- Automobiles and driving:
- The driver intent on turning right on red who doesn't see the light turn green.
- The bumper sticker that says "Visualize Whirled Peas."
- Most drivers follow the car ahead too close for safety.
- The NURGE who sneaks closer to the light, as if that would make it turn green.
- The cars ahead and behind both parked so close that you can't get yours out.
- The ESSO-ASSO who sneaks through a gas station to avoid a red light.
- The HURRY-WART, speeding ahead, and stopping at the same red lights you do.
- Through highways always have the lowest speed limits in small towns.
- Police enforce speeding after accidents caused by inattentive pedestrians occur.
- Police ticket your RV parked on the street unless you put money in both meters.
- Officials who never studied traffic engineering have final say in traffic laws.
- The instincts of most animals guard against being eaten, not being smashed flat.
- There are laws drivers cannot break: The laws of physics.
- Marketing and products:
- You have to buy seasonal items three months before you realize you need them.
- Many items are packaged so you have to buy more than one.
- Sometimes the cost of the packaging is more than the cost of the item.
- Most household waste consists of newspapers, junk mail, and product packaging.
- Tools designed to do many functions don't do any of those functions very well.
- There is room to plug only one AC adaptor into a four receptacle wall outlet.
- Latex house paint is sold, though it can kill neighbors severely allergic to it.
- Toys are banned because they "might" cause injury when misused.
- Flex-plastic hinges never last very long.
- They use magnetic security tags on recorded cassettes, potentially erasing them.
- Soy newspaper ink smells terrible.
- When they discontinue the appliance, they discontinue the replacement filters too.
- Cordless electric appliances don't last very long.
- Velcro sneaker straps stick to the rug.
- The ATT logo looks like the Death Star in Star Wars.
- Computer programs never live up to expectations produced by advertizing.
- Government:
- The minimum wage is really a minimum tax revenue for the federal government.
- Raising the minimum wage minimizes jobs.
- Bureaucrats always have statistics ready to argue against cuts in their budgets.
- Liberal politicians try to punish everyone for acts criminals commit.
- Holding office changes politicians into "revenue and regulate" addicts.
- Tool safety devices required by the government prevent proper use of the tool.
- Who knows what recycled paper in food packaging was exposed to previously.
- Most people who scream about air pollution are smokers.
- Most people who complain about toxic waste want drugs legalized.
- Most people who mourn dead snail darters kill unborn babies without remorse.
- Officials wanting higher incomes for low income people are taxing those people.
- Environment rallies leave more litter to be picked up than any other event.
- Government can create jobs in only two ways: cut taxes, and build roads.
- Environmentalists aren't a majority at public hearings, they're just louder.
- Artists and art subsidies:
- Nobody wants to buy junk that has been glued together.
- Artists expect to be paid a lot of money for gluing junk together.
- Only the government is stupid enough to pay artists to glue junk together.
- A new trash disposal problem is created when artists glue junk together.
- The government steals money from YOU to pay artists to glue junk together.
- Artists want freedom to create, but expect to be paid for the results.
- Artists use toxic materials to make posters warning about environmental problems.
- The real primary colors are not the colors most artists say are primary.
- Smokers:
- Smokers crowd around entrances of smoke-free buildings, gassing all who enter.
- Other smokers collect by the building air intakes.
- Ex-smokers chew gum, causing respiratory distress to those allergic to latex.
- Smoke-free zones in restaurants that collect smoke from the smoking zones.
- There are more cigarette butts in litter than any other items.
- News reporters and broadcasters:
- Reporters always think "UFOs" when the power fails or something strange happens.
- Sensationalism beats accuracy every time.
- Reporters always take bad statistical reasoning as scientific fact.
- Editors and announcers always take anything coming over the wire service as true.
- Pulitzer prizes tend to go toward articles with liberal viewpoints.
- The real object is not reporting the truth, but selling papers and advertizing.
- News people see many tragedies, and become liberals because "somebody must act."
