Look at the following table to find the reason why you find yourself hating others:
Trump won the election | The people chose Trump. He won legitimately.
Do you really hate all of the people in the country because they voted for Trump?
Trump cheated to win the election | Democrats claim that "Russians" hacked the election.
After almost two years of investigation, no evidence was found that hacking changed
any votes.
Trump won thru the biased Electoral College system. | The electoral system is intentionally biased.
It has a small bias to keep large states from controlling who becomes president.
Trump won due to the biased Plurality Voting System (PVS). | This is actually true, though most authorities don't believe it.
When more than two candidates run, PVS favors the candidate most different than the
The solution to this is to stop using the Plurality Voting System (vote for only one).
They should never let someone like Trump be president | There is no standard of who can be president other than those in the
Who says a president must act "presidential" (What's that?)?
Who is this 'they' you say should prevent Trump from being president? |
Trump violated my beliefs in Political Correctness | You have no right to demand that the president or any government must obey your religion. |
Trump violated my Christian beliefs | You have no right to demand that the president or any government must obey your religion. |
Trump is telling others to be Politically Incorrect | You have no right to demand that others must obey your religion. |
Trump is a Racist | This was started when the press imputed it from his terse answers to quick
- Trump left out the word "illegal" when discussing Hispanic immigrants.
I didn't get MY WAY in the Election | You do not have the right to always get your way.
The majority has the right to get their way.
They are taking away things people should have a right to | If it costs money, it can't be a right:
- Healthcare costs money, so it can't be a right
When the money is gone, so is the supposed right. |