Many people claim that religion is nothing but a fairy tale, and that people should be using science instead of beliefs. But many of these people believe in "facts" that are unscientific and use unscientific reasoning:
It has not been proved. Only the natural selection portion of the overall hypothesis has been
proved. The rest depends on random chance, and so can never be proved. So it is really the Null
Hypothesis of Evolution as the Origin of Life.
See Bad Science in Evolution
They are still in the 19th century of they believe this. Science showed in the 1930s that the
real primary colors are magenta, yellow, and cyan. Yet these people stubbornly cling to the
colors used by "the masters" (who they worship).
See Teach the Correct Color Theory
They believe in the "science" done by homosexual groups to "prove" that
homosexuality is a hereditary trait, and so is therefore an unavoidable behavior. The problem is
that those studies had so many mistakes in scientific method that they are worthless. They are
in fact used as the "horrible example" of bad science.
See No Hereditary Homosexuality
Science claims it has absolutely no evidence that any religion is true. But science can not prove or disprove any religious belief for two reasons:
Science also has no proof that any religious belief is false.
Amazingly, most of science is not at all in conflict with religious beliefs.
Only in a very few cases does science conflict with religious beliefs. In most of these cases, the claims of science are not proved, but are extrapolations that were made based on the assumption that a deity was not present. Since scientists have no possible way to travel through time, they can't prove what they say about these topics.
The following are the only places where the Bible seems to conflict with science:
There is no Bible teaching that says that the sun circles the earth.
None of the scriptures about creation conflict with science if the following are taken into account:
Note that the scientific age of the universe depends on a large number of assumptions that scientists must take on faith.
None of the theory of Evolution disagrees with Creation, excepting the posited cause of changes (God vs random chance). And they can't prove the cause either way (except that the Atheist rules of science require that they must say it was random chance).
Note that the entire theory of Evolution as the Origin of Species requires scientists to take a large number of assumptions on faith.
At one time, the Catholic Church also approved of the works of Aristotle, Ptolemy, and other philosophers, even though they did not come from the Bible. These beliefs included the earth at the center of the universe, crystal spheres holding the sun, moon, planets, and stars in place, Aristotle's impetus theory of motion and ballistics (still embodied in some sports rules), and other Greek philosophy.
Copernicus and Galileo did not propose any theories that violated Scripture. What they proposed violated the Greek philosophies that the Church wrongly asserted the truth of.
The main reason science conflicts with religion is the Atheist influence over the rules of scientific inquiry. According to this "code of ethics", scientists may not belong to any religion, believe in any religion, or cite a religious event as the cause of any observation. So if a religious event is really the cause of some observation, a scientist must lie, ascribing the event to random chance.
Surveys show that a smaller percentage of scientists believe in God than the percentage of Americans as a whole who believe.
Part of the problem is that many scientists and academics fear that they will lose their jobs if they reveal their religious beliefs, so they lie on the surveys to protect their jobs. Many liberal employers, especially in academics, believe that scientists and teachers cannot properly do their jobs if they believe in God.
This is another case where bad science provided most of the "evidence" that global warming exists and all of the "evidence" that man caused global warming. Al Gore used the bad reasoning of Affirming the Consequent to "prove" his case.
Another global warming "expert" believed that the melting of the floating ice at the north pole would raise sea level by three feet. He does not know his physics of floating and sunken bodies. And other so-called "experts" don't realize that ice is not a hermetic seal for carbon dioxide.
What true science we do have on global warming is astronomical observations that say the sun is
getting hotter.
Bad Science in Global Warming
It has now been shown in scientific studies that, when air conditioning is taken into effect,
DST wastes more energy than it saves.
Daylight-Stupid Time
They cite lots of hearsay evidence. But there is absolutely no scientific proof that any
extraterrestrials have ever visited earth.
Unscientific UFO believers
They are using the fact that nobody can prove that something does not exist to show that government "must" have secret files about UFOs. Since there is no way government can prove that no such files exist, government has no way to prove them wrong.
Again, there is no scientific proof that any extraterrestrials have ever visited earth.
What Government Secrecy?
They believe all of the TV shows that say that ancient astronauts were needed to "help" humanity make all of its discoveries and create all of the megalithic structures, as though humans were not capable of doing the work by themselves.
Again, there is no scientific proof that any extraterrestrials have ever visited earth.
Unscientific UFO believers
They would rather believe that life originated in other parts of the universe and that it was brought to the earth by ancient astronauts, instead of believing that God placed life on the earth. Never mind that it does not solve the problem of where life came from. They want to get rid of the concept of God to get rid of God's rules.
These conspiracy theories were started by people who thought that John Kerry would magically become president if George W Bush were impeached. They wanted nationalized health care for themselves, so they started a belief that the steel in the buildings couldn't get hot enough to melt from jet fuel fires.
But the steel didn't have to melt. It just had to lose its strength. Jet fuel burns at about 1100 °C (2000 °F). Steel melts at 1400 °C (2550 °F). But carbon dissolves in iron at 780 °C (1440 °F). This is also the temperature blacksmiths can soften steel to work it. It changes back to iron and loses the strength needed to hold up the buildings. The softer iron bent where the steel wouldn't.
Bush didn't want a war. A war would have (and has) undone Bush's then successful economic
policies. He was trying to reduce the size of government. But he was really spooked by the
attacks. He suddenly changed his priorities from shrinking the government to protecting the
nation from terrorist attacks.
9-11 Conspiracy Theories
Spending more money than taxes take in unbalances markets, destroying jobs and businesses.
High taxes also take away the money businesses would otherwise use to hire.
High taxes and mandatory insurance premiums take away the money businesses would otherwise
use to hire. And Obamacare forces people to disobey their own religions.
With nobody working, there are no products produced. With no products (including food), nobody can eat.
The concept of a utopia comes from the Greek society. But Greek society ran on slave labor.
This belief is false. The Supreme Court required public schools either to teach all religions equally, or to not teach any religions (including not teaching Atheism). The Constitution says that government may not pass laws about religion or interfere with the free exercise of religion.
The Supreme Court ruled in 1971 that no government or government-run school may act to either aid or oppose any religious belief.
This belief comes from misreading the first amendment. The text of the part of the first amendment pertaining to religion reads:
But they misunderstand the meanings of the 18th century text. Here are the correct meanings:
So the amendment really means that government must keep its laws out of religions.
It provides half of that. It says that government must not interfere with religion. But there is nothing that says that religion cannot influence government. On the other hand, any law that any religion wants to be passed is not allowed to affect any religion.
Political Correctness is a religion created by Democrats in the late 1980s. It was plagiarized from the Baha'i Faith. As such, it must not be taught in public schools that do not teach other religions. But liberals ignore its origin and say it is not a religion. In fact, they want it to become the state religion.
They believe that Atheism is the scientifically supported belief. But science cannot either prove or disprove the truth of any religion, including Atheism. And Atheism is a religion because it advances beliefs about other religions.
They believe that government has the power to restrict religious belief. But the Constitution denies government this power. See above.
Many of them worship government as their god, and "pray" to it for benefits. But their beliefs are false, because government has no supernatural powers. But because they worship government, they think it should have power over other religions.
The truth is that the Bible itself tells Christians which parts of the Scriptures apply to believers today. The passages telling which Scriptures apply to believers today are in Acts. All believers are to observe the same parts of the law, and to ignore the remaining parts.
The unbelievers complain because the parts that still apply are the moral requirements,
including the prohibitions of various kinds of sexual immorality. They want to be able
to pick and choose, so they can ignore the moral law.
Passages in Acts 10 and 15 and Mark 7 show the only parts of the law that those under God's grace are still responsible for. The books of the law (also known as the Pentateuch and the Toreh) are actually four different documents mixed together (because of the scarcity of writing materials at the time they were written):
Those who won't accept the existence of a deity (because Atheists taught them not to) say that men invented religions to explain the world around them. So those men invented a different god to control each aspect of life. They imagine these gods as vending machines you put something of value in as a donation and get what you want back.
The real religions instead have one God over everything. Predictions are made by Scriptures that do come true (including the prediction that people would not accept religious beliefs). Those who believe in Christ also have the Holy Spirit as the evidence that their beliefs are correct.
They believe that the leaders of various countries created fake deities with superior powers to control the population through fear of the deities. In some cases this did happen, when a dictator saw that other countries had deities, and invented a deity that did whatever he wanted. Witch doctors did this.
But mainstream religions do a lot more than control the population. They provide an afterlife, philosophies for a better life, understanding of the ways of God, and many other benefits.
The naysayers say that religion has the sole purpose of controlling men are the people who do not want to obey God, because they want the right to do evil.
They seem to believe that "holy" means reserved for God or closer to God. So they have developed various words for various degrees of holiness, such as "holier" and "holiest."
The correct meaning of "holy" is "totally separated from sin." This is a logical attribute with only two possible values: "true" and "false". There are no degrees of holiness, so the comparative and superlative words are meaningless. Either something is totally separated from sin, or it is not.
One seeming exception to this seems to be the Holy of Holies, a portion of the tabernacle or the temple that was separated from the Holy Place by a curtain. But it is not more holy. The difference is what may be brought into each part of the temple. Things and people were brought into the Holy Place and made holy while in there. But nothing that was not already holy could enter or be taken into the Holy of Holies.
The pejorative "holier than thou", used by unbelievers, contains two errors:
English | Spanish |
2nd Person Number & Case |
2000s | 1600s | ||
you | thou | tú | singular familiar subject |
you | thee | te | singular familiar object |
you | you | usted | singular formal subject |
you | ye | ustedes | plural formal subject |
These were in common English use then, but "thou" is now a disused pronoun. English no longer has sets of pronouns for familiar and formal situations. We now universally use the pronoun "you" (formerly for formal use) in all four cases. But Spanish still uses the familiar and formal forms.
So the pejorative also uses the wrong pronoun case. The pronoun is used as the object of a preposition, not a subject as the pronoun chosen indicates.
By using this pejorative, they show their ignorance.
Homosexuals claim that Christians who refuse to do business with them are forcing their religious beliefs on them. They say Christians require them to obey the Christian religion.
The truth is that the requirement itself is imposed on the Christian, not on the person who is deliberately disobeying God. Christians are obeying a requirement to not associate with anyone who deliberately disobeys God in public.
Only if someone who deliberately disobeys God wants to have a long-term association (e.g. for business) with a Christian is it necessary that he must stop disobeying God. Only then is the Christian allowed to have that relationship.
Nobody can expect a devoted Christian to do anything that disobeys God.
They take their belief from the 14th amendment of the US Constitution. The text of the relevant part is:
They then conclude that someone who has not yet been born is not yet a person. But the purpose of this amendment was to determine where a person is a citizen, not when someone becomes a person and gains rights. (The location of the conception of a new person is rather hard to legally pin down, so it can't be used for finding the location where a new person becomes a citizen.)
The page author has three prenatal memories. So he must have been a sentient being at the time.
The Bible has several passages that tell how people are persons before they are born, including Exodus 21:32; Psalm 139:13; Jeremiah 1:5; and Luke 1:44.
In reality, there are many religions that prohibit homosexual acts, including Islam, Orthodox Judaism, Latter Day Saints, Jehovah's Witnesses, Zoroastrianism, Baha'i, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, and many others. And while Christianity requires only shunning deliberate sinners, Islam has the Sharia law with the death penalty for homosexual acts.
Obeying God is not intended to hate anyone. And all acts of sexual immorality, including adultery, promiscuity, pedophilia, pederasty, homosexuality, bestiality, and necromancy, are to be treated in exactly the same way. So are other deliberate violations of God's moral law, such as robbery and murder. Christians are to not associate with deliberate violators of the moral law.
The big difference is that homosexuals who deliberately disobey God's moral law are the only ones claiming that Christians are discriminating against them. Some are actually demanding that Christians must change their religion to accommodate them, as though God would change His mind. They forget that most religions prohibit any changes to the religious texts (Deuteronomy 12:32; Revelation 22:18-19).
Those who commit other violations of the moral law know they are sinning and keep their sins quiet. Thus, those committing the other sins are not being shunned, because the Christians do not know that the others are deliberately sinning.
There are errors in the Bible, but none of these errors affect the doctrines of Christianity. The causes of these errors are known, and are limited to the following topics:
One such mistake has king Ahaz beginning his reign when he was two years old. But other copies say he was 20 years old when he began to reign.
Note also that no taxonomies according to current divisions of plants and animals existed at the time of the Old Testament. Any large flying animal was classified as a bird, including the bat.
Any place where a modern translation of the Bible has an uncertain meaning usually has a footnote.
The only slavery the Bible condoned in Israel was what we call "public restitution" today. A person could become a slave in Israel in only the following ways:
In all cases except the last one, the slavery does not last longer than 7 years.
This is where the "7 years bad luck" for breaking an (expensive) mirror came from. To pay for the mirror, many had to sell themselves. Today mirrors are mass-produced, so they don't cost nearly as much.
Note that a nomadic people (as Israel was before the temple was built) can't have a jail building to keep prisoners in. They used slavery instead of prison sentences.
Note that Exodus 21:7-11 does not describe slavery, but the bride price.
At the time the Biblical Canon was assembled, some books were not included because: