequencies
- The forced changeover to HDTV
- Light bulbs.
- The Franklin Computer
- The Kodak Instant Camera
- Cars people can fix themselves
- Examples of cases where government encouraged business to make products obsolete:
- The removal of MS-DOS from computing
- Requiring people to replace computers every 3 to 5 years as Microsoft changes Windows
- Obsolescence of analog recordings
- Product obsolescence costs the poor.
- Government must not prohibit stupidity, unless it endangers others.
- Deliberately using a product wrong shall not be illegal.
- Deliberately risking one's own life shall not be illegal.
- Injuring oneself doing something stupid shall not be illegal.
- Endangering others is culpable, and should be illegal.
- Anyone doing something stupid makes himself liable for any damages, but it must not be a crime.
- The most government can require is a warning label.
- It's not government's job to make the world super-safe. It's the individual's job to be careful.
- It is not government's place to be a nanny.
- Government has no right to prohibit the existence of objects or substances, unless they are hazards to
unsuspecting bystanders when used correctly.
- Possession of natural substances may not be prohibited.
- Abuse of natural substances may be prohibited if such use can endanger others.
- Accidents caused by drug abuse are plenty of reason to ban drug abuse.
- Modifying a natural substance makes it no longer a natural substance.
- Drug abuse conviction penalties should include loss of all government benefits, copyrights, patents, and licenses,
because the damages caused by drug abusers cost government money.
- Drug abuse should not lead to incarceration unless the user commits other crimes. Sellers of illegal drugs shall
also be held liable for harm done because of the drugs they sold.
- Cars must not be made structurally weaker to meet gas mileage goals.
- Environmentalism is a religion, and shall not become part of public policy.
- Government shall not punish anyone for doing something that was legal where and when it was done.
- The church controls whether or not someone is married. Government shall have no control over marriage, including
any age limitation laws for married families.
- Anyone who uses dangerous drugs where they are legal shall not be charged with a crime or denied rights for failing
a drug test after entering an area where they are prohibited.
- Government has no power to regulate the economy in a way that works.
- Government has absolutely no power to control prices and wages.
- The economy always reacts in a way that undoes the benefit of the regulation.
- Everything that government does to the economy makes the economy worse.
- Such effects put companies out of business, hurting the poor.
- Government has no power to control markets.
- Whenever government tries to control a market, it causes shifts in many other markets.
- Those shifts cause undesirable effects elsewhere in the economy.
- Usually the undesirable effects undo the intended effect of the regulation.
- Inflation, unemployment, shortages, and industry flight are often caused by economic regulation.
- Usually the poor bear the brunt of every government attempt to control a market.
- Government has no power to create wealth.
- Only the following can create wealth:
- People working at jobs (the major source of wealth)
- Energy sources
- Product design
- Government can destroy wealth through taxation, regulation, and entitlements.
- Government doesn't have the resources to create any wealth, other than:
- Government can get out of the way by removing taxes and regulation.
- Government can provide transportation corridors to increase an area's production.
- Usually the poor lose ground anytime the government tries to "create wealth" for them.
- Government has no power to create jobs.
- Rich people create jobs by building factories to make products or offices to provide services.
- Government can destroy jobs through taxation and regulation.
- Government can destroy jobs through union shop laws (removing the right to work).
- Government can't create jobs in any way, except:
- Government can get out of the way by removing taxes and regulation.
- Government can provide transportation corridors to increase an area's production.
- Government attempts to create jobs usually destroy more jobs, as government taxes the necessary
revenue away from other businesses.
- Because of this, the poor are usually hit hardest anytime the government tries to "create jobs"
for them.
- Price and wage controls never have the intended effect.
- Most wage controls (including the minimum wage) cause inflation and job losses.
- Most price controls create product shortages and job losses.
- Farm price supports create product surpluses.
- Most of these effects end up undoing the original intent of the controls.
- In the case of wage controls, the inflation so caused undoes the benefit of the control.
- Minimum wage and living wage controls do not help the poor, because the inflation so caused
raises the prices they pay.
- Government has no right or power to regulate profit, except in case of monopoly.
- Without profit, business has no reason to hire.
- Taxation of business does not reduce profit. It increases product prices.
- When government covets and takes profit away from business, it destroys jobs.
- Excessive taxation and regulation causes businesses to flee the country.
- Government can't fund massive social programs
- The funds must come from tax revenue.
- Tax revenue comes from work and business.
- Higher taxes destroy jobs by soaking up the money needed to pay wages.
- With fewer people working (due to job destruction, and due to social programs attracting people to not work),
less wealth is created.
- Lower wealth creation means less tax revenue collected.
- Large government social benefits can't be funded without revenue.
- To fully fund all of the social programs the Democrats want would require a tax rate greater than 100 percent.
That's impossible.
- A tax rate of 100 percent means nobody will work, because they won't get any pay.
- Increasing one social program must necessarily reduce the others. They are competing for the same limited pool
of tax money.
- These failed attempts to fund massive social programs overtax the poor.
- Government can't make the employer pay the worker more than the work he does can be sold for.
- The employer has to sell the products the employee makes to get the money to pay him.
- There is no other source of money to use to pay the employee.
- This is an immutable physical law, not a man-made law that can be legislated away.
- Thus, the entire concept of the "living wage" is a farce.
- Government can not cure everything.
- Government has no way to create wealth.
- Government has no way to increase real wages.
- Government can't legislate away the laws of physics.
- Government can't control the climate.
- Government can't prevent disasters.
- Government can't help the poor very much.
- Without profit, business has no reason to hire.
- Without profit, there is no reason for a business to exist.
- People too often confuse wealth with money.
- Wealth is an amount of economic value that has been produced.
- Money is a storage and transport medium for wealth.
- The amount of money can change without changing the amount of wealth. Such a change is inflation.
- Work is the major source of wealth.
- Wealth is created when work is done to make products for sale.
- Wealth is created when work is done to sell products.
- Wealth is created when work is done to grow food.
- Without work, this stupid planet can't feed its human population.
- Wealth is destroyed when food and drink are consumed.
- Wealth is destroyed when products wear out or are thrown out.
- Wealth is destroyed when government collects taxes.
- Wealth is destroyed when money is given to a person who refuses to work.
- Wealth is regenerated when the energy from food and drink is used to do work.
- The economy is serial in nature, not parallel.
- Businesses are NOT the same as consumers. There are 5 different levels:
- Suppliers - provide the raw materials for manufacture
- Manufacturers - make the products
- Wholesalers - get the products to the various locations it is sold
- Retailers - sell the products to consumers
- Consumer-workers - buy the products, and work for the others
- Each level pays the costs incurred by all of the lower-numbered levels.