- Humanship:
- Janitors complain more about changes in room scheduling than anyone else.
- When the need arises, any tool becomes a hammer.
- That mail bomb that had the bomber's return address on it.
- Emergencies needing professional help tend to start on Saturday nights.
- Doctors must take special lessons in illegible writing.
- People ask stupid questions for a reason.
- People give stupid answers for a reason.
- There are never enough important positions available for all of the important people in the world.
- A bird in the hand is too small to eat.
- You can't make it foolproof. Fools are too ingenious.
- There are 3 kinds of people, those who can count, and those who cant.
- New Laws of Physics:
- When a body is immersed in water, the telephone rings.
- Things get worse under pressure.
- In order for something to become clean, something else must become dirty.
- You can get everything dirty without getting anything clean.
- If the facts don't fit the theory, they must be disposed of.
- A flying object will seek the nearest eye.
- Water will always seek the spot under a car door.
- A dropped tool will penetrate your foot, or roll to the most inaccessible place.
- Don't force it. Use a bigger hammer.
- All scientific advances depend on a mistake being made.
- The greater the budget, the longer it takes to make the mistake.
- The nature of matter is to tend toward the hidden flaw.
- Handy Guide to Modern Science:
- If it's green or it wriggles, Biology.
- If it stinks, Chemistry.
- If it doesn't make sense, Economics.
- If you have to dig it up, Paleontology.
- If it's too old, Archaeology.
- If it looks funny, Optics.
- If it sounds funny, Acoustics.
- If it sounds dreadful, Musicology.
- If it sounds awful, Audio Technology.
- If it's too far away, Astronomy.
- If it's too big, Cosmology.
- If it's too small, Microscopy.
- If it's chancy, Probability.
- If it makes people mad, Political Science.
- If it proves someone's point, Statistics.
- If it's still there, Ecology.
- If it's gone, Criminology.
- If it does calisthenics, Kinesiology.
- If it's expensive, Medicine.
- If it ruins everything, Government.
- If it repeats itself, History.
- If it doesn't work, Physics.
- If it's tiny and it still doesn't work, Quantum Mechanics.
- Other:
- Cats never leave throw rugs where you want them to stay.
- If you stick the bristles of two toothbrushes together, they'll stay together.
- A compact disc is as useless without the player as the player is without CDs.
- The newer "Star Trek" shows use movie transport cases as cargo containers.
- Manned hot-air balloons roar intermittently.
- It is impossible to prove that something doesn't exist.
- What's an "emergency Dictaphone repair" classified as?
- Teach a man how to fish, and you get rid of him on weekends.
- Murphological Oddities:
- Murphy's Laws:
- #1 It's never as easy as it looks.
- #2 Everything will take longer than you think it will.
- #3 If anything can go wrong, it will.
- #4 If anything can't go wrong, it will anyway.
- #5 The trouble goes away the moment the expert arrives to set things right.
- Larry's Collegiate Conundrum: The janitor's permission is needed to hold class.
- Orwell's Observation: Environmentalists will destroy the world trying to save it.
- The Apollo 13 rule: If only one system has no backup, it will fail first.
- You can know something is wrong only if an odd number of mistakes has been made.
- When things go wrong, the only thing people agree on is that a mistake was made.
- Original documents will be destroyed by the copying machine.
- All suppliers in town will be out of the one thing you need most urgently.
- The most important part in your design will be discontinued by the manufacturer.
- Project completion rule: Use these formulas to interpret a contractor's estimate.
- Software:
- First: Double the number given on the estimate.
- Second: Change the unit of measure to the next higher unit.
- The result is the corrected estimate. Examples:
- A project estimated to take two months will actually take four years.
- A project estimated to cost $300 will actually cost 600 grand.
- Hardware and construction:
- Multiply the number given in the estimate by 3.
- Add 1 to the product.
- The result is the corrected estimate. Examples:
- An estimated use of 600 board feet will actually use 1801 board feet.
- A project estimated to take 2 months will take 7 months.