Spending max $1000 reckless taxing mas 8 yrs Government puts itself first at the expense of other people. Legislators are too greedy for money and power.

Here are the top ten ways government behaves in a greedy way:

  1. Total taxation over 10 percent.
  2. Spending tax revenue on nonessentials.
  3. Taxing items necessary to life.
  4. Penalizing work and rewarding idleness.
  5. Forcing obsolescence by law.
  6. Taking property for debts, instead of helping the poor pay them.
  7. Requiring ID papers, cards, and devices.
  8. Blockading the borders and criminalizing border crossings.
  9. Special rules and rights for governments and their employees.
  10. Controlling education to control the people.

Explanation of each greedy act:

  1. Total taxation over 10 percent.

    Greedy governments levy total tax rates higher than 10%, causing a large tax burden. And only workers feel the brunt of this burden, because only workers create wealth. The current burden on the average worker is currently about 73 percent of income. This shows just how greedy government is.

  2. Spending tax revenue on nonessentials.

    Greedy governments spending tax revenues on nonessentials are abusing the taxing power and the taxpayer. Government should not be spending money taken by the force of tax law on such nonessentials as sports, the arts, recreation, and entertainment.

  3. Taxing items necessary to life.

    Greedy government taxes the things people need in order to live, especially places to live.

  4. Penalizing work and rewarding idleness.

    Greedy governments penalize those who work by taking most of their earnings, while they reward those who will not work by giving them money.

  5. Forcing obsolescence by law.

    Greedy governments force people to pay for new versions of products they already have. They do this by passing laws making the old objects unusable. The latest case of this is the required changeover to digital TV. This was not done because digital TV is better, but because government wanted the frequencies analog TV uses.

  6. Taking property for debts, instead of helping the poor pay them.

    Greedy governments collect debts for unpaid loans and taxes, instead of using the money to pay the debts or taxes.

  7. Requiring ID papers, cards, and devices.

    Greedy governments demand that everything and everybody be identified. In the process, they make it easy for criminals to steal identities. A good government should not even know a person exists, unless that person commits a crime.

  8. Blockading the borders and criminalizing border crossings.

    Some greedy governments placate the labor unions by blockading the borders and controlling the number of foreigners who live in the country. Other greedy governments keep people from leaving the country.

  9. Special rules and rights for governments and their employees.

    Greedy governments make laws to give governments and government employees special deals that other people and businesses are not allowed to have.

  10. Controlling education to control the people.

    Greedy government uses "free" education to teach the children what government wants them to know. This information so disseminated may or may not be the truth. Unscrupulous politicians can use education to modify the political beliefs of the children, so they grow up believing what government wants them to believe, instead of the truth.

The biggest problem with politicians is that they become greedy once they get into office.