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"VOTE FOR ONLY ONE"The Plurality Voting SystemThis defective system unfairly favors the candidate most different from the others. Donald Trump unfairly won the primaries by being the most different candidate. |
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"STRAIGHT-PARTY VOTE"This device unfairly biases votes for lower offices by making the party choices for the lower offices equal the party choice for the highest office on the ballot (e.g. President). Straight-party votes also make the polls false for lower office candidates. |
"PERCENT OF THE VOTE"The Plurality Voting SystemThe only way for an election to provide a percentage of the vote is for the defective Plurality Voting System to be used. Suspect bias whenever the news says "percent of the vote". |
BAD POLLSThe Plurality Voting SystemThe only way for a poll to provide a percentage of the vote is for the biased Plurality Voting System to be used. The press uses these biased polls. |
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"OCTOBER SURPRISE"The Plurality Voting SystemSleazy candidates and reporters dig up dirt on candidates they dislike for release just before the vote. This works only if the Plurality Voting System is used. |
THE BIASED PRESSThey Want Obamacare For ThemselvesMost reporters are on contract, not salary, so they want to keep Obamacare for themselves. They don't care what harm they do to others to keep it, so they use negative campaigning to harm candidate who want to end Obamacare. |
NEGATIVE CAMPAIGNINGThe Plurality Voting SystemCandidates have to steal votes from other candidates with Plurality Voting, making negative campaigning work. It doesn't work with fair voting systems. |
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"WINNER-TAKE-ALL"This unfairly biases votes by representing as an entire state's votes the winner of a close race. The voters who lost the election are effectively denied any voting power. This biases convention votes and the Electoral College. |
HATRED IN THE CAMPAIGNSPlurality Voting System Lets Them Use Hate.The haters can use pejoratives, innuendo, prevarication, and namecalling to scare voters into voting for someone else. Candidates steal votes from other candidates with Plurality Voting. It doesn't work with fair voting systems. |
SUPERDELEGATESThis unfairly biases votes by letting party officials appoint special delegates to represent an entire state's votes. The voters are effectively denied any voting power. They do this to overcome the defects in the Plurality Voting System. |
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BIASED SCHOOLSMost Teachers Want LiberalismSchoolteachers and college instructors indoctrinate pupils with political and (anti) religious beliefs to sway their votes. They want personal gain and more union power. |
USING BIASED CELEBRITIESCelebrities Want Socialism For ThemselvesMost celebrities are on contract, not salary, and their jobs depend on others raising money to finance their work. They want socialism that will pay for theater, motion picture, and musical arts. They also want Obamacare for themselves. |
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Plurality vs Independent Voting |
Unfair and Fair Elections |
The Cure for Election Bias |
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