- Because the economy is serial, business taxes pile up on the consumer.
- The consumer pays the taxes of all five levels in the following way:
- The consumer works for one of the other four, producing income and work.
- The consumer pays 37 percent of his income in direct taxes.
- The consumer buys products with the other 63 percent of his income.
- The retail store pays 25 percent of its income in taxes.
This means the consumer pays an additional 15.8 percent of his income in taxes.
So only 47.3 percent of his income is spent on products as received from wholesalers.
- The wholesaler pays 25 percent of its income in taxes.
This means the consumer pays an additional 11.8 percent of his income in taxes.
So only 35.4 percent of his income is spent on products as received from manufacturers.
- The manufacturer pays 25 percent of its income in taxes.
This means the consumer pays an additional 8.9 percent in taxes.
So only 26.6 percent of his income is spent on finished products.
But 30 percent of the cost of making the product is for raw materials from suppliers.
- The supplier pays 20 percent of its income in taxes.
This means the consumer pays an additional 1.6 percent in taxes.
So only 25.0 percent of his income actually goes into making the products he buys.
- The other 75.0 percent of his income pays all of these taxes!
The numbers are simplified to make the math easier. But the effect is real.
- Additional facts from this cascading tax effect:
- Out of the 65 percent the worker spends on products, he gets an actual product value of 25 percent of his
- So the hidden tax he pays is 38 percent of his income, or 60.3 percent of the product price.
- People poor enough to not pay direct taxes pay only 60.3 percent of the money they spend on
products in taxes.
- Those poor people get a product value of 39.7 percent of the money they spend on products.
- Because the consumer is the only source of wealth, the consumer is the only source of tax money.
- Mass transit cannot possibly work for more than a small portion of the population.
- Mass transit most often fails because it does not serve most of the trips needed. If any one of the following is
true, mass transit cannot serve that trip:
- The conveyance doesn't go where the person is.
- The conveyance doesn't go where the person needs to go.
- It takes too long to get the person where he needs to be.
- The conveyance doesn't run at the time the person needs to be there.
- The conveyance doesn't run when the person needs to return.
- Something the person needs to take along is not allowed on the conveyance.
- Other passengers take things on the conveyance that the person is allergic to.
- The person needs to pick up or deliver large pieces of freight.
- The conveyances are never on time.
- The transit costs more than an automobile trip to the same place.
- It is better for government to allow conditions where jobs can flourish, instead of providing excess income
assistance for the poor without jobs.
- People working at jobs create most of the wealth.
- When government pays people who aren't working, it destroys wealth.
- This destruction of wealth makes it harder for the people who are working to earn enough to make a living too.
- The loss of wealth also makes it harder to find jobs, so some kind of short-term assistance is needed to cover
the gaps between jobs.
- Only the disabled should be collecting any kind of long-term assistance, and if they can find a way to work,
they should.
- The income tax rules make it especially hard for people to work doing odd jobs to make a living. Those
rules should be abolished.
- Likewise, the welfare and unemployment rules prevent people from working, unless they find a job paying
more than the program.
- The higher the tax rate is, the less money the people have available to spend after taxes.
- Higher taxes cause less business activity.
- Less business activity causes job losses and lower tax revenue.
- Job losses mean less tax revenue and more government spending.
- More people will be poor if they raise taxes.
- Government has less discretionary money if they raise taxes.
- Massive social programs can not be funded
- No two of the following entitlements can fully exist at the same time:
- Large government social benefits
- Universal government health insurance
- A "living wage"
- No two of them can coexist without destroying the economy.
- This is because the exact same money must be divided between the social benefits, the insurance, and the
living wage.
- Increasing one social program must necessarily reduce some of the others. The available tax money is finite. This
is a natural limitation that cannot be legislated out of existence.
- No worker can be paid more than the products of his work can be sold for.
- This is because the employer has to sell the products of his work in order to have the money to pay him.
- There is no other source of money to use to pay the employee.
- This is an immutable physical law, not a man-made law that can be legislated away.
- The concept of the "living wage" is a farce.
- Health insurance that covers routine office visits and elective medical procedures is not really
- It becomes an expensive credit card.
- The entire insured group makes payments on the card.
- In order for it to be insurance, the probability of a payout must be low.
- Insurance must be limited to paying for necessary medical procedures that are not routine in nature.
- Preventive medicine may be paid for by insurance only if it can be shown to reduce overall payouts by preventing
diseases that cause payouts.
- Unnecessary medicine shall never be paid by insurance.
- Birth control, fertility, botox, and cosmetic procedures are not necessary.
- Health insurance raises the cost of medicine by changing the market.
- The burden of proof is always on government, except in the following cases:
- appeals
- lawsuits against government
- The burden of proof is ALWAYS on government in tax and tax evasion, even in appeals and cases of suits against government:
- Government must always have the burden of proving a tax debt beyond a reasonable doubt.
- Government must not seize property on tax liens until after the government wins in court.
- There shall be no special tax courts.
- Legal procedures for tax cases shall follow criminal law procedures.
- The maximum penalty for tax evasion shall be double the tax owed. There shall be no jail time for tax evasion. Jail
for tax crimes is government making itself first.
- If it is found that the tax was collected when it was not owed, the tax shall be paid back to the taxpayer double.
- Statistics, the methods of political science, and junk science are not considered to be proof.
- The use of bad science as proof in court shall be a felony.
- If government wants to stop criminal activity, it must wait until the criminal actually commits a
- Government has no right to try to prevent the crime before it occurs (other than using high penalties or
informant tips).
- Government must not penalize innocent parties or violate civil rights in the attempt to
stop crime.
- Government has no right to prohibit possession of things that might be used by criminals, if they also have
legitimate uses.
- Government has no right to prohibit situations that could tempt criminals.
- Government has no right to lie to people about what the law is (in order to entrap them).
- Government has no right to damage the property of innocent people to stop a fleeing criminal.
- It is often better to follow the thief and nab him when he is not expecting it.
- If police damage property owned by innocent people in the attempt to stop fleeing criminals, government must pay
double damages.
- Government should have the right to do anything legal to a fleeing felon to stop him.
- I would suggest doing wacky things to fleeing robbers, such as locking them between double door sets, releasing
millions of ping-pong balls in their escape path, or diverting them into hallways that go nowhere.
- Actually, the item that has stopped more fleeing felons than any other is the traffic jam.
- The things done to stop the fleeing criminal must not put other people or their property in jeopardy.
- If the felon is fleeing in a car, a check must be made to find out if the car is stolen. If it is stolen, the
property rights of the real owner must be respected.
- Banks and stores should have similar powers, provided that other patrons are not endangered.
- Property owners should have the right to wound trespassers nonfatally, or fatally if the criminal
- Rental tenants and police should also have this right.
