It is wrong to try to negotiate away religious rights
Many politicians, especially liberal politicians, are trying to get religious people to negotiate away
their religious rights, so the politicians can have what they want.
The following items and situations are prohibited by one or more religions. Any attempt by government to
require them, to require people to watch or listen to them, or to use tax money to pay for them, is a
violation of religious civil rights and the First Amendment:
- Other religions
- Political Correctness (violates most religions, is a religion)
- Idols and images
- Atheism
- People slandering the religion
- Worshiping created things
- Worshiping government
- Bad words
- Murder
- Adultery
- Theft
- False witness
- Coveting what others have
- Sexual immorality
- Unmarried sexual relations
- Incest
- Bigamy
- Bestiality
- Nudity
- Homosexuality or bisexuality
- Abortion
- Sorcery or witchcraft
- Watching certain things
- Eating or drinking certain things
- Coming in contact with certain things
- Slavery or involuntary servitude
(except as crime punishment or to repay a debt)
- Bribes
- Mistreatment or oppression of aliens
- Discrimination against aliens
- Swindling and cheating
- Interest on loans
- Favoring either the rich or the poor
- Suicide
- Required medical procedures
- Government run economy
- Government controlled marriage
- Tattoos
- Body piercings
- ID numbers
- ID microchips
- Use of ID numbers to buy or sell
- Dishonest weights and measures
- Census
- Plea bargaining
- Total tax over 10%
- Self-important government
- Animal rights
- Recombinant genetics
- Paperless society
- Cashless society
- Electronic money transactions
- Electronic billing
- Automatic toll collection
- Cross-dressing
- Sex change
- Government-run charity/welfare
- Multifiber garments
- Divorce
- Conscription
- Insurance
- Taxation of religion
- Acting on unproved science
- Intellectual property
- Standard time (and time zones)
- Daylight-saving time
- Autopsy
- The parts of Evolution that are not scientifically proved
- Long-term contracts with deliberate disobeyers
- Certain kinds of clothing
The following items and situations are required by one or more religions. Any attempt by government
to prohibit them, to prohibit teaching about them, or to use tax money to suppress them, is a violation
of religious civil rights and the First Amendment:
- The right to choose one's religious beliefs
- All of the religious texts needed
- Obeying the religion
- Prescribed holidays without work
- Periodic days off work
- The calendar prescribed by the religion
- Prayer
- Materials and equipment needed for worship
- Telling others about the religion
- Punishments for crimes (administered by authorities)
- Justice (administered by authorities)
- Animals for sacrifices
- Daily payroll (not longer periods)
- Periodic debt canceling (according to the texts)
- Roads
- Freedom to travel without papers, passports, or visas
- Inheritance from relatives
- Beliefs about creation
- Self defense
- Actual currency and coins (not checks, credit cards, etc.)
- Marriage (as defined by the religion)
- Prescribed rituals after a death
- Exclusion of nonmembers from religious events
- Exclusion of those who deliberately disobey from daily life
- Certain light producing devices (as in the texts)
- Certain things to eat or drink
- Certain kinds of clothing
When it comes to religious practices, hands off is the best government policy. Government should
not intervene unless someone's life, liberty, health, or property is threatened.
Government must not do any of the following:
- Force religious beliefs upon people
- Prevent people from obeying their religions
- Force people to disobey their religions
- Force any religion to change its beliefs
- Discriminate for or against any religious beliefs
- Deny rights or funding others receive, due to any religious activity
- Require school courses with teachings that violate or contradict any religion
- Prohibit materials needed for religious ceremonies
- Requirement for people to worship government or politicians
- Force religious organizations to hire nonmembers
- Make religious beliefs part of the law
- Tax religious offerings or organizations
- Tax alternative school users to support public education
Government must be religion-neutral, not anti-religion:
- Government must never favor or oppose any religion.
- Government must not be anti-religion
- Government must not adopt policies that offend or violate any religion.
- Government must commit no acts that prevent someone's entry into the afterlife.
- The immutable texts of most religions must not be changed.
- Government has no right to interfere with religion.
- There is no such thing as freedom from religion.