Obama Legacy


Note that this was written before or shortly after the end of the Obama presidency. It does not contain items discovered after Donald Trump became president.

President Obama's Accomplishments

President Barack Obama has made an issue about his "legacy," as have the news media. Here is a list of the legacy of President Obama, with the impacts of his various accomplishments on the nation and the world:

  1. Obama - The Great Divider
    Obama divides the US

    Obama divides the US

    Obama legacy monument

    Obama Legacy Monument
    (Lake Shore Dr at
    N. Water St, Chicago)
    (under construction)

    Obama monument top view

    Top view of Obama Monument

    Obama caused discord

    Great Hate Divide

    Here are the places where Obama has divided the country:

    GLBT civil rightsReligious civil rights
    Legalizing sinRighteousness
    Evil beliefsReligious beliefs
    Legalizing abortionProhibiting abortion as murder
    Giving GLBT equal rightsProtect religion from GLBT demands
    SocialismCapitalism (socialism can't work)
    ObamacareFree-market health care
    Keynes stimulation (to grow)Tax and spending cuts (to grow)
    Minimum wage hike helps workersMinimum wage hike destroys jobs
    Minimum wage hike helps economyMinimum wage hike hurts retirees
    Peacenik policy causes peacePeacenik policy causes war
    The Peacenik made new friendsThe Peacenik let terrorists rule
    Spreading nuclear weaponsPreventing nuclear weapon spread
    Abolishing gun rightsPreserving gun rights
    Executive orders get things doneHis orders violate Constitution
    His rhetoric helps minoritiesHis rhetoric caused racial division
    His racial rhetoric was relevantHis racial rhetoric started riots
    Education is lots of fun coursesEducation trains future workers
    Liberal science is factLiberal science is bad science
    Cash for Clunkers cut pollutionCash for Clunkers cost the poor
    Make Supreme Court obey liberalismSupreme Court obeys Constitution
    Healthcare for allhealthcare for all is impossible to fund
    Medicare for all(Impossible to fund Medicare for all)
    The Resist Movement(Victims of The Resist Movement)
    Impeaching Donald TrumpImpeaching Maxine Waters
    Impeaching Donald TrumpThrowing peaches at Nancy Pelosi
    Impeaching Donald TrumpPelting Chuck Schumer with peach pits
    Impeaching Donald TrumpViolating PC is not a high crime
    The Great Hate Divide(Victims of The Great Hate Divide)

    Notice how Democrats hate everything that most others hold dear.

    Notice how Democrats think they should always get their own way no matter who won the election.

  2. Obamacare - his Triumph over the Nation:
    US after Obamacare

    Obamacare: the real origin
    of the main concept:
    "Do it my way!"

    Obamacare After Trump

    Obamacare after Trump

    Obamacare has caused all of the following problems:

    • Obama raised health care costs by increasing what insurance covers.
    • He requires mandatory insurance coverage of unnecessary medical procedures.
    • He requires mandatory insurance coverage of things some religions prohibit.
    • Insurance costs are approaching $2000 per month per person
    • People losing their jobs because their employers can't pay the required premiums
    • Employers going out of business or leaving the country
    • Insurance that covers routine medicine and preventative medicine is no longer insurance. It becomes an extremely expensive group credit card.
    • Tax penalties for not having insurance that are cheaper than the insurance.
    • People lost good insurance plans they had because the new law made them illegal
    • Increasing medical prices
    • A large decrease in the number of full-time jobs
    • The only growth in jobs is in McJobs - part-time jobs that get no benefits
    • People with health insurance can't use it because they can't pay the high deductible
    • People forced into retirement early
    • They wrecked Medicare too
    • Obamacare promises more in healthcare than the GNP of the country, so it can't be sustainable
    • The economy staying in recession (even depression) because nobody can afford to hire
    • Discrimination against religious people who can't join plans that pay for procedures that disobey their religions.
    • The government threatens people who have severe allergies with death by immunization.

    Obamacare is trashing the economy and destroying full-time jobs.

