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A "C" followed by a number refers to the Colorado University study case numbers

Updated 02/18/14

Date/timeLocationWitnesses ID Description - (KEY)SourceID-er
06/14/47 UUUURoswell NMBrazel+ Date Brazel claimed found (same case as 07/02/47)

07/02/47 UUUURoswell NMBrazel+ $F$ Mogul Balloon crash (RaWin sub to cover secret)
$F$ Crashed RaWin balloon?
$F$ Crashed Skyhook balloon? (secret then)
07/02/47 UUUUCorona NM
Socorro NM
Same case as 07/02/47 Roswell NM

07/02/47 UUUURoswell NM? $F$ Metal $D$ Artist Randy Fullbright IDs his scrap
07/07/47 UUUUFort Worth TXMarcelSame case as 07/02/47 Roswell NM

Date/timeLocationWitnesses ID Description - (KEY)SourceID-er
12/06/50 TTTTEl Indio Mexicomany $F$ crash; missile from White Sands?
$D$ No local memory of UFO
Book: "Some Birds Don't Fly" (Eric Paulsen) other side of story

10/17/52 dyTTOloron Francemany Fiber emission ballooning spiders?
10/27/52 dyTTGaillac Francemany Fiber emission ballooning spiders?
05/05/53 dyTTYuma AZWells Allan Webb $R$ ?H? Believed in life on Mars
(Polaroid glasses rings case)

09/15/54 ntTTQuarouble France(?) Track repair machinery and crew?
$F$ pad prints left in 5 wooden ties
11/14/54 dyTTForli Italy(?) Fire balloon? Stall unrelated? (Otto and Diesel tractor case)

Date/timeLocationWitnesses ID Description - (KEY)SourceID-er
08/25/55 ntTTBedford INmany /\/ caused UFO?=DK=LR
06/25/57 ntTTBaltimore MDmany Fire Balloons? Radio stopped because power failed?=DK=LR
09/12/57 dyTT C4Ubatuba Brazil? $F$ Mg metal; Explosion??? incendiary bomb?? missile??=ubiq=C=
11/01/57 ntTTLevelland TXmany Ball lightning?
Unrelated engine stalls??
Static electricity caused engine stalls?
Story spread to soften Sputnik 2 news???

11/04/57 TTTTFt Itaipu Brazil? missile??
incendiary bomb??
$H$ No hospital admissions for burns??
No news reports??
11/06/57 TTTTMerom INRene Gilham+ Power line arc? UV exposure from arc?=FE=LR
10/24/58 TTTTLoch Raven Dam MD? Fireball Meteor?? Re-Entry?? Unrelated engine stall?
Fire balloon?
04/01/59 TTTTSumner WA(mil) Plane crash, tail parts broke off, seen as UFOs?=FE=LR
Date/timeLocationWitnesses ID Description - (KEY)SourceID-er
04/18/62 TTTTOneida NY -> Las Vegas NVmany Missile??? \S/??, ++??
04/26/64 TTTTLa Madera NMOrlando Gallego $F$ Marks, fire; Manned hot-air balloon?
07/01/64 TTTTAnderson SCB Parham ?P? Fire balloon? Sticky spots on car candle wax?=FE=LR
03/12/65 0130Everglades FLJames Flynn Alternate published date for 03/15/65=S67
03/14/65 0130Everglades FLJames Flynn Alternate published date for 03/15/65=S67
03/15/65 0130Everglades FLJames Flynn Interrupted poachers at work?=S67
08/04/65 ntTTAbilene KSDon Tenopir ?P? Fire balloon? Unrelated truck light problem?
08/19/65 2015Cherry Creek NYButcher+ ?P? Fire balloon? $F$ Titanium-based paint spill?
09/03/65 0100Damon TXpolice: Goode
police: McCoy
?H? !! It lit car interior AND cast moon shadow?
Healing of bite unrelated?
03/29/66 UUUUrural NH(A) ?H? $F$ Arm lift truck or backhoe pad marks?
04/04/66 TTTTBealibu VIC Australia
Burkes Flat VIC Australia
Ron Sullivan Fireworks and smoke tricked eyes????
08/19/66 1700 C8Donnybrook ND? Balloon??; $F$ Depressions, turned rocks; animals??=C==C=
Date/timeLocationWitnesses ID Description - (KEY)SourceID-er
01/UU/67 TTTTVillard MN? ?P? Fire balloon, engine restart after stall due to coasting=CL=LR
03/NN/67 TTTTLeominster MAWallace Power line ground fault caused by heavy snow?
03/**/67 **** C17Dry Creek Basin COmany ?P? Fire balloons?
$D$ poor tune of auto
03/18/67 UUUUMontrose CO? $F$ 2 bare circles prob from motorcycle ridden in circles?
Sighting unidentified?
04/21/67 ntTTSouth Hill VACliff Crowder $F$ Burn in road
$D$ Matches found in center of burn
?P? $Y$ Launched model rocket???
Launched hot air balloon (out of headlights = gone)??
05/20/67 1212 C22Falcon Creek MB
Falcon Lake MB
Lake of the Woods MB
Michelak ?H? !! Location doesn't match?
$D$ Both sides of shirt have same burn pattern
Other witnesses in area didn't see object
09/07/67 UUUU C32Alamosa COLewis+ $F$ Mutilated horse; cult?; ?P? Fire balloons??
10/UU/67 TTTTCochran AB? Found object probably toy or model airplane=CL=LR
10/04/67 TTTTShelburne NS? ?P? 2 flights of 5 fire balloons?
TVI probably from atmospheric skip?
10/04/67 ntTT C34Shag Harbor NS? ?H? Fire balloon, ++ on water
Melted candle wax caused scum?
Date/timeLocationWitnesses ID Description - (KEY)SourceID-er
02/05/68 UUUUGroveton MO(A) $F$ mutilated cattle; Helicopter cult??
?P? Fire balloon?
Insurance scam???
07/13/69 UUUUVan Horne IA
Garrison IA
? $F$ Crop circle, Chemical spill?? Fire balloon set fire?
Date/timeLocationWitnesses ID Description - (KEY)SourceID-er
11/12/72 UUUURosemead South Africamany $F$ Crater in tennis court; Bomb?
03/26/74 UUUUFt George Is. FLTerry Betz $F$ 8 inch RADAR calibration drop sphere?
09/11/74 UUUULangenburg SKEdwin Fuhr $F$ Circle in canola crop, ?P? Circling vehicle??
Edmund Scientific Solar Powered flying toy???

01/08/78 UUUUJenkins MO? $F$ Crop circle, Chemical spill?
03/18/78 TTTTN SCBill Herrmann $F$ Metal = Pb, Part of auto battery?? $R$
08/27/79 0140Marshall Co MNVal Johnson $F$ Damage to police car $R$
Collision with research balloon payload??

Date/timeLocationWitnesses ID Description - (KEY)SourceID-er
09/30/80 TTTTRosedale AustraliaGeorge Blackwell Cover-up for not filling water tank?
12/25/80 ****Rendlesham Forest, England
RAF Bentwaters, England
many (+mil) Spy satellite film drop?
Military cover story?
12/27/80 ntTTRendlesham Forest, England
RAF Bentwaters, England
Halt+ (+mil) Fire Balloons? =N==LR
12/29/80 ntTTHuffman TXCash+Landrum Military experiment gone wrong?? (UV, X ray sickness)
Helicopter cable in power lines??

06/01/82 TTTTBaikonur Cosmodrome Kazakhstanmany Cover for Buran (shuttle) explosion??
Date/timeLocationWitnesses ID Description - (KEY)SourceID-er
02/15/94 TTTTEnkoumlping Sweden ?Fireball Meteor?? Temporary failure in auto?