FAQ about the deep division in the United States

Selfish People Trying to Get Rid of Religion

  1. Why do some people want to get rid of religions?

    -- There are several reasons:

    • Most religions prohibit the "social advances" Democrats believe in and want to require.
      • Liberal want to do things prohibited by religions
      • Many religions prohibit abortion as a form of murder.
      • Most religions prohibit the Gay-Lesbian-Bisexual-Transgender (GLBT) lifestyles.
      • GLBT people are demanding "equal" rights that force religious people to do things that religions prohibit.
    • Activist Atheists want to rid the world of all religions.
      • Activist Atheists want all sights and sounds of religion to be removed from the world.
      • Activist Atheists want to prohibit religious people from doing science or teaching.
      • Activist Atheists want to prohibit religious people from holding government office.
    • Anti-war activists say religion causes most wars.
    • Democrats want everyone to obey their Political Correctness, Diversity, Multiculturalism, and Egalitarianism religions.
    • Progressives think religion is a waste of time and resources.
    • Democrats covet the money that people donate to their religions.
      • Many Democrats worship government.
      • They selfishly want government to be able to confiscate and spend that money.
  2. Why are most Republicans religious?

    -- Actually, most religious people are Republicans.

  3. Why are most religious people Republicans?

    -- The Democrat party has alienated them by hating and acting against their religious beliefs:

    • Democrats want to change most religions to allow the sins that are the Democrat "social advances".

      -- Most religions do not allow any changes.

    • Democrats covet the money donated to establishments of religion. They want it for government to spend.
    • Democrats see people refusing to do things that disobey their religions as "discriminating against others".
  4. Why are most Atheists Democrats?

    -- Actually, most Democrats are Atheists.

  5. Why are most Democrats Atheists?

    -- Most religions prohibit the activities Democrats value most, so most Democrats hate religions:

    • Democrats want to change world religions to allow sins that are the Democrat ideal of "social advances".

      -- But most religions do not allow any changes.

    • Democrats say the money donated to establishments of religion is wasted.

      -- Democrats covet the money donated to establishments of religion.

    • Democrats see people refusing to do things that disobey their religions as discriminating against others.

      -- Democrats demanding that religious people disobey their own religions are discriminating against religion.

  6. So it's God vs satan?
    • Essentially yes. Evil is defined as deliberate disobedience of God.
    • Democrats favor sin. Republicans favor obeying God.

Selfish People Wanting Rights that Remove the Rights of Others

  1. Why do some people want to take away the civil rights of others?

    -- They believe that the civil rights the others have are "wrongdoing" and must not exist:

    • GLBT people want religious rights removed because most religions prohibit GLBT activities as wrongdoing.
    • Atheists want religious rights removed because Atheists believe religions are lies invented to control people.
    • Religious people want GLBT rights removed because GLBT try to make them disobey their religions.
    • Democrats see people refusing to do things that disobey their own religions as "discriminating against others".

      -- Democrats wanting religious people to disobey their own religions are discriminating against religion.

    • Liberals want the right to keep and bear arms removed because they are afraid of guns.

      -- Liberals believe that removing all weapons will prevent all crimes. This is not true.

    • Environmentalists want all pollution removed. They want a "pristine earth" with no traces of man present.
    • To liberals, liberal beliefs are absolute truth. "Those who reject our truths have something 'wrong' with them."

      -- Liberals believe the religions of Political Correctness, Multiculturalism, Diversity, and Egalitarianism.

      -- Because they are religions, liberals have no right to force them others.

  2. Why won't removing all weapons prevent all crime?

    -- Anything can be used as a weapon.

    -- Some of the strange weapons that have been used in crimes include:

    • bowling balls, baseball bats, spoons, a large fish, cars, a sailboat boom, jump ropes, television sets, an Xbox, spatulas, fire extinguishers, boobs, umbrellas, chairs, sweatpants, beer, pickle jars, shovels, a chessboard, a crucifix, a refrigerator, toilet tank lids, floor lamps, microwave ovens, frankfurters, pies, a fat man, pencils, a roast, writing pens, corkscrews, nail guns, electric guitars, a prosthetic leg, chainsaws, a pickle, shoes, belts, an icicle, molten metal, water, needles, pumpernickel bread, bike locks, soda bottles, stoves, trucks, propane torches, computer monitors, guitar strings, light bulbs, a bass drum, a barbell, electric mixers, porter's carts, plastic bags, cake batter, bees, and compressed air.
    • Do we remove all of these too?

    -- A criminal doesn't need a weapon to steal something or forge a document.

Selfish People Wanting Government to Take Care of Them

  1. Why do many people expect government to take care of them?
    • They believe they are entitled to it just because they are alive.
    • They don't want to have to work. They are lazy. They want a utopia without work.
  2. How are Democrats promising to take care of people?

    -- They promised the following:

    • Free health care for the poor.
    • Free college for families under $120K income.
    • Free child care for working mothers.
    • Free abortions for the poor.
    • Free preschool for all children.
    • Free restoration in the event of any disaster.
  3. Why do they think government has the money to take care of them?