  3. The Economic Recovery (sort of) - his Triumph over the Nation:
    Capitol Scaffolding

    That scaffolding around
    the US Capitol dome is
    there to prevent it
    from leaning to the
    left like this:

    Washington leaning left


    The news media are touting an economic recovery under Obama. But it looks a little different from down here:

    • Unemployment fell, but mostly because people who are still unemployed used up their unemployment benefits, and are thus counted by Obama as being employed.
    • Yes there are more jobs, but almost all of them are part-time McJobs.
    • Most of the stimulus money went to government projects, which have no power to expand the economy.
    • Businesses are still failing.
    • Businesses are still leaving the country.
    • Government regulations make it more expensive to live.
    • The requirements of Obamacare keep employers from hiring: They can't afford to hire.
    • Threats of high taxes on energy and other items keep businesses from hiring.
    • Subsidies go to only those companies that believe in Obama's leftist socialism.
    • Most people are having a lot of trouble living on their incomes.
    • Democrats call Republican attempts to create jobs "tax cuts for the rich".
    • The Obamastimulus totally failed, because stimulus spending has never worked.
    • Obama supports a minimum wage increase, which will inflate the money, raise prices, and destroy jobs.
    • His minimum wage (and price) increase will hurt retired people on fixed pensions.
    • His Cash For Clunkers program hurt low income people by raising car prices.
    • His addition of overtime rights to many jobs destroyed jobs.
    • Obama actually believes that alternative energy can power this nation by itself.
    • Obama wants a $10/barrel tax on crude oil to pay for alternative energy research.
    • He actually believes that alternative energy can provide jobs for everyone.
    • Government comes first to Obama. People don't matter.
  4. His Job Creation (negative) - his Triumph over the Nation:
    Bye Bye Jobs

    Jobs went bye-bye due
    to Obama's choices

    hiring losers

    Most new jobs are
    part-time McJobs.

    The news media are touting great increases in jobs under Obama. But it looks a little different to those without jobs:

    • Unemployment fell, but mostly because people used up their unemployment benefits and are thus counted as being employed.
    • Yes there are more jobs, but almost all of them are part-time McJobs.
    • Most of the stimulus money went to government projects, which have no power to expand the economy or create real jobs.
    • Obamacare is trashing the economy and destroying full-time jobs.
    • Businesses are still failing. The jobs fail with them.
    • The requirements of Obamacare keep employers from hiring: They can't afford to pay the premiums needed to hire.
    • Threats of high taxes on energy and other items keep businesses from hiring.
    • Democrats call attempts to create jobs "tax cuts for the rich".
    • Obama raised taxes again and again, killing jobs
    • The Obamastimulus totally failed, because stimulus spending has never worked.
    • The Obamastimulus failed, because work done for a government doesn't stimulate the economy.
    • Obama supports a minimum wage increase, which will inflate the money, raise prices, and destroy jobs.
    • Obama supports a minimum wage increase, which will reduce the values of retirement pensions by inflating the money.
    • Obama actually believes that alternative energy can provide jobs for everyone.
    • New requirements that employees get paid sick days will cost the economy wealth, jobs, and employers.
    • Increasing the number of employees getting mandatory overtime will cost the economy wealth, jobs, and employers.
    • Obama wants a $10/barrel tax on crude oil, which will remove more jobs than it creates.
    • There are twice as many new food stamp applicants as there are new jobs during Obama's tenure.
  5. His alliance with satan - his Triumph over the Nation:
    Obama's evil grin

    Obama's quite evil grin
    shortly after homosexual
    marriage was legalized
    by the Supreme Court

    He has made great achievements in promoting evil:

    • He really follows the religions of:
      Political Correctness, Diversity, Multiculturalism, Egalitarianism, Statism,
      Darwinism, Environmentalisticism, and Secular Humanism.
    • He supports the evil of premarital sex* with condom programs.
    • He supports the evil of promiscuity with condom programs.
    • He supports the evil of promiscuity with support for abortion.
    • He supports the evil of prostitution with support for abortion.
    • He supports the evil of abortion with promises of insurance coverage.
    • He supports the evil of homosexuality* by calling it "congenital".
    • He supports the evil of homosexual marriage.
    • His hatred for religion advances evil.
    • His equality of rights for evildoers requires everyone else to perform evil acts.
    • He allowed the evil of ISIS to arise, with its global terrorist activities.
    • He hates religion because religions prohibit the evils that Democrats want to be special rights.
    • He hates business (but not the jobs business creates).
    • He hates the country of Israel.
    • His discrimination against religious people is evil.
    • He supported court decisions that discriminate against religious people.
    • He supported and signed laws that are hate crimes against religions.
    • He wants to force religious people to pay through insurance premiums for medical procedures their religions prohibit.
    • He wants to force religious people to do things their religions prohibit if homosexuals want them done.
    • He wants to take away tax exemptions for religions that do not allow homosexuality.
    • He supports the evil of big government.
    • He opposes allowing anything religious to have anything to do with government.
    • Obama insulted several foreign leaders by favoring violations of their religions.
    • He wants to violate the separation of church and state by forcing churches to accept homosexuality and abortion.
    • He wants Atheism taught in the schools because Atheists tend to vote for Democrats.
    • The evil he supports has manifested itself in the large number of mass killings in the United States.

    The evidence says that he must be obeying satan. Nothing else makes any sense.

  6. His hatred for Christianity - his Triumph over the Nation:
    The flag of discrimination

    The Flag of Discrimination

    Obama's idea for a new
    US flag after homosexual
    marriage was legalized
    by the Supreme Court

    He hates any religion that disagrees with Liberalism, especially Christianity:

    • His "preacher" presented Political Correctness* to him as Christian belief.
    • Obama pretended to be a Christian* to be elected the first time.
    • He supports the evil of promiscuity* with condom programs.
    • He supports the evil of promiscuity* with support for abortion.
    • He supports the evil of prostitution* with support for abortion.
    • He supports the evil of premarital sex* with condom programs.
    • He supports the evil of abortion* with promises of insurance coverage.
    • He supports the evil of bad science, calling homosexuality a congenital condition.
    • He supports the evil of homosexuality* by calling it "congenital".
    • He supports the evil of homosexual marriage.*
    • He supports the evil of trying to change a religion.*
    • He played golf to distract himself from the beheading of US soldiers by ISIS.
    • He is not at all bothered by the beheading of Christians by ISIS.
    • His equality of rights for evildoers requires everyone else to perform evil acts.*
    • He hates Christianity because it prohibits the evils that Democrats want to be special rights.
    • Al Qaida and ISIS hate the US because of Obama's belief that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality and other evils that the Democrats want to be special rights.
    • His hatred for Christianity advances evil.
    • His discrimination against Christians is evil.
    • Obama supports court decisions that discriminate against Christians.
    • He signed laws that are hate crimes against Christians.
    • He wants to force Christians to pay through insurance premiums for medical procedures that God prohibits.*
    • He wants to force Christians to do things that God forbids* if homosexuals want them done.
    • He wants to take away tax exemptions for Christians because God does not allow homosexuality.*
    • He supports the evil of big government condemned in Deuteronomy 17.*
    • He opposes allowing anything Christian to have anything to do with government.
    • He wants to violate the separation of church and state by forcing Christians to accept homosexuality and abortion.
    • He wanted to force Kim Davis to disobey God to please homosexuals.
    • He likes the apostate "Christian" religions that have voted to obey Democrats instead of God.*
    • The evil he supports has manifested itself in the large number of mass killings in the United States.

    * Prohibited by the Bible.