- A warning must be given first, if there is time. It may be a verbal warning or a shot. The warning shot must be
aimed where it will not endanger people or damage the property of others. Shooting into the air endangers others.
- Criminals lose their rights when they infringe upon the rights of others.
- Any person who is trying to destroy human lives or property waives his rights by infringing on the rights
of others.
- The victim, and others coming to the victim's aid, have the right to use lethal force to stop a criminal who is
threatening to steal property, destroy property, kill people, or injure people.
- It is preferable to use force in ways that disable rather than kill, but if there is urgency, killing is allowed.
- The person who used deadly force shall not deliberately try to kill, but he must not be treated differently
later depending on whether the criminal ends up dead or alive.
- If the criminal lives, he shall not be allowed to sue or do anything else to those who used force to stop him.
- This use of deadly force to prevent crime or stop a fleeing felon shall not be prosecuted. The criminal's loss
is on his own head.
- Government must always have a warrant to conduct a search.
- A warrant may be faxed or emailed to police once obtained, provided the original is available in court.
- Government never has the right to damage or destroy property during a search.
- Searchers must put everything back the way they found it, except for any seized items.
- If police damage property during the search, government must pay triple damages, whether the owner of the property
is innocent or guilty of any crime.
- This is to protect innocent people from mistakes or malice by police.
- Police and officers of the court must not lie to people about what the law is, or about whether a given
action is legal or illegal.
- This is to prevent police and prosecutors from instigating a person into committing an illegal act by
misrepresenting the law, and then arresting that person for the illegal act.
- An exception is if the policeman or other officer of the court is undercover, and the other person has no reason
to believe that he is a policeman or an officer of the court. But this person must still never induce someone
else to commit a crime.
- Police, officers of the court, and other government officials must not be given powers to break the law.
- Government must never give its employees special powers that other people do not have.
- If a government employee is to be specially exempt from a law, the exemption must be specifically included in that
law, and the employee positions so exempted must be specifically listed in that law. An example is allowing greater
speed and special right-of-way for emergency
- Legislators must not be exempted from any law. Any immunity from arrest while the legislature is in session shall
delay the arrest until the session adjourns for the rest of the year.
- Foreign diplomats shall not be exempted from the law. Any law that offends a foreign people probably should not be
a law at all.
- Police and prosecutors must NEVER restrict their actions to just one theory of the crime
- They must collect and have available ALL of the evidence, until the evidence itself rules out all other plausible
theories of the crime.
- This is to prevent police and prosecutors from charging the wrong person, based solely on failure to pursue theories
other than the one favored by the investigators.
- If there is a dispute as to which of two or more defendants committed the crime, then ALL of them shall be charged,
and the SAME trial shall decide which ones are guilty and which are innocent.
- Any policeman or court official who conceals exculpatory evidence shall be guilty of a felony, and shall never
work in law enforcement or a courtroom again.
- Police and prosecutors must never use statistics to decide on a theory of the crime.
- Statistics are useful only for generalities, not for specific events.
- Statistics can never be used to prove anything.
- Anyone wrongly prosecuted due to statistical profiling shall receive fivefold restitution for all damages incurred.
The person using statistics shall pay the restitution, not the real criminal.
- The use of statistics to decide who to prosecute slants future statistics, making them inaccurate.
- Owners must be compensated for any property seized as evidence in a case.
- The item must be immediately replaced with an identical one, if possible.
- A one-of-a-kind or sentimental item must be returned to the rightful owner after the trial. Examples include
photographs, works of art, heirlooms, and other unique items.
- If the item is kept, and then later returned, the owner must be compensated for actual losses incurred due to its
- This keeps witnesses and innocent owners from being penalized by criminal investigations and civil cases.
- Special rules must apply if physical evidence is part of real property.
- If possible, photography should be used to portray the evidence.
- Another possibility is to take the jury to see the evidence in place.
- Living plants must not be cut down for evidence seizure.
- If a portion of real property must be severed from the real property to be seized as physical evidence, an
identical replacement item, or one approved by the property owner, must be installed to replace the item removed.
- If the object is one-of-a-kind or sentimental, the original object shall be replaced in its place after the trial.
- Searches and seizures of evidence must never cause property to become vulnerable to damage, collapse, fire, weather,
intruders, thieves, or wild animals.
- For example, if police seize a front door as evidence, an equivalent replacement door with an equivalent lock must
be immediately installed at the time of seizure.
- Other property must never be left vulnerable by the seizure.
- The loser of the case must pay these costs (see above).
- Any person suspected of a crime must submit DNA samples when they are needed.
- Police must not be allowed to force the use of hypodermic needles or other devices that penetrate the skin to
collect DNA evidence.
- Saliva or another noninvasive means of collection must be used to obtain DNA for identification.
- DNA and other materials collected from a suspect are NOT evidence of a crime, but are evidence of the
person's identity.
- Use of identity materials is not a case of self-incrimination.
- Materials collected at the scene of the crime could be evidence of the crime, and evidence of the stupidity of
the criminal for leaving
them there.
- But it is also possible that the DNA found at the scene is not connected with the crime. Other possibilities are:
- Criminals stole and planted the DNA to mislead police.
- The DNA was left at the scene before or after the crime.
- The DNA was left somewhere else, and taken to the crime scene by other means.
- Authorities must not assume that DNA or fingerprints found at the scene of a crime are connected with the crime,
unless they are in places only the criminal could have left them.
- Government shall not keep identity records of people who are cleared of suspicion in a criminal
- Police and other authorities may keep records of anyone convicted of a crime forever.
- The identity record of a person suspected, but not convicted of a crime, may be kept until the crime is solved, or
when the statute of limitations for the crime expires, whichever occurs first.
- The records of innocent people must be expunged as soon as the real criminal is convicted.
- Witnesses to crimes must be deposed as soon as they are found to be witnesses.
- If the witness is then subsequently killed, the deposed testimony shall be presented at the trial.
- The defendant loses the right to cross-examination of any dead witness.
- This makes witness-killing hurt the defendant's case.
- The deposition shall ALWAYS be allowed in court if the witness dies or is threatened before the trial.
- Trials for impeachment shall be carried out in the criminal court that has jurisdiction over the alleged
- The trial shall not take place in a legislature.
- The criminal trial shall take place before the impeachment case is heard.
- If the verdict is "not guilty", no impeachment hearing shall be held.
- If the verdict is "guilty", the sentencing hearing shall determine whether or not removal from office shall
take place.
- Removal from office shall not be plea-bargained away.
- All misdemeanor and felony convictions shall require removal from office.
- It shall be a felony for a juror to base his vote on the popularity of the politician being tried, instead of on
the evidence in the case.
