It is wrong to try to negotiate away religious rights

Many politicians, especially liberal politicians, are trying to get religious people to negotiate away their religious rights, so the politicians can have what they want.

The following items and situations are prohibited by one or more religions. Any attempt by government to require them, to require people to watch or listen to them, or to use tax money to pay for them, is a violation of religious civil rights and the First Amendment:

The following items and situations are required by one or more religions. Any attempt by government to prohibit them, to prohibit teaching about them, or to use tax money to suppress them, is a violation of religious civil rights and the First Amendment:

When it comes to religious practices, hands off is the best government policy. Government should not intervene unless someone's life, liberty, health, or property is threatened.

Government must not do any of the following:

Government must be religion-neutral, not anti-religion: