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A "C" followed by a number refers to the Colorado University study case numbers

Updated 07/26/14

Date/timeLocationWitnesses ID Description - (KEY)SourceID-er
NN/NN/NN TTTTSweetwater TX?$F$ Roll on deodorant ball=T@=LR
04/17/1897 TTTTAurora TX(many) $F$ Crashed "airship" ?H?; Tourist attractor=N==N=
04/19/1897 TTTTLeroy KSAlexander Hamilton $F$ Cow hide; $H$ Liars club=N==N=
04/07/38 TTTTAtlantic Ocean SS Ulrich(many) $F$ Burned body; ?H? $D$ No such ship existed VGSF
04/07/38 TTTTUpton-by-Chester England(police) $F$ Burned body; ?H? wreck, date wrongVGSF
04/07/38 TTTTNijmegan Netherlands(police) $F$ Burned body;
?H? $D$ !! No Volkswagens were there then
Date/timeLocationWitnesses ID Description - (KEY)SourceID-er
06/21/47 dyTTMaury Is. Tacoma WAHarold Dahl, Charles Dahl,
Fred Crisman
$H$, $F$ foundry slag, unrelated plane crash=ER=ER
06/28/47 TTTTSumner WA(mil) False date of 04/01/59 case, erron. link to 06/21/47 Maury Is
08/02/47 TTTTSantiago Chile(air) Plane crashed $D$ Crash site found (Stendec)
?H? UFO involvement added by others
01/07/48 1515Godman AFB KY(many, air: Thomas Mantell) Crash caused by lack of oxygen
Skyhook balloon
03/25/48 TTTTAztec NMGee
?H? !! Real people identified wrong, no local memory
?P? !! Author tricked into promoting movie
NN/NN/48 TTTTKingman AZvan Valkenberg ?H? No local memory (accounts have different dates)
Date/timeLocationWitnesses ID Description - (KEY)SourceID-er
04/08/50 UUUUHorseheads NYRoyal Douglass $F$ Scorched area, disk $P$ Silkspan saucer
Possibly not prank, but model that got away?
07/NN/52 TTTTWashington DCmil $F$ Chunk shot off UFO ?H? $D$
No record: Lt Cdr Frank Thompson
07/08/52 TTTTSpitzbergen Is Norway? $F$ Crashed disc ?H? Story started in German Tabloid
08/19/52 ntTTWest Palm Beach FLDesverges+$Y$ ?H? Fireworks;
$F$ Earlier swamp fire charred roots
?H? !! Witness added to story
Date/timeLocationWitnesses ID Description - (KEY)SourceID-er
.S/NN/53 TTTTMattydale NYMarsden, police Alternate published date of .S/NN/54

NN/NN/53 TTTTKingman AZvan Valkenberg ?H? No local memory (accounts have different dates)=PB=PB
07/07/53 2330Austell GA
Decatur GA
(many) $H$ A bet; alien body was shaved monkey with tail cut off =S@=**
08/NN/53 TTTTNew Haven CT? $F$ Hole in billboard; Wayward shell from base
Military gave civilian UFO investigator wild story
.S/NN/54 TTTTMattydale NYMarsden, police $F$ Wing tank fell off plane

04/UU/54 TTTTRAF Mildenhall England? $F$ RADAR calibration sphere
Date/timeLocationWitnesses ID Description - (KEY)SourceID-er
02/05/57 UUUU C3Manhattan Beach CA? $F$ Revere RADAR chaff =C==C=
11/02/57 ntTTLevelland TX(many, police) Highly charged, dusty atmosphere shorted spark plugs
St. Elmo's Fire

NN/NN/59 TTTTSpitzbergen Is. Norway? Discoverer 2 satellite crashed
Date/timeLocationWitnesses ID Description - (KEY)SourceID-er
04/18/60 2100La Camp LAArnold Amateur rocket bounced on ground
$D$ Paint scrapings found
07/01/60 UUUUQuebec City QC? $F$ 1.5 Ton of metal, foundry slag

04/18/61 1100Eagle River WIJoe Simonton $P$ Post Hypnotic Suggestion (Pancakes)
Party hypnosis

NN/NN/62 TTTTs of Alamogordo NM
Doña Ana Wells NM
? $F$ Crashed object; Missile from White Sands
09/05/62 0450Manitowoc WI(1000s) $F$ Sputnik IV re-entry pieces=N==S=
04/24/64 1745Socorro NMpolice: Lonnie Zamora $F$ Marks, fire; Manned Hot Air Balloon=ubiq=LR
09/04/64 ntTTGlassboro, Camden NJ(many) $P$ $F$ Blast crater with gunpowder residue=S@=**
Date/timeLocationWitnesses ID Description - (KEY)SourceID-er
03/02/65 TTTTBrooksville FL
Weeki Wachi Springs FL
John Reeves ?H? $R$ $F$ Coded sheets a simple substitution cipher in English
Figure-8 footprints = early running shoe
Ti pellets = industrial waste
$R$ See also 10/NN/65 and 12/04/66, and visual 03/31/65
Result of party hypnosis post-hypnotic suggestion
07/03/65 TTTTDeception Is Antarctica(mil) Nacreous cloud; Instrumentation #@#

07/10/65 TTTTAzores(many) Lost balloon from US, unrelated clock supply /\/
.A/UU/65 ntTTFremont NHJesse Bolduc ?P? Fire balloon, automatic barn light shut self off
10/NN/65 TTTTBrooksville FLJohn Reeves ?H? $R$ $F$ Figure-8 footprints = early running shoe
11/09/65 TTTTSyracuse NY(air) Power line arc caused by surge from overcurrent cutout /\/
01/11/66 ****Wanaque NJ(many, police) ?P? Fire Balloons,
Melt caused by water discharge pipe (always there)
03/20/66 TTTTFreeport TX(many) /\/ Pole transformer blew up
12/04/66 TTTTBrooksville FLJohn Reeves ?H? $R$ $F$ Figure-8 footprints = early running shoe
Date/timeLocationWitnesses ID Description - (KEY)SourceID-er
01/20/67 0200 C12Methuen MA? ?P? Fire balloons; $D$ poor condition of auto
(1st case same loc & day)
01/20/67 ntTTMethuen MA? ?P?Fire balloons; $D$ poor condition of auto
(2nd case same loc & day)
See also visual cases
01/L3/67 0030 C14Joplin MO(many, police) |~| Jupiter; $D$ low car battery=C==C=
06/NN/67 TTTTSan Jose de Valderas Spain? Arm lift bucket truck pad imprints {^S^ paper plates, Russian Ch) =W==W=
07/05/67 0410 C25Coventry CT? /\/ Power line shorted to trees
(see also visual cases)
07/18/67 0350 C26Los Angeles CA
Wilmington CA
(guard) $H$ $D$ Cover up for target practice use of ammo=C==C=
08/NN/67 TTTTRiverside CA? ?P? Fire balloon; $D$ Normal wear on auto
09/04/67 UUUUCleavedon EnglandNeil Batey ?P? $F$ Fiberglas disc with British radio equipment inside =N==N=
10/**/67 **** C38
Halburg NY
Newfields NY
(many) |~| Sirius, planes,
$F$ bear track; $H$
"UFO researcher"
11/NN/67 UUUUConway ARRichard Cummings $F$ 23 inch RADAR calibration drop sphere=T@=LR
11/08/67 0330 C39Lake Elsinore CA? ?P? Fire balloon
$D$ Normal wear on auto (stereo tape case)
07/07/68 ntTTSeattle WA(many, air) $P$ Fire balloons; Circling uncalibrated the gyrocompass=PK=PK
Date/timeLocationWitnesses ID Description - (KEY)SourceID-er
NN/NN/70 UUUULai Chad? $F$ Fuel tank that survived re-entry

04/13/71 TTTTMaynard IA(many) $F$ (Burned spot) $H$ Psychology experiment

11/02/71 ntTTDelphos KS$Y$ Ronald Johnson + ?H? Fire balloon; $F$ stock feeder residue
[glow from ring is from flash]
$D$ other objects in photo brighter than ring
.V/NN/73 TTTTPiedmont MO(many) |~| Venus; $F$ Bonfire remains

09/NN/73 UUUUGriffin GA?$F$ Meteorite hole in ground

09/NN/73 ****Camden SC(many) $F$ $D$ Sky sculpture by Prof Howard Woody=N==**
10/08/73 TTTTPetal MSCharlie Delk ?P? Fire balloon, unrelated engine stall
11/29/74 ntTTMeeker Co. MN(A) $F$ Mutilated pig; cult, power sag put out yard light
12/L3/74 ntTTMN, TX, OK, CA(many) $F$ Mutilated livestock; cult, $D$ drugs in bodies=N==N=
Date/timeLocationWitnesses ID Description - (KEY)SourceID-er
05/L5/75 ntTTCO, TX, OK, CA, WY(many) $F$ Mutilated livestock; Helicopter cult, $D$ arrests=N==N=
09/L4/75 ntTTWI, IA(many) $F$ Mutilated livestock; Helicopter cult; Cult imitators
Insurance scam
05/03/77 TTTTHainault England(A) ?P? Fire balloon $F$ ?P? Flattened bush
10/**/77 ntTTColorado Springs CO(many) $F$ Mutilated livestock; Helicopter cult=N==LR
10/**/78 ntTTLogan Co. COTex Graves, many $F$ Mutilated livestock; Helicopter cult

NN/NN/79 UUUULa Paz Bolivia? $F$ Fuel tank that survived re-entry

07/**/79 ntTTWalsenberg COC E Potts $F$ Mutilated livestock; Cult
Date/timeLocationWitnesses ID Description - (KEY)SourceID-er
**/**/89+ ****England(many) $F$ Crop circles
$D$ Infrared photos of men making them taken
Artist groups creating them
Crop circle art contests
07/NN/89 TTTTMansfield England? $F$ Crop circle, $D$ pivot hole found in center=JR=JR
**/**/90 ****Englandmany $F$ Crop circle
Circle made for Led Zeppelin record album
05/10/90 TTTTBloomington INMerida $F$ dead grass circles $P$ Herbicide "plane target"=N==**
07/NN/90 TTTTLower Peover England? $F$ Crop circle, $D$ pivot hole found in center=JR=JR
08/18/91 ntTTCarp ON?$F$ Skunk diggings

03/12/96 ntTTApple Valley CA? Fire set by ?P? fire balloon
.V/NN/96 TTTTPaulding OHArend $F$ Crop circle ?P? $D$ Farmer cashing in on it=N==LR
Date/timeLocationWitnesses ID Description - (KEY)SourceID-er
NN/NN/05 TTTTChina CA?$F$ Fire balloon set house on fire=N==LR
01/08/09 1115Covnisholme UK? Wind turbine destroyed due to drive gear failure
03/29/09 2145Norfolk & Virginia Beach VA? Pieces from re-entry of Soyuz stage=N==N=
12/30/13 2145Chualar CA? Crop circle faked by artists=N==LR