    -- Democrats promise that government can create enough wealth to pay for it.

  4. Does government really have enough money to pay for this?
    • No. Democrats wrongly think that government spending can create wealth.

      -- The belief that government spending can create wealth comes from a missing equation in Keynesian theory.

      -- That equation shows that all wealth comes only from doing useful work.

    • The amount of money needed to take care of everyone is ten times the amount of money in the entire world.
    • Republicans say that if government really had that much money, it would mean the taxes are way too high.

Selfish People Wanting the Utopia the Keynesian Economic Theory Predicts

  1. What is this belief in a utopia?

    -- They believe that, if the government spends enough money, it creates enough wealth that nobody has to work.

  2. Can this utopia really exist?

    -- No. It is based on the promises of Democrats and a missing equation in Keynesian theory.

    -- The missing equation prevents the current multiple solutions of economic calculations.

  3. What evidence proves that this utopia can't exist?
    • When the missing equation is added, the solutions that predict the utopia no longer appear.
    • Republicans know that this stupid planet can't feed its population without work being done.

      -- If nobody is working, nobody is making any products. So there is nothing to buy.

      -- If nobody is working, nobody is farming. So there is no food.

  4. So why do people believe in this utopia?
    • Wishful thinking. They really want an economy where they don't have to work.
    • Democrats wanting their votes said that they have to work so "capitalists" gain from their work.
    • They cite the classical Greek utopia. But the Greek wealth came from slave labor.
  5. Many people believe Communism is nearly a utopia. Why doesn't it work?
    • Wishful thinking. Each person thinks he can end up doing less work.

      -- Because people end up doing less work, less wealth is created.

    • They don't understand an economy of scale. Each person thinks he will get more than he actually gets.
  6. Many people believe in wealth redistribution. Why doesn't it work?
    • Wishful thinking. They really want an economy where they don't have to work.

      -- They expect to get enough money that they won't have to work.

    • They forget that money created by loans and investments disappears in any redistribution of wealth.
    • If all of the money is equally distributed to everyone in the world, each person gets about $5000 - ONCE!

      -- That's not much to live on.

      -- People born after this happens get nothing.

    • With the wealth redistributed, nobody has enough money to hire.
    • Within a year, the money would be back where it was before the redistribution. This is because:

      -- People who use their money well will gain.

      -- People who don't use their money well will lose.

"Freedom" vs "Freedom From"

  1. What is the difference between how Republicans and how Democrats think of freedom?
    • Republicans see "freedom" as the freedom to do what you want to do.
    • Democrats see "freedom" as freedom from everything that they dislike.
  2. What are some examples of this?
    • Republicans want the freedom to have guns, obey religions, and own big businesses.

      -- Democrats want freedom from the existence of guns, religions, and big businesses.

    • Republicans want the freedom to create factories, products, and cheap energy.

      -- Democrats want freedom from the pollution of factories, products, and cheap energy.

    • Democrats want freedom to ban everything they are afraid of.

      -- Democrats want freedom to ban everything they think causes what they are afraid of.

      -- Since everything is dangerous in one way or another, Democrats will eventually want to ban everything.

      -- Republicans want freedom from the bans the timorous Democrats want.

The Selfish Press Takes Sides Because They Want Things for Themselves.

  1. Why do journalists take sides in elections for selfish reasons?
    • Journalists want Obamacare for themselves:
      • Most journalists are freelance, so they can sell articles by the piece to multiple buyers.
      • This includes most AP members.
      • Because they are freelance, they are not employed and don't get benefits.
    • Journalists want freedom from "archaic religious rules":
      • Most journalists favor abortion.
      • Most journalists favor GLBT activities.
      • Most journalists were wrongly taught by liberal atheists that religion is nothing.

        -- So they see nothing wrong with their unconstitutional actions.

    • Journalists want guns banned because they might get caught (and shot) snooping:
      • Most journalists sneak in where they don't belong to get stories.
      • Homeowners and security guards can shoot intruders.
      • Journalists want safety while covering crimes.
    • Journalists want to win the Pulitzer Prize and other prizes for journalists:
      • Winning these prizes help journalists sell more articles with higher pay.
      • The Pulitzer Prize and most other journalism prizes are now awarded by strongly liberal judges.
      • Conservative stories do not win these prizes.
  2. Why do journalists take sides in elections when they don't understand the truth?
    • Journalists get emotional because they see so many people killed or hurt in their daily work:
      • They want government to "do something" to stop these events.
      • They do not seem to understand that everyone eventually has to die.
      • When a cause of death is reduced, other causes of death increase in percentage, alarming them.

        -- They don't seem to understand that the percentages must always add to 100%.