  7. Egalitarianism - his Triumph over the Nation:

    The Eagle-itarian
    Tyranny of egalitarianism

    He has made great achievements in making everyone equal:

    • His economic reforms for economic equality: Everyone is equally destitute.
    • His equality of rights for evildoers: Everyone must be equally required to perform evil acts.
    • His equality in insurance coverage: Everyone has to equally pay many times more to get less.
    • His equality in insurance coverage: Every employee can equally lose his job.
    • His equality in education: All children get equally incomprehensible lessons.
    • His gun control mania will leave all honest people equally unprotected from criminals.
    • His wife's equality of school lunches: All children get equally awful-tasting lunches.
    • His hatred for religion: All religious people are equally discriminated against.
    • Obamacare violates religions: Everyone must equally disobey his religion.
    • Homosexuality violates religions: Everyone must equally disobey his religion.
    • Abortion violates religions: Everyone must equally disobey his religion.
    • Public education content violates religions: Everyone must equally disobey his religion.
    • His equality of rights for evildoers promotes more evil acts.
    • He wants equality for illegal aliens in the US.
    • His equality for illegal aliens means letting them stay in the US.
    • His equality for illegal aliens means letting them use other people's social security numbers.
    • His equality for illegal aliens means trying to make them into (Democrat) citizens.
    • The evil acts from his egalitarianism have manifested a large number of mass killings in the United States.

    He is making everyone equally mad.

  8. Foreign policy - a disaster
    The world is a grenade

    The stupidity of Obama's
    "be nice" foreign policy:
    The world is now a grenade.

    Obama the Peacenik

    Obama the Peacenik
    Peace = ban all weapons
    It doesn't work.

    Obama's peacenik beliefs have destroyed world peace.

    • Obama believes the peacenik belief that war and violence can be eliminated by eliminating all weapons.
    • Obama refuses to believe that his belief that war can be eliminated by eliminating weapons is wrong.
    • Obama believes the peacenik belief that one country can stop a war by no longer fighting the enemy.
    • Obama refuses to believe that his belief that war can be stopped by no longer fighting the enemy is wrong.
    • Al Qaida and ISIS hate the US because our lifestyles violate their version of Islam.
    • Al Qaida and ISIS hate the US because of Obama's belief that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality.
    • Obama believes that Al Qaida and ISIS hate the US because we have been meddling in the affairs of governments in the Middle East.
    • Obama believes that Al Qaida and ISIS should stop hating us because he has been friendly with Islamic governments in the Middle East.
    • He believes that the Islamic terrorists being held in Guantanamo are the principal reason people are joining ISIS.
    • He refuses to believe that the homosexual rights and homosexual marriage he champions are a larger reason that ISIS is attracting recruits
       - much larger than the terrorists held at Guantanamo are.
       - Islam prohibits homosexuality, punishing it with the death penalty.
    • Obama believes the latest mass killings were "workplace violence", not terrorism.
    • Obama refuses to believe that the latest mass killings were terrorism because he believes that his ending the wars should end all terrorist activity.
    • Obama's answer to terrorist attacks is more gun control.
    • Obama doesn't understand that criminals by nature do not obey the law - including gun laws.
    • Obama doesn't understand that criminals can easily make guns if they can't buy or steal them.
    • Obama can't believe that everything needed to make a working gun can be bought from grocery and hardware stores and a model train catalog.
    • Obama doesn't realize that smart people can convert anything into a weapon. Removing the weapons does not remove the animosity.
    • Obama believes that ghetto violence is caused by the availability of guns.
    • Obama refuses to believe that ghetto violence is caused by hate and the gangs that foster hate.
    • He angered several Islamic foreign leaders by celebrating homosexual-rights victories in front of them.
    • He angered Pope Benedict XVI by trying to get him to accept abortion and homosexuality.
    • He withdrew troops from Iraq, allowing terrorists to infiltrate its territory.
    • He told the enemy his withdrawal plans by blabbing them to the press.
    • Obama told the enemy what he was going to do, telling them when they could attack.
    • He lost all of the gains of the Afghan war and the Iraq war.
    • He allowed the evil of ISIS to arise, with its global terrorist activities.
    • He let Putin invade eastern Ukraine.
    • He let Putin invade Syria.
    • He hates Israel.
    • He did nothing about the kidnappings and killings in Nigeria.
    • He did nothing about the trouble in Syria, allowing ISIS to form.
    • He let Islamic terrorists take over several countries.
    • He did nothing to prevent ISIS from invading Iraq.
    • He angered Russians with his homosexual-rights agenda.
    • He angered Islamic groups with his homosexual-rights agenda.
    • He offended Senegal President Macky Sall by supporting homosexual rights.
    • Thanks to Obama's negligence, ISIS is in Iran, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan.
    • Thanks to Obama's negligence, ISIS committed the 11/13/2015 attacks in Paris.
    • Does Obama's "vetting process for refugees" mean sending them to a veterinarian?
    • Obama went to a baseball game during the news of the Brussels terrorist attacks.
    • Obama does not want to protect our borders.

