Government puts itself last | Government puts itself first |
Freedom of religion | Freedom from religion |
Protecting the rights of all people | Taking rights from some
people to give special rights to others |
10% or lower total taxation on each individual | People pay more
than 10% of their incomes in taxes |
The poor do not pay taxes | Taxing the poor to get
"enough" tax revenue |
Property ownership is not taxed | Government steals property
from the poor through taxation |
Jobs are more important than government | Overtaxation destroys
jobs |
Only highly dangerous products are prohibited | Government bans
products it fears or dislikes |
Freedom to do things that don't harm others | Freedom from
things others do that annoy the elite |
Government not keeping records on honest people | Government
keeping extensive records on everyone |
School choice without penalty | Children must attend
government-run schools |
All people are treated equally | Non citizens are treated
differently |
All people are treated equally | Special rights for certain
politicians or groups |
The Independent Voting System is used | Unfair Plurality,
Approval, or Ranking voting is used |
Freedom from planning, zoning, and aesthetics rules | Elitist
planning, zoning, and aesthetics rules |
Licensing only hazardous activities | Licensing all business
activities, to collect revenue |
Very few laws, so everybody can know them | Too many laws, so
nobody can know all of the law |
Government does not mess with the economy | Government tries to
control the economy |
Traffic rules made by trained engineers | Traffic rules made by
the whims of politicians |
All vehicle parking is free | Government charges for parking and
limits parking time |
No government propaganda | Government propaganda (such as
government use of the Ad Council) |
No government controls over individual health | Government
tells people how to "live right" |
Anybody can get a job | Government controls who can have a
job |
People can work without having to join a union | People are
forced to join unions to work |
The people vote to control the government budget | Public worker
labor unions control the budget |
Government favors the people over the elite | Government favors
artists and celebrities |
Works of art belong to posterity | Artist get monopoly rights over
their creations |
Monopolies are eliminated by compulsory licensing | Patent and
copyright laws support monopolies |
Guns are a right for all but convicted felons | Only government
officials can have guns |
Only acts that cause bodily harm are battery crimes | Tiny acts of
touching people are battery crimes |
Politicians are not treated as special people | Politicians are
given special rights and protections |
The press is free to report the truth | Government controls the
press |
The press is not allowed to lie or distort the news | The press
slants the news to achieve its own ends |
Government is not afraid of the people | Government fears that
people will do horrible things |
Government does not spy on the people | Government constantly
monitors what people do |
Government does not redistribute income | Government overtaxes to
redistribute income |
Government lets people be equal | Government forces people to be
equal |
All theories of any crime are investigated | A single theory is
investigated, to save money |
Government employees are paid less than teachers | Government
employees have salaries like CEOs |
Investigators follow the evidence | Investigators use statistics
to pick suspects |
There are no wage or price controls | Government wrecks the economy
with wage and price controls |
Government can not take over businesses | Government nationalizes
businesses it wants to control |
Government does not force beliefs upon people | Government forces
the Animal-Rights religion on people |
Government does not push unproved science | Government pushes
belief in evolution and environmentalism |
Officials don't cheat tp win | Officials cheat with innuendo,
lies, namecalling, and bad science |
Officials don't bribe voters | Officials bribe voters with massive
spending plans |
Government officials always obey the law | Officials get away with
breaking the law |
Celebrities are required to obey the law | Celebrities get away with
breaking the law |
Government doesn't pay for obsolete jobs | Government subsidizes
artists and entertainers |
Government is not greedy for power or money | Officials covet all
money and power in private hands |