    • Journalists don't have the training in science and math to understand many issues:
      • They believe the emotional liberal arguments because they don't have the knowledge to test them.
      • They don't believe any math done to refute liberal arguments because they don't understand the math.
      • They can't tell the difference between science and speculation.
    • Journalists are afraid of the consequences of global warming claimed by environmentalists:
      • They believe the emotional pleas of environmentalists to save species from extinction.
      • They don't realize that the science the environmentalists are feeding them is bad science.
      • They can't tell the difference between science and speculation.

People See the Elections as Being Rigged.

  1. Why do journalists see elections as being rigged?

    -- They are rigged - but not the way you are thinking. It's usually not deliberate:

  2. How are elections unintentionally rigged?
    • The Plurality Voting System (vote for only one) is inherently biased.
      • It unfairly favors the candidate most different from the others when more than two run.
      • It unfairly disfavors candidates who are similar to each other when more than two run.
      • The Independent Voting System is the only fair system. But nobody uses it.

      -- This usage is ignorance of the truth, not malice.

    • Ranking Voting Systems have different biases.
      • They can't tell if a given rank is a dislike or a like.
      • They can unfairly lower probability of winning when the candidate gets more votes.
      • The Independent Voting System is the only fair system.

      -- This usage is ignorance of the truth, not malice.

    • Straight-Party Voting biases all races on the ballot except the top one.
      • It unfairly favors all candidates in the same party as the winner of the top race
      • It unfairly disfavors candidates in the same party as an unpopular top race candidate
      • The Independent Voting System can't have Straight-Party Voting.

      -- This usage is an attempt to get votes for more candidates in the party.

  3. How are elections deliberately rigged?
    • Winner-Take-All Voting gives too much power to a candidate with a small win.
      • It unfairly biases an electoral vote.
      • It disenfranchises all of the voters who did not vote for the winner.

      -- This usage is an unfair attempt to gain an advantage in an electoral vote.

    • At-Large Voting gives too much power to the winning party.
      • It unfairly biases a legislature with multiple seats in one district, rather than multiple districts.
      • It disenfranchises all of the voters who did not vote for the winners.

      -- This usage is an attempt to suppress a minority vote.

    • Electoral Voting is purposely biased to remove the large-state bias.
      • This built-in bias partially cancels out the Winner-Take-All bias.
      • The popular vote does not determine the winner of an electoral vote.

      -- This usage is an attempt to restore fairness to an electoral vote.

    • Mail-in Voting is too easy to cheat.
      • It is too easy for ballots to be added, misplaced, destroyed, or modified.
      • Union postal workers have purposely delayed mail-in ballots from conservative areas until after the ballot tally.

      -- Democrats want this because it is the easiest to cheat.

    • It is too easy for election workers to cheat.
      • Absence of constant ballot surveillance makes cheating easy.
      • Ballots are too easy to make disappear by destroying them. Such ballots also cannot reappear in a recount.

      -- This is the most common method used to cheat an election.

    • The news media take sides in elections.
      • News stories unfairly bias the voters by frightening them away from one party.
      • Reporters want for themselves things promised by one party.

      -- This usage is a ploy for personal gain by reporters.

Democrats Worship Government. Republicans See Government as a Necessary Evil.

  1. How do Democrats worship government, and why don't Republicans so this?
    • Democrats BELIEVE that the government they love can do what they want it to do.
    • Republicans DO THE MATH.

      -- They know that government can't do what Democrats believe it can do.

      -- They know that government taking more in taxes harms the economy.

  2. What are examples of this?
    • Democrats believe that government can create wealth by spending a lot of money.

      -- Republicans know that only work can create actual wealth.

    • Democrats calculate wealth in terms of how much money people have.

      -- Republicans calculate wealth by ownership of money and property.

    • Democrats expect government to protect and take care of everyone.

      -- Republicans know that 10 times all the money in the world is needed to protect and care for everyone.

    • Democrats want a big government so it can protect and take care of everyone.

      -- Republicans know that a big government means:

      • Fewer jobs
      • More business failures because a big government soaks up all of the resources.

Democrats Think Emotionally. Republicans Think Logically.

  1. What is the difference between how Democrats and Republicans think?
    • Democrats emotionally BELIEVE that government can do what they emotionally want it to do.
    • Republicans DO THE MATH.

      -- They logically know that government can't do what Democrats emotionally believe it can do.

  2. What are some examples of this?
    • Democrats emotionally expect government to be able to create wealth.

      -- Republicans logically know that only work can create actual wealth.

    • Democrats emotionally think wealth is just money and want to tax and redistribute it to everyone.

      -- Republicans logically see redistribution as theft of work from those who did the work.

    • Democrats emotionally think they can make idle people wealthy by giving them money.

      -- Republicans logically see that giving wealth to an idle person destroys that much wealth.
      -- He eats the wealth without using it to work.

      -- Republicans logically know that a person who works multiplies his wealth.
      -- He uses the energy he gets from the food he eats to work to make more wealth.

    • Democrats emotionally expect government to help every person who has needs.

      -- Republicans logically give to private charities and churches to help people with needs.