The following is the most fair government system available:
- People's rights:
- The right to believe in any religion.
- The right to exercise religion, provided that it does not harm other or the property of others. But telling about the religion
does not harm others.
- The right to be free from public exposure to non-religious acts forbidden by any religion.
- The right to keep one's life, unless removed as punishment for a crime.
- The right to keep one's life as a fetus.
- The right to keep one's body intact, unless removed as punishment for crime.
- The right to live in any locality, unless imprisoned as punishment for crime.
- Freedom from travel restrictions, unless imprisoned or awaiting trial for crime. This includes borders between countries.
- The right to own any property legally acquired, unless used for crime.
- Freedom from involuntary servitude, unless used as punishment for a crime.
- Freedom from conscription into military service.
- The right to free speech, assembly, and discussion.
- The right to publish, distribute, and advertize.
- The right to listen, read, obtain knowledge, and use knowledge.
- The right to petition the government for change or redress of wrong.
- The right to sue for restitution for damage caused by government or individual.
- The right to own and legally use weapons.
- The right to shoot back at illegally acting police or military.
- The right to self defense and the defense of others.
- The right to make one's own medical decisions, without government interference.
- The right to trade, do business, and make a profit.
- The right to contact outsiders while imprisoned.
- The right to legal counsel and advice.
- Freedom from immigration controls and special citizen status.
- The right to vote, if over 18 years of age. This is the only place where being a citizen should make a difference.
- Freedom from forced incrimination by self or spouse.
- The right to bail, unless probable flight can be shown.
- The right to call witnesses and gather evidence.
- The right to a speedy public trial.
- The right to be free from surveillance in private locations.
- Freedom from search and seizure without a warrant issued for just cause.
- Freedom from government monitoring of communications for any reason.
- Freedom from retroactive laws.
- Freedom from penalties for exposing government secrecy or wrongdoing.
- Freedom from laws containing the name of any person or business.
- Freedom from government competition with private business.
- Freedom from laws created in any way other than the voting method below.
- Freedom from discrimination based on race, previous servitude, or origin.
- Freedom from discrimination based on gender unless the owner's religion requires it.
- Freedom from discrimination based on religion in non-religious activities.
- Fair Taxes:
- A 10% sales tax (see AUTOTAX page).
- No income tax.
- No property or excise taxes.
- No border duties.
- Added sales tax for gasoline allowed if used for highway purposes.
- Added sales tax on alcohol and tobacco if used for health purposes.
- User fees allowed for optional government services not required by law.
- No other taxes.
- No tax money spent on nonessentials.
- Fair Elections:
- A fair election system (see FAIRELEC page).
- Elections must not cause voters to have to deviate from their preferences.
- Voters must be able to vote yes, no, or don't care on each candidate.
- Voters must be able to vote yes, no, or don't care on each budget item.
- Voters must be able to vote yes, no, or don't care on each bill to become law.
- No Choices with more no votes than yes votes may be elected.
- Fair Justice:
- Property may be confiscated only if wholly owned by the criminal and used for crime.
- Confiscated property must be given to charity. It must not be used for government purposes.
- Innocent co-owners of property used in crime gain the criminal's share of it.
- Stolen property used in crime must be returned to the rightful owner.
- Government may seize stolen property only to determine the rightful owner and return it.
- Stolen property must always be returned to the rightful owner.
- Police hold in trust all found property, or property of undetermined ownership.
- Property held in trust by police for ten years shall be given to charity.
- In no case may government keep, sell, use, or destroy property belonging to others.
- Evidence gathering methods must not damage or destroy property.
- Evidence must not be held longer than two weeks without compensation.
- The state may not keep as evidence any irreplaceable object. It shall photograph and otherwise test it, then return it to the rightful
owner in its original condition.
- Owners decide how to reimburse insurance when stolen property is returned.
- Thieves must pay double restitution to innocent buyers of stolen property.
- Thieves must give back all stolen items and pay double restitution to the owner.
- Malicious damages require triple restitution.
- Negligent damages require double restitution.
- The evidence collector must pay triple restitution for destroying property.
- Damages due to unforeseeable events require actual restitution only.
- Damages resulting from events beyond anyone's control require no restitution.
- No damages may be paid to a criminal for the results of illegal activity or flight.
- If government is at fault, it must pay double all restitutions otherwise merited.
- Restitution must be doubled if irreplaceable property is destroyed.
- Bail taken from no show defendants must be used only to find no show defendants.
- Anyone trying to harm others by perjury gets penalized for the crime alleged.
- Anyone planting false evidence gets penalized for the crime the evidence indicates.
- Rapists, adulterers, pedophiles, and other sex criminals must be sterilized.
- Serial murderers must be executed (insanity shall not be a defense for this crime).
- Those who commit a murder while awaiting trial for another murder shall be executed.
- Those who murder as part of a sex crime shall be executed.
- Those who kill witnesses shall be executed.
- Those who commit terrorist acts resulting in death shall be executed.
- Those who commit murder as part of extortion shall be executed.
- Those who commit armed robbery resulting in death shall be executed.
- Those who commit murder to collect inheritance or insurance money shall be executed.
- Those who commit murder for hire shall be executed.
- Those who hire others to commit murder shall be executed.
- Those who commit murder as part of another felony shall be executed.
- Those who kill anyone while trying to flee justice shall be executed.