    His foreign policy makes him look like a wind-up mouse in a parking lot full of dump trucks.

  9. Obama the Dictator
    dictator nuthouse

    The Dictator's Nuthouse

    Obama thinks of himself as a king instead of a president:

    • The media always believe the blather of Obama to be right (even when he's wrong).
    • He forced his hell-care plan on everyone.
    • He uses his veto to keep Congress from undoing his bad policies.
    • He uses the press to make Congress look like the wrongdoers.
    • He uses executive orders to bypass Congress.
    • He uses the United Nations to bypass Congress.
    • He cheats by using unusual procedures to force Congress to vote to disapprove, rather than approve, changing the probability of approval.
    • He sides with the thugs who battle police.
    • He demands that Congress pass what HE wants and lambastes them when they don't.
    • He wanted the Supreme Court to rule in favor of homosexual marriage.
    • He demands gun control to end all terrorist threats.
    • He tries to bypass Congress any way he can, to do what HE wants.
    • He hates the gun rights the Constitution provides every person.
    • He hates the religious rights the Constitution provides every person.
    • Like President Clinton, Obama throws tantrums when he doesn't get his way.
    • Obama does not want to protect our borders.
  10. Obama Supports Injustice, Including Al Sharpton's Racism
    justice is pied

    Justice is Pied

    Obama listens to radicals and thugs instead of sane people:

    • Obama listens to and believes the biased blather of Al Sharpton.
    • He sides with the thug who was killed by a security guard he attacked.
    • Obama was upset when the security guard was acquitted.
    • Obama was upset when Casey Anthony was not convicted.
    • He sides with the thugs who were killed by the cops they attacked.
    • Obama incited riots with his inflammatory rhetoric.
    • He started the biased Attorney General investigations of police shootings.
    • He agreed with the Attorney General's biased conclusions on police shootings.
    • His rhetoric about the police shootings caused blacks to attack policemen.
    • He wanted the Supreme Court to rule in favor of homosexual marriage.
    • He wants to take religious rights away in favor of homosexual rights.
    • He wanted to force Kim Davis to disobey God to please homosexuals.
    • No charges for IRS employee Lois Lerner for discriminatory practices.
    • No charges against Hillary Clinton for email security violations.
    • Obama released over 6000 prisoners convicted of drug offenses.
  11. Obama Thinks Politics can Change Science:
    popeye spinach

    The US Government told the cartoonist Segar in the 1930s to make Popeye eat spinach to get strong. They wanted kids to eat spinach. They believed spinach had ten times the iron of all other foods.

    This belief was due to bad science:
    - A misplaced decimal point.

    These are the "scientific advances" the Obama Administration has foisted on us:

    • Belief in Al Gore's bad science* that "proves" that global warming is real and caused by man
    • Belief that he has to take away the light bulbs we need to "stop global warming.
    • Belief that global warming can be proved by taking temperatures and citing shrinking glaciers*
    • Not letting scientists get government scientific research grants without declaring that global warming is real and man-made
    • Spreading the liberal belief in bad science saying that homosexuality is congenital
    • Encouraging belief in the bad science methods used for global warming and congenital homosexuality
    • Funding more Political Science and Environmental Science in schools
    • A partial ban on rock fracture oil recovery (fracking) with no scientific basis
    • Preventing a needed pipeline from being built because it "might" cause more global warming
    • Costing people a lot in energy costs by preventing a needed pipeline from being built.
    • Forcing Michelle Obama's nutrition beliefs on millions of children with no proof that the beliefs are more than unsupported opinions
    • Forcing unsupported nutrition beliefs onto workers to lower healthcare premiums
    • Legalizing "recreational" drugs while banning cigarettes
    • Demanding limits on fossil fuel burning to prevent global warming

    * This is use of the invalid argument method "Affirming the Consequent" so the proof is not true.

  12. Distortion of Education
    Art - ask for less

    Obama promised more
    funding for subjects that
    don't lead to employment

    Obama has ruined education on all levels:

    • Obama promised some kids he would increase funding for subjects kids love, and remove the ones they hate.
       - Of course, the kids hate the subjects that lead to employment.
    • He forced Michelle Obama's nutrition beliefs on millions of children (with no proof that the beliefs are anything more than unsupported opinions).
    • He "improved education" by requiring all teachers and college instructors to have Master's degrees in subjects they teach. This disqualified many teachers.
    • He has teachers teaching Al Gore's bad science that global warming is real and is caused by man.
    • He lets teachers unconstitutionally teach that religion is nothing but fairy tales.
    • Obama demands that high schools teach Keynesian Economics and stimulus methods.
    • He requires incomprehensible liberal "Common Core" education standards.
    • He has schools teaching his belief that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality.
    • He has schools teaching the liberal belief that homosexuality is congenital.
    • He fosters the bad science used in global warming and congenital homosexuality.
    • He supports union demands that no religious people can be teachers.
    • He has schools teaching that government is good and should be revered.
    • Obama has schools teaching that you can make peace by being nice.
    • Obama has schools teaching that people have a right to living wages (impossible).
    • Obama funded more Political Science and Environmental Science in schools
  13. Cultural Pollution
    Our new culture in a Petri dish

    Our new culture in reality

    Obama has polluted the culture so much, it belongs in a Petri dish:

    • Obama believes the peacenik belief that war and violence can be eliminated by eliminating all weapons.
    • Obama believes the peacenik belief that one country can stop a war by no longer fighting the enemy.
    • Obama believes that Al Qaida and ISIS hate the US because we have been meddling in the affairs of governments in the Middle East.
    • Obama believes that Al Qaida and ISIS should stop hating us because he has been friendly with Islamic governments in the Middle East.
    • Obama believes the latest mass killings were "workplace violence", not terrorism.
    • Obama's answer to terrorist attacks is more gun control.
    • The belief he spread in economic equality is destroying jobs.
    • The belief he spread of rights for evildoers is against most religions.
    • The belief he spread on equality in insurance coverage is destroying the economy and jobs.
    • The belief he spread on equality in insurance coverage fooled newsmen.
    • His wife's belief in nutritious school lunches is making children mad.
    • His hatred for religion discriminates against most people's religions.
    • He thinks government is special and must come first.
    • Obama has spread the belief that you can make peace by being nice. Too bad our enemies see it as a way to beat us.
    • He spread his belief that Iran could have nuclear power for peaceful purposes.
    • He made us believe that the Senate's Constitutional right to examine agreements with foreign countries can be bypassed.
  14. Nuclear Proliferation
    World after Obama-Iran Treaty

    Obama was nice to enemies:
    What the world will look like
    after the Obama-Iran Treaty

    Obama has done quite enough to make sure that a terrorist state will eventually get nuclear weapons:

    • Obama believes the peacenik belief that one country can stop a war by no longer fighting the enemy.
    • Obama failed to keep the Iranians under observation, allowing them to get nuclear materials and processing equipment.
    • He started "negotiations" with the idea that Iran could have nuclear power for peaceful purposes.
    • He opposed the Senate's Constitutional right to examine any agreement with a foreign country.
    • He gave in to the Iranians to get a deal by the promised date.
    • He has tricked the UN to vote in his favor.
    • He hates the nation of Israel (probably because of its religion).
    • He doesn't care what ISIS does to people.
    • He doesn't care if ISIS gets an Iranian nuclear bomb.
    • He wants to let Syrian refugees in.
    • He doesn't care what happens after he leaves office.
  15. Unintended Costs of Minimum Wage Increase
    dollar after Obama-Iran Treaty

    Obama shrinks the dollar with
    his minimum wage increases.

    The following have happened in places that recently raised the minimum wage:

    • Businesses closing because they cannot afford higher wages.
    • Workers given fewer hours so employer can pay higher wages.
    • Obama wants gas prices to go up, making it more expensive for the poor to drive.
    • Some workers lose jobs so employers can pay the others higher wages.
    • Workers who don't lose jobs must work twice as hard.
    • Prices rise so employers have the money to pay the higher wage.
    • Retired people can't afford as much because prices are rising.
    • Workers asking for fewer hours so they don't lose welfare and food stamps.
    • Prices rising in restaurants due to the inflation caused by the higher minimum wage.
    • Tipping banned in some restaurants because higher wages must be paid.
  16. Costing the Poor More
    dollar after Obama-Iran Treaty

    Obama was
    a champion
    at costing the
    poor more.

    Obama hurts the poor with his policies and programs.

    • The attempt to combat pollution with Cash for Clunkers doubled the price of used cars.
    • Obama wants gas prices to go up, making it more expensive for the poor to drive.
    • Obama made cars cost twice as much for poor people with Cash for Clunkers.
    • Businesses moving overseas because they cannot afford higher wages. The jobs move with them
    • Businesses closing because they cannot afford higher wages.
    • Workers given fewer hours so employer can pay higher wages.
    • Prices rise so employers have the money to pay the higher wage.
    • The attempt to give everyone health insurance made the deductibles very hard for the poor to reach.
    • Obamacare made many people poor by taking their jobs away.
    • Everyone must take a part-time McJob or stay unemployed.
    • Retired people can't afford as much because prices are rising.
    • New requirements that employees get paid sick days will cost the economy wealth, jobs, and employers.
  17. Obama Does NOT Know What he is Doing
    Inside Obama's brain

    Inside Obama's brain
    (while operating)

    Obama doesn't know, and he doesn't know that he doesn't know.

    The following show that Obama does not know what he is doing:

    • He worships government.
    • He believes that government can do anything.
    • He believes that all people should think as he thinks.
    • He believes that anyone can get something for nothing.
    • He believes that government spending can create wealth.
    • He believes that Obamacare can expand the economy.
    • He believes that "being nice" can prevent all wars.
    • He believes that a country can leave a war and peace will result.
    • Obama refuses to believe that his belief that war can be eliminated by eliminating weapons is wrong.
    • Obama refuses to believe that his belief that war can be stopped by no longer fighting the enemy is wrong.
    • Al Qaida and ISIS hate the US because of Obama's belief that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality.
    • Obama believes that Al Qaida and ISIS hate the US because we have been meddling in the affairs of governments in the Middle East.
    • Obama believes that Al Qaida and ISIS should stop hating us because he has been friendly with Islamic governments in the Middle East.
    • Obama believes the latest mass killings were "workplace violence", not terrorism.
    • Obama refuses to believe that the latest mass killings were terrorism because he believes that his ending the wars should end all terrorist activity.
    • Obama's answer to terrorist attacks is more gun control.
    • Obama doesn't understand that criminals by nature do not obey the law - including gun laws.
    • Obama doesn't understand that criminals can easily make guns if they can't buy or steal them.
    • He wants to force everyone to believe the Political Correctness, Egalitarian, Diversity, and multiculturalism religions.
    • His foreign policy makes him look like a wind-up mouse in a parking lot full of dump trucks.
    • He believes that there is nothing wrong with using the press to influence and cheat the elections.
    • He believes that there is nothing wrong with vilifying anyone who disagrees with him.
    • He believes that raising the minimum wage will help the poor.
    • He believes that raising the minimum wage will help the poor.
    • He believes that guns cause crime (just like flies cause garbage).
    • He actually believes alternative energy can power the country by itself.
    • He believes that religious people can be persuaded to accept homosexuality.
    • He believes that suppressing all religious beliefs will bring harmony.
    • His belief that evil is not wrong is causing many act-of-God and man-made disasters.
    • He worships the arts, sports, and entertainment.
    • He wants to waste tax money on arts, sports, and entertainment.
    • His idea of freedom is freedom from anything that is annoying or dangerous.
    • He is hoplophobic (fears guns). He especially fears ordinary people having guns.
    • He believes that he should steal our rights to create absolute equality for everyone.
    • He believes that he should steal our rights to create a super-safe hazard-free world.
    • He believes that attempts to create jobs are "tax cuts for the rich".
    • He favors the sins of abortion, homosexuality, homosexual marriage, and transgender.