- Criminals must never profit from their crimes.
- Convicted criminals must pay triple restitution to all victims of their crimes.
- These criminals must be required to work to earn the amount of restitution paid.
- Conviction of the crime must in itself be enough to require restitution, without the victim having to take the
matter to civil court.
- Triple restitution must include return of all stolen items, plus twice the value of the items stolen, paid by
the thief. If the stolen property can not be found, the restitution must be a payment of three times the value.
- If the stolen items no longer exist, or cannot be found, the thief must pay triple.
- The poor are often the victims of crimes, and have no insurance to replace the things taken
from them.
- Triple damages must also be paid by the thief to any good faith buyer who has to surrender the stolen item to
the rightful owner.
- Destroyed property must be paid for in triple damages by the thief, vandal, or person fleeing police.
- All proceeds from any film or book produced about the crime shall go to the victims, but never to the criminal.
- Government shall give the damage money to the victims at the time of the crime, and then the criminal shall be
required to work in prison to earn the money to repay the government.
- A criminal who refuses to work in prison will have his sentence extended by two days for each day he refuses to
- The criminal shall not be fully released from the justice system until all restitution is paid in full.
- The loser of any court case must pay all costs of the case
- This includes all of these costs:
- Court costs
- Witness fees for both sides
- Costs of obtaining and testing evidence
- Costs of compensating owners for seized evidence (see below)
- Government shall pay the costs initially, and then be paid back after the trial.
- The criminal convicted in the criminal trial shall work to pay these costs.
- The victim restitution must be paid by the criminal first, before the costs of the trial.
- If the defendant is acquitted, the state must pay the costs.
- If the defendant was falsely charged, the persons responsible for the false charges must pay for the trial, and
pay a like amount to the wrongly charged person.
- If the real criminal is found after the trial, he must pay for both trials upon conviction. But if police misconduct
or statistical profiling caused the first trial, then those responsible for wrongly charging the first defendant shall
pay for that trial.
- The loser of any civil case pays court costs.
- Capital punishment is necessary to stop murder.
- The following crimes, and no other crimes, must be punished by the death penalty:
- Serial murder (insanity shall not be a defense for this crime)
- Second murder offense after arrest for first murder
- Murder as part of a sex crime
- Witness murder
- Terrorist acts resulting in death
- Murder as part of extortion
- Armed robbery resulting in death
- Murder to collect inheritance or insurance money
- Murder for hire
- Hiring murder
- Murder as part of another felony
- Murder to flee justice
- Murder through torture
- These penalties have two purposes:
- Deterring heinous crimes
- Preventing the same offender from doing it again
- There shall not be extended appeal times longer than one year.
- Assassination and treason are NOT in my list of death-penalty offenses.
- Government officials should not have special protections under the law that other people don't have.
- Assassination should be treated as murder.
- Treason must not be a crime, since the existence of such a crime is another case of government putting itself
- Plea-bargaining, if used, must never change the charged crimes.
- Plea bargaining may reduce the sentence, but not the charges.
- Plea bargaining must never remove the special penalties attached to sex crimes, habitual offenses, mandatory jail
sentences, or
the removal from office of offenders who are government officials.
- The prosecutor must never plea-bargain away the following requirements
- A sexual offender must register his address
- The third felony in a "three strikes" law
- The mandatory loss of driving privileges for life
- Mandatory jail sentences (such as for driving while suspended)
- The penalty for knowingly filing a false criminal charge should be the penalty for the crime falsely
- A false criminal charge of a death penalty crime shall have a life sentence.
- The penalty for making a threat should be to do to the person making the threat what he threatened to do
to others.
- A threat of bodily injury shall have a life sentence instead.
- A death threat shall have a life sentence, unless the threat is carried out. Then it is the death penalty.
- There shall be no parole.
- Misbehavior in prison shall add time to the sentence.
- An escape or escape attempt shall double the existing sentence (including any time or doubling already added
for previous escape activity and misbehavior).
- Prisoners shall never be allowed to associate with other prisoners.
- All interactions by prisoners shall be with guards, doctors, and other corrections personnel.
- Prisons shall be so constructed that contact between prisoners is impossible.
- Prisoners shall work for their keep.
- Prisoners shall not get special benefits from government.
- Entertainment, including television and music, shall not be allowed in prisons, except for educational and
rehabilitation purposes.
- Each prisoner shall be reminded that he put himself in jail.
- The prisoner must be repeatedly reminded that:
- He put himself in prison by committing the crime.
- If he hadn't committed the crime, he would not be in prison.
- Nobody was "out to get him" for any reason other than that he committed a crime.
- He is being punished for committing the crime, not because he was arrested.
- His being in prison was not the fault of any policeman, witness, prosecutor, or official. All of them were just
doing their jobs or civic duties.
- He will not get out until he admits that it was wrong to do what he did.
- Punishment is not revenge. Its purpose is to prevent crime.
- He must understand why it was wrong to do what he did.
- There must be no quota system for traffic tickets.
- This prevents police from hounding drivers or tricking them into violating traffic laws (through tailgating or
other dangerous acts).
- Traffic laws exist to prevent harm to others, not to raise revenue for government.
- Nobody who has anything to do with legislating traffic ordinances, enforcing the law, or administering justice
should be able to gain in any way from a traffic ticket. "Gain" includes having more money for the department
to spend, as well as any personal gain.
- A stranger to the area must be able to correctly use the traffic system without special knowledge.
- This means there must be no traffic or parking laws that are known to locals through newspaper articles or
broadcasts, but are not posted at the site where the law applies.
- All traffic laws must conform to the Uniform Traffic Code.
- ALL exceptions to the Uniform Traffic Code must be posted anywhere the exception is enforced.
- If speed limits must be used, notice of the speed limit shall require actual signs, posted where they may be seen
by anyone using the road, no matter where he enters that road.
- Default speed limits, whether local or statewide, shall not be enforced without signs posting the speed limit
being present.
- Signs must be placed wherever a regulation exists, posted where they may be seen by anyone using the road, no matter
where he enters that road.
- Lack of notice shall be a defense in any court case.
- Signs invisibly hidden in overgrowth shall constitute lack of notice.
- The yellow-trap hazard must be abolished.
- Yellow-trap has been a violation of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices since 2008.
- A yellow-trap accident is ALWAYS government's fault, since government set the trap.
- Simple methods exist to prevent yellow-trap.
- There is no excuse for government's ignorance of the problem.
- Judges should rule that all yellow-trap accidents are government's fault, and that those harmed by yellow-trap
accidents shall together sue government. Damages from such suits shall be paid treble, because government
malfeasance caused the accidents.
- Judges and the public shall be educated to recognize the yellow-trap hazard.
- Traffic tickets shall not be issued solely on identification of the vehicle
- The owner may not be the driver at the time of the offense.
- It is wrong to penalize the owner of a car for something done by his son, a mechanic, a parking valet, someone the
car was loaned to, or even a car thief.
- This prohibits red light cameras and automated speed traps, since they identify only the vehicle, not the driver
using it.
- Parking laws must be limited to no parking zones and disabled zones.
- There shall be no parking time limits, parking time charges, or parking meters. They are symptoms of
inadequately provided parking and greedy government putting itself first.
- Tolls shall not be collected by license plate number or other means identifying only the car.
- The owner may not be the driver at the time the car passes the tollgate.
- It is wrong to bill the owner of a car for something done by his son, a mechanic, a parking valet, someone the car
was loaned to, or even a car thief.
- Speed limits as numerical values must be abolished.
- Instead, optimum, safe median speeds based on actual traffic flow shall be posted, but not enforceable.
- Reckless driving shall consist of driving in such a way as to lose control of the vehicle, or causing others to
have to avoid colliding with the vehicle.
- It is a wrong against the public to make the speed that most of the traffic actually moves at on the road an
illegal speed.
- Too often, speed enforcement is intended for revenue-raising, instead of safety.
- Roads shall be designed to tolerate a wide variety of speeds.
- Speed is not the dangerous factor that many policemen say it is.
- Police say speed is dangerous because speeders are easier to catch and fine.
- Tailgating and illegal passing are the usual real causes for "speed" accidents.
- Repeated accidents in the same place shall be deemed to be the fault of the road.
- Government shall correct the dangerous condition.
- Government shall doubly reimburse the damages incurred due to the defective road.
- Slowing down IS the proper defensive driving to deal with a tailgater.
- It's the only defense that works.
- If police find a slow driver with a tailgater behind, the tailgater, not the slow driver, must be stopped.
- Safety is more important than either the driver's hurry or moving more traffic.
- Likewise, those laws requiring drivers to stay out of the left lane on divided highways unless passing must also
be abolished. They reduce highway capacity.
- Those having the power to pass traffic regulations, enforce them, or adjudicate tickets must not benefit
from traffic fines.
- This is to prevent police and prosecutors from creating speed traps and other dangerous locations to increase
revenue for their departments.
- All fine revenue should go to a restitution fund for victims of crime, not to a general fund.
- No traffic fine money must ever go to any fund paying salaries, or paying for the administration of justice.
- No adult may be compelled to use seat belts, and airbags may not be required in vehicles.
- However, insurance policies may specify that anyone found not wearing a seat belt in an accident will forfeit all
insurance benefits for medical bills or death. But government must not get the money either.
- This is an issue of an individual deciding to assume his own risk. It is not government's concern.
- Government's attempts to improve traffic accident statistics by restricting individual rights are more cases of
government putting itself first. The money should be spent on fixing hazards in the roads instead.
- Street trees are hazards.
- The probability that street trees keep a motorist from seeing a child running into the street is high.
- The probability that street trees keep an out-of-control car from hitting a child in a yard or on the
sidewalk is low.
- The sight distance hazard causes multiple dangers. One is the driver in his driveway who is unable to see traffic
on the street.
- Street trees must be banned. Trees must not be planted within 20 feet of the pavement.
- STOP signs must not be used for speed control.
- First of all, it doesn't work. Studies show the drivers speed up to compensate for the time lost at the
stop sign.
- Federal standards prohibit such uses.
- There are much more effective means. But speed bumps are not among them.
- The best method is to remove restrictions on the road that is supposed to be handling through traffic, so drivers
don't take shortcuts.
- Bicycles must obey vehicle traffic rules.
- Bicycles move too fast to obey pedestrian rules. So do Segways.
- Bicycles must obey all traffic laws, signs, and signals intended for motor vehicles.
- Most bicycle-motor-vehicle crashes are caused by the bicycle rider breaking a law.
- The usual cause of a bicycle accident is the bicycle rider doing something unexpected.
- Often the cause of a bike accident is the bicycle coming from an illegal (unexpected) direction.
- Another cause of bicycle accidents is failure of the bike rider to yield the right-of-way where required.
- Using a reflector instead of a headlight hides the bike from a motorist who overtook and passed the bike.
- Animal drawn vehicles and ridden animals must also obey vehicle traffic laws.
- Sidewalk bikes, skateboards, roller skates, tricycles, coaster wagons, and similar items are toys, and are not
allowed in traffic.
- The traffic laws for bicycles must be enforced.
- Driving unlicensed or with a suspended license must always have a jail sentence.
- Added suspension periods don't work.
- Something must be done to get unlicensed drivers off the road.
- The sentence must be at least 3 months, with the sentence doubling for repeat offenses.
- The jail sentence for this must never be plea-bargained away.
- Methods used to stop suspended driving must not penalize others who use the same car.
- Punitive damages must be limited to cases of malfeasance.
- Punitive damage must be restricted to actual cases of malice, recklessness, or criminal negligence.
- Punitive damages must never be used in cases of unforeseeable circumstances, and must not be used
to redistribute income.
- Punitive damages are a major cause of high health care costs.
- Courts must not create or change laws.
- Courts must not be allowed to create new laws or regulations.
- Courts must not change laws in any way.
- Courts can either strike down as unconstitutional entire laws, or uphold them as constitutional. They must not pick
and choose parts of laws.
- Changing laws is the job of the elected legislature, not the courts.
- Courts shall not have the power to change the meaning of the Constitution
- If there is a dispute in the meaning of the Constitution, it shall be resolved by an amendment sent to a
referendum vote.
- No court may remove any civil rights.
- It shall be a crime for a politician to invent a new meaning for a word in order to change the
meaning of the Constitution.
- It shall be a crime for a judge to inject his own politics into a court decision.
- It shall be a crime for those whose political beliefs lost in the election to use the courts to try to obtain
what they want through litigation.
- No judge shall have the power to overturn a jury verdict or a referendum vote.
- The verdict of a trial shall not be overturned unless one of the following is true:
- New evidence relevant to the case is discovered.
- Errors are found in the original court procedure.
- The jury was tampered with.
- The jury was falsely informed.
- Legal counsel was inadequate.
- If a judge decides the prosecution has not legally proved its case, he must decide so before the jury is given
the case.
- No court shall strike down the result of a referendum vote, unless voting fraud is evident. In that case, the
vote shall be redone.
- If a choice on a referendum is unconstitutional, that fact should be decided before the ballot is prepared, not
after the election is over.
- There shall be no appeal to a referendum vote, except to hold a second referendum one year later.
- The constitutions of lower governments shall trump laws passed by higher government legislatures.
- Higher governments shall have no remedy against a lower constitution, except to amend the higher constitution.
- Federal law shall not be allowed to violate any state constitutions.
- Federal law shall not force states to change their constitutions.
- Only the federal Constitution can force states to change their constitutions.
- If there is a conflict between a federal law and provision in a state constitution, the federal law must be
struck down.
- No law passed in a particular jurisdiction shall be restricted to just a portion of that
- The law should be the same everywhere in that jurisdiction.
- Tricks such as county population brackets shall not be used to sneak in such a law.
- Government has no right to plan private lives.
- Private lives are none of government's business, unless the law is broken.
- Government has enough to do without sticking its big fat nose into personal lives.
- Land use, zoning, sexual activities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, business transactions, mail, phone
conversations, and Internet use are none of government's business.
- But if such private things cause actual harm to others, then government has the right to act.
- Being annoyed is not being harmed. It's being a crybaby about unimportant trivia.
- People know what they themselves need much more than what some nutty bureaucrat knows.
- Usually the poor suffer most whenever government makes its plans.
- People have no right to plan the lives of others.
- Private lives are none of other people's business, unless the law is broken.
- Nobody should stick his big fat nose into his neighbors' personal lives.
- Land use, zoning, sexual activities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, business transactions, mail, phone
conversations, and Internet use are none of other people's business.
- Only if such private things cause actual harm to others do others have the right to act.
- Being annoyed is not being harmed. It's being a crybaby about unimportant trivia.
- People know what they themselves need much more than what some nutty neighbor knows.
- Usually the poor suffer most whenever others try to control them.
- People must have the right to be free from being identified by man-made numbers and codes.
- ID numbers, ID cards, tattoos, implanted computer chips, and other man-made codes must be
- Neither governments nor businesses should have any right to identify people with man-made
- Identification shall always be made through natural attributes of people, such as fingerprints, DNA, photography,
and other records of innate natural characteristics.
- The use of ID numbers has caused a flurry of identity theft. The same can also happen with anything else used to
identify people that is man-made.

- Many religions prohibit identification numbers and tattoos.
- A driver's license shall be used as proof the person is capable of driving, but shall NOT be used
for any other identification function, including proof of age.
- Government does NOT need to know who everyone is.
- The tax system must be changed (e.g. to a sales tax) so it doesn't need to know who the
taxpayer is.
- The crime of the future: Identity thieves using hole-saws to steal implanted identity chips from
living people.
- Age shall not be a legal determining factor of anything.
- Achievement and ability shall be the factors used, instead of age. And nobody shall be too old for anything.
- Any zoning laws that must exist shall give neighbors the right to reject certain activities that can be
harmful to neighboring people or property.
- The activity or situation must really be harmful, not just annoying.
- Zoning laws shall NOT have any form of planning staff or board that makes decisions that affect
- Currency must always be accepted as payment.
- No company may require credit cards or online payment.
- Many religions prohibit certain forms of payment.
- Many people don't trust some forms of payment.
- The poor may not have the required payment method available.
- RFID and video identification systems shall be abolished.
- Separation of school and state.
- Government must not inject its own political or fiscal interests into education.
- The politics of the party in power must not change education.
- The hiring, promotion, and firing of educators must not be biased by religious, political, or labor beliefs.
- Except in religious schools, educators must not teach in a manner favoring or opposing any particular religion.
- Except in religious schools, educators must not teach favoring or opposing any particular creed, including any
political belief.
- Educators must not teach in a manner favoring or opposing labor unions or management.
- Schoolteachers must use the best methods for the children, not the easiest methods.
- Phonics must be used to teach reading and spelling.
- Tax money shall never pay for any activities that do not directly contribute to education, including the arts, music,
sports, and extracurricular activities.
- Separation of medicine and state.
- Government must not inject its own political or fiscal interests into medicine.
- The politics of the party in power must not change medicine.
- Government must not control medicine, except where innocent lives are endangered by malice or ineptness.
- Government shall have the right to warn the public about ineffective practices, but shall have no power to stop
them unless they are dangerous or fraudulent.
- Government shall not allow medicine that deliberately ends human life.
- Government may hire doctors and other medical positions to provide free clinics as competition to bring prices down.
- Government shall never force any person to undergo medical procedures.
- Government may use a quarantine if needed to prevent the spread of disease.
- A quarantine is appropriate to end the AIDS epidemic.
- Authorities must never force the use of hypodermic needles or other devices that penetrate the skin to collect DNA or
disease evidence or administer medicine.
- No system of mind control must ever be developed.
- It could be used to influence elections.
- The victim, and others coming to the victim's aid, have the right to use lethal force to stop a criminal
- This criminal may be threatening to steal property, destroy property, kill people, or injure people.
- This use of deadly force shall not be prosecuted. The criminal's loss is on his own head.
- People have the right to buy the kind of computing they need
- People must once again have the power to write their own software, but computer terrorism must be stopped too:
- The operating system for a computer must be placed in read-only memory (ROM) or in the central processor itself, so
it can't be changed by those who would do harm. EEPROMs are NOT acceptable.
- The object code of a program must be human readable too.
- Web browsers and email programs must not have the power to execute code downloaded from a host.
- The operating system must not run all the time. Only when a program calls an operating system routine may the
operating system run, and then only during the need for that routine.
- Peripherals must be able to operate with both old and new software.
- New systems must not render old systems unusable.
- It shall be a crime to intentionally create software that requires other software, or requires the computer to
be replaced.
- All downloaded code must be in source code. Then, if the user wants to use the code, he must compile it himself.
- There shall be no copy protection systems.
- The user shall have his choice of computer languages to program in. Computer operating systems and employers must
never discriminate against programming languages.
- Features of computer languages, once implemented, shall never be deprecated.
- Upgrades must NEVER cause existing operational programs to stop working or to malfunction.
- Operating systems shall not have copyrights.
- Science needs unchanging computer systems. Upgrades destroy data-integrity tracking.
- Computing shall be a stable industry, not an industry of constant upgrades.
- Copyrights and patents must not be used to limit the kinds of computing available.
- People have the unalienable right to NOT change time twice a year.
- The change twice a year causes these troubles:
- Now that most houses have air conditioning, advancing the clocks WASTES energy, instead of saving it.
- World trade is confounded after the change due to the following effects:
- Some areas of the world shift as much as 3 hours relative to other areas.
- Different countries change time on different dates.
- Southern Hemisphere seasons are 6 months out of phase with Northern Hemisphere seasons. So in Southern Hemisphere
countries that change time, the clocks change in the opposite direction to clocks in the Northern Hemisphere.
- The sun never changes its timing in Torrid Zone countries, so a time change means very little there. Thus, they
don't change time.
- Time changes cause extra costs and schedule adjustments for factories, airlines, railroads, bus companies, traffic
signal systems, and automated factory systems.
- Shift workers find themselves with short shifts and reductions in pay the week of the time change.
- Time changes cause auto accidents and flared tempers.
- We endure this so some executives and legislators can play golf after work?????
- Daylight time killed the drive-in theater. There is not enough time for a feature film between dusk and curfew when
DST is in effect.
- It's impossible to program a VCR correctly to record a show that spans the time change.
- They NEVER get the published TV schedule guides right the week of the time change.
- The time changes twice a year for daylight-saving time must be abolished.
- The advanced time also plays hob with the internal timekeeping system in some people.
- More on Daylight-Stupid Time
These actions are wrongs committed against people:
- Government putting itself first
- Interfering with someone else's religion
- Forcing people to change time twice a year, or get up in the dark
- Passing laws to achieve a particular goal, without considering side effects
- People demanding that everything that annoys them must be abolished
- Intentionally making existing products obsolete to sell more products (including Microsoft changing the
operating system every few years)
- Bicycle riders breaking traffic laws to save time, endangering themselves and others
- Politicians who cheat to win elections
- The unfair Plurality Voting System
- More than 10 percent of income taken in taxes (causes job losses and increases the costs of
- Government spending on nonessentials (e.g. new pro sports arenas)
- Pyramid-scheme government retirement and insurance systems
- Health insurance policies that cause health-care price increases
- Untrained politicians making traffic laws
- Monopolies and monopoly powers, including copyrights, patents, exclusive contracts, and
- Government banning products or regulating them out of existence
- Companies discontinuing products
- Allowing landlords to buy up property, increasing housing costs
- Hollywood and government choosing sides in political and religious debates
- Educators choosing a side to teach in political and religious debates
- Employers choosing a side to hire, promote, or fire in political and religious debates
- Government trying to legislate the religion of Political Correctness into law.
- Minimum orders (In order to get 4, you have to buy 1000)
- Allowing interest, increasing the cost of everything
- Sound systems loud enough to damage the hearing of the unwary
- People breaking up other people's marriages
- People stealing from each other
- People maiming and killing each other
- Politicians who lie
- They can not be civil rights because:
- They violate the rights of others;
- Government cannot guarantee them;
- Government cannot afford to provide them;
- They are impossible; or
- It is wrong for government to provide them at the expense of others:
- The following must NOT be civil rights
- A job in your chosen profession. If nobody is hiring in that field, then nobody needs the products of
that kind of work.
You have the right to SEEK a job in your profession, but if there aren't any, find a different field.
- A "living wage". Just where do you think the money to pay this wage will come from? Is there a
"Living Wage Fairy"?
NO! Work is the only thing that generates wealth. And government regulation and taxation destroy wealth. Also, the
higher wage must come out of the price of the product, so it just raises the cost of living. This means that government
cannot possibly legislate a living wage and make it work.
But you should have the right to keep 90 percent of your income safe from taxation. If this right
exists, everyone would automatically make a "living wage". It's taxation that makes so many working people poor.
- Free health care. Again, the government cannot conjure wealth out of thin air to pay for this. You
get what you pay for.
- Entertainment. You have no right to force others to pay for your pleasure. You also have no right
to make others provide the kind of entertainment you like. Entertainment is a luxury, not a necessity. Some poor man
would have to work harder to pay more taxes, just so you can have it.
- Happiness. You can pursue it, but there is no guarantee that you will find it. Again, it's a luxury.
Some poor man would have to pay more taxes so you can have it.
- Sex. You can also pursue this, but there is again no guarantee that you will get it. And you
definitely have no right to take it. Permission of the other person is required.
- Sports. They are not essential, so government has no right to provide or subsidize them. If you want
them, you can pay for them yourself. Some poor working man would have to pay more taxes so you can have them.
- Arts. They are also not essential, so government has no right to provide or subsidize them. If you
want them, you must pay for them yourself.
- Recreation. Another nonessential, so government has no right to provide or subsidize it. You can
pay for it yourself, instead of taxing some poor man more so you can have it.
- Culture. This is not essential, so government has no right to provide or subsidize it. It is the
ultimate in luxury. Some poor man would have to pay more taxes so you can have it.
- Control over what your neighbor does or has. As long as there is no physical threat to you or your
property, it's none of your business.
- A nice view. Unless you OWN the property containing the view, you have no right to stop the owner
from changing it.
- Freedom from being bothered. You are bothering others by complaining about what is bothering you.
Either erect things on your own property to block the bothering influences, or learn to live with them. Something must
be a real hazard before government has the right to intervene.
- Freedom from being offended. This is the same as being bothered. You have no right to be free from
it. But if the offense is something a religion prohibits its members from seeing, it should be removed from public view
as a matter of goodwill.
- Freedom from religious speech. You don't have to listen. And you can always leave.
- Freedom from noises. Unless the noise is loud enough to damage hearing, you have no right to
intervene. Again, if the noise bothers you, install devices to block it.
- Control over trees or plants on the property of others. Unless they constitute a hazard (and growth
closer than 20 feet to a road DOES constitute a sight-distance hazard), you have no right to control their presence,
erection, or removal.
- Freedom from eyesores. What you consider to be an eyesore may be an object of beauty to
the owner. I happen to like advertizing signs that do things, and I miss very much the ones my city banned.
- Freedom from opinions that are against your beliefs. They have a right to speak too. You don't
have to listen.
- Free stuff from government. The money to pay for whatever you get is taken from the back of someone
else who has to work twice as hard to pay for your greed. Again, it hurts the poor.
- Anyone who demands any of these "rights" wants special treatment at the expense of others.
There are a lot of nuts in government. Most of them have unproven ideas, which they misrepresent as fact.
They then want to force others to live according to their ideas.
- The biggest nuts are the nuts who believe that, if only all of the money in the world could be redistributed
evenly among the population, that nobody would ever have to work.
- It can't possibly work, for the following reasons:
- The world does not have the capacity to feed its human population (no matter what size) without work being done to
farm the food and protect it from animals.
- The world money supply, if evenly distributed among the population, amounts to about $2500 per person. That won't
keep anyone from having to work for very long. This shows that most of the people who believe in this have no concept
of mathematics or economies of scale.
- Most of the wealth in the world is not in the form of money. It's in the form of products.
- If nobody is working, there are no products to buy. Nobody is doing the work to make them.
- Wealth is not a static quantity. It is mostly created by work, and destroyed by eating.
- This utopian belief is often used to fraudulently attract the votes of laborers and the poor.
- Nuts who believe unions do right for the people
- Unions gain higher wages for their members at the expense of throwing other people out of work.
- A company can spend only so much for labor. When the union demands a higher wage, the company can't hire as many
workers with that money.
- Too many liberals believe that companies have vast pools of money stored away in banks, and that they somehow
"deserve" some of it. In fact, most of that money is being saved up for buying next month's supplies and
paying next month's salaries and wages.
- Employers also may have to raise product prices to get money to pay the higher wage. So the workers get higher
wages, but have to pay higher prices for products.
- Gullible people actually believe that businesses can come up with huge sums of money without going bankrupt.
- Nuts who foist their impractical ideas upon the public:
- "Experts" who still expound the fallacious belief (Keynes) that government can create wealth. The Keynesian belief
was refuted by counterexample in the 1980s.
- People who trust government retirement and health insurance systems based on "Ponzi" pyramid investment schemes
(these were otherwise outlawed as scams). Worse, they demand that the rest of us must trust such systems.
- Officials and union leaders who believe that businesses actually absorb the costs of business taxes. (All
businesses must of necessity pass all taxes on to workers who buy the products. There is no other source of wealth
to pay the tax from.)
- Those who believe that raising the minimum wage actually helps the poor. (It won't help the poor, because employers
have to raise product prices to get the money to pay the higher wage. So the poor get higher wages, but have to pay
higher prices.)
- People who believe that businesses have huge pools of money that could be tapped for paying higher wages. No such
funds exist.
- Gullible persons who actually believe that government can come up with enough money to pay for universal health
care without bankrupting the entire economy.
- Those who cause identity theft by insisting that everyone be identified by numbers.
- Nuts who want to ban the sale or use of incandescent lamps, forgetting that fluorescent lamps and LED lamps won't
work (or burn out fast) in motion detector fixtures and circuits with dimmers. And they don't realize that they are
banning theater lighting and rock band light shows.
- Nuts who believe in phake science:
- Politicians who believe that a testimonial by an "expert" is sufficient proof for government to act.
- "Scientists" who believe in using social-science methods to measure physical phenomena.
- "Experts" who believe in the defective study using social-science methods that "proved" that homosexuality is
hereditary. (When correctly interpreted, the same data proved the opposite.)
- People who believe that social-science methods can prove the existence of global warming.
- "Experts" who automatically assume that all global warming is caused by man.
- Most psychologists, with their sex-based theories on why people do things.
- Those who use phake science to raise false issues, so they can win elections.
- People who believe in the wacky sciences, such as dowsing and "energy lines".
- Nuts who believe you can somehow get energy for nothing:
- People who believe that using hydrogen somehow gains energy. In truth the conversion of other energy sources
into hydrogen gas results in a 40 percent loss of energy (60 percent if salt water is desalinated before conversion).
Yet TV documentaries tout it as the "solution" to our energy problems.
- "Even worse are those who suggest using salt as a "catalyst" in the electrolysis of water. Salt is not a catalyst,
but a reactant in such an electrolysis. Instead of oxygen, poisonous chlorine gas is produced when salt is added to
the water. Such false claims could result in people being poisoned while experimenting with "energy production".
- "Experts" who believe that a catalyst can reduce the amount of energy needed to make hydrogen gas from water.
Catalysts reduce the activation energy of exothermic reactions, but they can't add any energy to endothermic reactions.
The electrolysis of water is endothermic.
- Total idiots who believe that perpetual motion schemes can actually work. These include all schemes where energy
from the vehicle's engine can somehow be used to give more energy to the engine.
- Devices that use the car's generator to electrolyze water to make hydrogen always use up more energy than the
resulting hydrogen can add to the engine's energy.
- All such schemes always LOSE energy through multiple conversions of energy form.
- Note that recovery of energy otherwise lost through braking or idling is not a perpetual motion scheme.
- Unscientific people who think that, because air is freely available, compressing air to store energy doesn't use
up any resources. Much more energy is always needed to compress the air into the tank than can be recovered by using
air from the tank to run an engine. The rest of the energy is wasted in heating up the compressor and the tank.
- Likewise, unscientific people who think that, because water is freely available, electrolyzing water to make
hydrogen doesn't use up any resources. Much more energy is always needed to decompose the water into hydrogen than
can be recovered by burning the hydrogen to run an engine. The rest of the energy is wasted in heating up the water
in the electrolysis tank.
- Likewise, schemes that cause phase changes in materials (boiling, condensing, freezing, and melting) don't add
new energy.
- The biggest clowns are the ones who believe in occult sources of energy.
There are only two real sources of energy: Solar and nuclear energy. All other sources are stored versions of
either solar or nuclear energy. Oil is solar energy stored in plants by photosynthesis and then changed into a
different form by decay and gravity.
The energy flow in every process can be calculated exactly. There are no secret processes or hidden sources of
energy. Anyone who says such sources exist is either gullible or a con-man.
- Nuts who believe that their way is the only way people should be allowed to live:
- People who would abolish all religion, just because they don't believe it.
- Those who think people shouldn't have to work. Unfortunately, without work, there are no products (including food)
and there is no wealth.
- Authoritarians who would impose the religion of Political Correctness on everyone.
- After-work golfers who demand that everyone must be forced to observe Daylight-Saving Time.
- Those who believe that government should treat ordinary people like little children.
- People who consider some religious teachings to be "hate speech."
- Those who believe it is wrong to spank misbehaving children, and would violate several religions to ban spanking.
- Nuts who think that everyone in the world should think exactly as they think:
- Those who believe an election was "fixed". Their evidence? Their candidate lost! Voting for the other candidate
is "wrong thinking" in their opinion.
- Anyone who would censor the speech of anyone who disagrees with him as "hate speech."
- Those who think that everyone else enjoys the music they are playing too loud.
- People who think it's abnormal to prefer other activities instead of sex.
- Anyone who condemns censoring materials, because he sees nothing wrong with harmful sexual content. (But he is
first to censor anything with the N word or religion in it.)
- Nuts who lie to get their way:
- Those who lie when they claim that President Bush lied about Iraq's military capabilities, to start a war. (It was
proved in 2005 that Saddam had some weapons of mass destruction, was bluffing about having many more, and used a fake
WMD memo to trap a double agent. But many liberals would rather believe their lie, rather than the proof.)
- Those who lied about privatization of Social Security, saying it required everyone to invest their Social Security
in the stock market. (The plan was to let people voluntarily invest it in 401K plans or CDs too.)
- Those who lied about oil company profits after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. (The oil companies had to declare all
nondeductible money spent on the rebuilding as "capital improvements" - profit.)
- Those who believe in the bad science of global warming, and lie to get their environmentalist controls passed
into law.
- Those who lie with bad science to get civil rights for homosexuality.
- Those who lie about religion to get rid of all religions.