- Those who commit murder through torture shall be executed.
- Self defense, defense of others, and verdict execution are not murder.
- Severity of penalties must not depend on who was the victim, or whether government was the victim.
- No time off for good behavior. Instead, extra time for bad behavior.
- Treason and espionage shall not be crimes.
- Government must not amass a large amount of property:
- Government may not take property for uses except transportation right of way land or water supply reservoirs.
- When taking land, government gives the owner the choice of the fair market value, or other land equally useful to the owner.
- Government must buy the land given in exchange for the taken land on the open market.
- For projects other than transportation or water supply, government must buy on the open market.
- Each government may own only one building for each of these branches of government:
- Executive.
- Legislative.
- Administrative (except law enforcement and military)
- Government may own more than one building for each of these:
- Regional Law enforcement.
- Military or police station (maximum of 2% of total land under jurisdiction)
- Courthouses.
- Correction facilities.*
- Post offices.*
- Sanitation, sewage disposal, sewers, and trash disposal.*
- Government may also own these:
- Floodplains.*
- Parking for government buildings.*
- Sanitation, sewage disposal, sewers, and trash disposal.*
- Transportation waterways and right of way land.*
* Competing private entities may not be prohibited or taken.
- No government, or government funded facility, may own or buy any property listed:
- Thoughts and votes.
- Places used for professional sports, convention centers, and hotels.
- Recreational or dwelling facilities.
- Anything purchased to prevent or reduce competition to government services.
- Land purchased to prevent any of: development, private use, or specific use.
- Real property held in hopes its value will increase.
- Dwellings, except confiscated property or property bought for other use.
- Power production, water purification, communications, or other non-waste utilities.
- Entertainment or recreation facilities.
- Theaters or auditoriums.
- Equipment or buildings used to make products.
- Farmlands and farm products, except for use by correction departments.
- Any weapons prohibited to the general public.
- Radio or television production or broadcasting facilities.
- Land for harvesting natural resources and minerals.
- Precious metals stored for wealth.
- Trademarks.
- Over 1/10 of the radio spectrum.
- Listening and surveillance devices.
- Anything the general public cannot buy.
- None of the following shall be allowed to exist:
- Patents with periods longer than 10 years.
- Copyrights with periods longer than 10 years.
- Schemes to prevent the copying of anything other than money, deeds, and securities.
- Scrambling of radio and TV signals.
- Identification numbers.
- License plates.
- Tax assessors.
- The following may not be owned as property, and may be used or copied by anyone:
- Human Beings (May not be used or copied).
- Knowledge, ideas, invention rights, recipes, and chemical formulas.
- Artistic or recreational ideas, rules for games, sporting events.
- Methods of doing anything.
- Computer algorithms and code.
- Scientific, mathematical, statistical, or demographic discoveries or data.
- Anything sent out on radio waves, sound waves, or light.
- Radio signals, light, sound, vibrations, thermal energy, wind, and weather.
- Air, water in lakes and rivers, fire, radiation.
- Mineral rights (may not be sold separately from the land containing them).
- Text of government documents, records, and anything else produced by government.
- Any event done by the government.
- Airspace and outer space.
- Government shall be restricted on private property use and control:
- Government must rent all property rights removed by law for the duration of the law.
- No administrative lawmaking except where competent expertise is required.
- Traffic control requires expertise, and must not be left to incompetent legislators.
- Banks shall pay all checks on known accounts, unless reported stolen or lost.
- Banks, not sellers, sue or prosecute to recover bad check debts.
- Government must keep records on ownership and location of all real property.
- No government may damage or destroy property for any reason.
- No government may keep records on law abiding people except to pay or license them.
- No government may require people as individuals to keep records of any kind.
- No government may make special laws for itself that do not apply to all people.
- No law shall require safety measures, unless others could be harmed.
- No law shall make legal distinctions based on any of these weights or measures:
- Counting numbers.
- Length and Distance.
- Area.
- Volume.
- Mass.
- Force, including Weight, except to set safety limits on roads and structures.
- Velocity.
- Acceleration.
- Power.
- Energy or heat.
- Temperature.
- Time of day. (Specific dates are OK)
- Elapsed time, except to set terms of office, punishment, or vehicle headway.
- Electrical values.
- Safety warnings are OK, but prohibitions are not.
- Traffic laws must provide general safety, not fine edges of legality.
- Laws must determine types of traffic control devices allowed and how they are used.
- Engineers, not legislators, must determine actual use of traffic control devices.
- Any accident not caused by disregard of the law is deemed caused by the road.
- If a road causes many accidents, it must be changed.
- Laws must not expect drivers to make subjective judgments of distance or speed.
- Traffic control devices must not be substituted for hazards removal.
- Design must concentrate on moving traffic, not stopping it.
- Speed shall be controlled by traffic calming devices, not police enforcement.
- Traffic signals must be designed to bring all vehicles to a safe stop.
- Business must not be unnecessarily regulated, but also must not violate individual rights:
- No government may control business prices, wages, or location.
- Private companies may not use government licenses for identification purposes.
- Banks shall pay all checks on known accounts, unless reported stolen or lost.
- Banks, not merchants, sue or prosecute to recover bad check debts.
- No government may require businesses to keep records except for collected sales tax and a ledger.
- No identification numbers shall be allowed.