    He seems to want to change the US into an African dictatorship government.

  18. Obama Wants a Legacy as the First Black President


    All Obama cares about are his image and his legacy.

    The following show that Obama is trying to do great things to show what a black president can do:

    • He wants his greatest legacy to be the peace he creates through "being nice".
    • He wants to be known to be able to create wealth out of nothing.
    • He wants to be known as the creator of the Democrat utopia through massive spending.
    • He wants to be known for expanding the economy with Obamacare.
    • He wants to be known for ending poverty forever with a super-high minimum wage.
    • He wants to be known for creating a super-safe gun-free society.
    • He wants to be known for creating a super-safe hazard-free environment.
    • He wants to be known for stealing our rights to create absolute equality for everyone.
    • He wants to be known for creating absolute equality for everyone.
    • He wants to be known for removing the burden of religion from everyone.
    • He wants to be known for worshiping the arts and providing funds for artists.

    Obama: the rebel without a clue.

  19. Strong Points
    goofy golf

    Obama plays golf again

    Wham! Crash! Thud!
    Oblama!! Ow! $@#%!

    He's no Tiger Woods.

    less golf

    Golf is not Essential.

    Obama can play golf.

    • He plays golf whenever crises threaten.
    • He played golf to distract himself from the beheading of US soldiers by ISIS.
    • He played golf to distract himself from the facts that Islamic terrorists hate the evils that Democrats want to be special rights.
    • He played golf to distract himself from some of the riots protesting police actions.
    • He played golf every time he went on vacation (which was quite often).
    • He played golf during the funeral of the highest-rank U.S. officer killed in battle.
    • He played golf without bothering to comment on the failures of the Obamacare website.
    • He played golf while Malaysia flight 370 disappeared.
    • He played golf with the Malaysia leader while discussing rescue efforts for flight MH-370.
    • He played golf the two days following his re-election.
    • He played golf while Putin invaded the Ukraine and stole Crimea.
    • He played golf during the unrest in Ferguson Missouri.
    • He played golf while fighting was going on in Gaza.
    • Obama overturned a golf cart while playing golf.
    • He played golf while Malaysia flight 17 bodies were being recovered.
    • His golf round (with secret service protection) delayed a scheduled wedding at a golf course. Then he crashed the wedding.
    • He played golf while the San Bernardino terrorist attack occurred.
    • He golfed up everything he did.
    • I have never seen anyone flatten a golf ball as flat as that before.
    • He wants all weapons banned. He forgets that a golf club can be used as a weapon.

    There is a large golf between Obama's mind and the real world.

  20. Obama's Accomplishments


    Searching ******

    ♪ Across the Hate Divide ♪

    Searching ******

    Obama caused discord

    Obama's Hate Divide

    Unfortunately, we are unable to find any.
    Wait a minute! Here are a few:

    • He divided this country more than any other person has.
    • He has the highest national debt ever.
    • He hired his cronies instead of experts.
    • He has created the possibility of a nuclear war with Iran.
    • He has created the possibility of a nuclear war with North Korea.
    • He wrecked the US foreign policy.
    • He wrecked the economy with Obamacare.
    • He wrecked the economy with a stimulus paying for government projects.
    • He wrecked a golf cart.
    • He got his shoe stuck in mud.
    • He created the Hate Divide.
    • He started riots with his rhetoric.
    • He condoned hate groups wanting only black lives saved from police shootings.
    • He condoned hate groups who want all policemen killed.
    • He condoned hate groups trying to erase the history of slavery.
    • He let terrorists rule the Middle East.
    • He let terrorists rule the inner cities in the US.
    • He started the Hate Trump movement with his rhetoric.
    • He told the FBI to investigate the Trump campaign.
    • He even snapped at the CBS news coverage (very hard for a Democrat to do).
  21. Dinky Links: