Unlike the quatrains of Nostradamus, the quadratrains of Nostrildomius show how government and
individuals combine their stupidity to cause a twain wreck.
- In thus light of all total these events so herein showest, and so havest yet to certly be come,
- The folly of kings, governers, mayors, and leaders, is so plainly by cradulous men visibly be seen.
- As the schemes and bad plans of them issueth bountifly, of their chambers and halls forthwith propagate from,
- Fly asunder, grind down, doest ensmash, tumble down, and so shallest entiltingly groucherly lean.
- As the wealth they doest covet, take, tax, grab, and wheedle, glomb, remove, confiscate, and destroy,
- They see not any hintest for troubling of within it, to be so overly worrying about;
- So they play and they dickerest with the commerce as though, it be nothing but one small child's toy,
- 'Til all of the men from their homes and their houses be then taken and all be demotely thrown out.
- As they take and they take and they take and they take, and they take and they take take take take,
- They spread it so thin that they think that all bodies of we shall so lookingly notice it not;
- Though they levy on shops, and do tax those so hiring, for each one of the products they do make,
- Heavy burdens they do place on the people who do labor and the workmen who have it all wrought.
- So the men, they labor four times so much overmore, for the wages paid for just one time, only one;
- As they blame overseers, owners, and employers, saying wages be so much too short;
- They so do threaten those employing bosses that certainly, of more work they will longer do none.
- But they see not of totally the huge wealth from them, that their leaders do exceeding extort.
- The wealth more it diminisheth everest, broking the masses, the pay remaining so flies far away,
- Businesses and employers far away they do runneth, acrost over the oceans extremely wide;
- But the blathermen so blame all the places to which, all those jobs flee-eth away to stay;
- Blind to wealth burgling leaders and despots who driveth, jobs away and so far far aside.
- They doest promise free houses, and promise free medicines, and plentiful work, and free pensions,
- For they crave numerous approval ballotums for themst, in mass plebescites for them to be cast;
- But they won't do their ciphers for the balance of budgets, so the coffers of all they do tension;
- Thust the levy it grows os brobdingnagianly, gratis programs can't so possibly last.
- But believeth in their wealth-folly so extraneously, and with a huge vengeance they so do,
- Decrying their foes, enemies, opposers, and detractors, but mostly the poblendum so critical;
- The wealth fairy so surely put they all their faith in, though she is so nonexisteth too,
- None such govertnment can maketh so wealth out of nought, so doth testify ments analytical.
- Learn they won't from what happenest time after time, so they try and they try and they try,
- They stealeth more money so to force into place their beliefs to do projects and works.
- Then the commerce they've bursted up into plentyless, so they wail and they widdle and cry.
- Then blamest and claimest they, all their opposers, by so calling them as big fat jerks.
- When their legerdemain schemes, leviathan wields, and false promisest so doest do fail,
- They redouble, retriple, requadruple and retry, with each one of their bligh tricky tools.
- And when frulean efforts proof not to behoove, so they wineest and they whinest and they wail.
- As if loud bawling about what is not, and what cant, could alterest any more natural rules.
- They be greedy for tax money and exploit even more power, to decree, to deny, and to regulate;
- So they hast grandiose ruckus to project and decry those who'd deny them of these roles.
- Their desires and their avarices be now so great that not a solitary of them would wait,
- So they use every trick and device they thunk up, for to capture the numarily polls.
- Scream they will so and perjore so they shall do, when the leadership they don't obtain,
- for the masses they fallest not unto the schemests put forth by their gimmean greeds.
- When they loseth, so looseth they in retribution, demean those who in rightlyness reign
- As they complaineth and wheedleth that nobody can, with such leaders, to pay for their needs.
- In profundity caloric, noticeth those miserable them, who sayest so the globe be much too warm;
- In their hubris so claimest the workhorses exhalest too baleful a breath, and too very much.
- So they gruffle and pruffle, and bluster the populace, to demanding they cease with their harm;
- And they tricketh the regals with fantabulus frammis, and the regis so legis their such.
- In putting their regulus onto the unwarely electorate, they takest the privilege of comfort away,
- Then repouting their countenances they so redouble, to enfrighten the people from demonstratize.
- But the physics and chemics so utilize them fearful, under scrutiny vanisheth, none left to stay;
- So findeth the truthsayers nought but legerdemain, but the frightening leader still wins noble prize.
- In predoubulous banter and infesting probulous doubtfulry, enpoofingly declaring that they're making wealth,
- But the source of their wealthmaking process is visible not, without any supernatural agent to spread.
- In addition they declare that making this sperfluous value can expend to each person to care for his health.
- Equivocating losses to purveyance from tarrifs, thus their workings make commerce become dead.
- So wheedleth and dealeth they obtaineth the mostest of lucre, as they worshipeth all great artisans of yore.
- They engrediently wrongestly bestoweth these artisans of worship, special rights so are multiply munerated.
- Ending not the bepromising of wealth endless to restoreth, so those artful be payedeth as were once before;
- Enforcethly taketh, they taxatingly stealeth the people's wealth, and endowing overmany artisans so venerated.
- In thus light of all total these events so herein showest, and so havest yet certly to be come,
- The folly of kings, governers, mayors, and leaders, is so plainly by cradulous men visibly be seen.
- Still the schemes and bad plans of them issueth bountifly, of their chambers and halls forthwith propagate from,
- Fly asunder, grind down, doest ensmash, tumble down, and demonsters governum's pensity groucherly be mean.