NOT MISTREATING OTHERS Not making offensive demands on others Not making offensive demands on others
DISCRIMINATION AGAINST OTHERS Forcing others to DO things against their beliefs Forcing others to DO things against their beliefs
BIGOTRY AGAINST OTHERS Hating others for their beliefs Hating others for their beliefs
NOT DISCRIMINATING Avoiding acts that disobey your own beliefs Avoiding acts that disobey your own beliefs
NOT MISTREATING OTHERS Not making others fund belief violations Not making others fund belief violations
DISCRIMINATION AGAINST OTHERS Taxing others to fund belief violations Taxing others to fund belief violations
BIGOTRY AGAINST OTHERS Hating beliefs that won't fund what you demand Hating beliefs that won't fund what you demand
NOT DISCRIMINATING Prohibiting taxes funding belief violations Prohibiting taxes funding belief violations


These Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) will explain the proper assignment of rights:

  1. What are the six major rules of religious rights?

    New Gender-Neutral Pronouns used here

    Five gender-neutral pronouns
      seh - gender-neutral subject (he/she)
      sehm - gender-neutral object (him/her)
      sehmself - gender-neutral reflexive (himself/herself)
      sehr - gender-neutral possessive adjective (his/her)
      sehs - gender-neutral possessive object (his/hers)

    The six major rules of religious rights are:

    These apply to all beliefs.

  2. What is the major religious objection to GLBT rights?


  3. What is discrimination?

    Civil rights laws say discrimination is unfair or unequal treatment based on such characteristics as religion, creed, color, race, national origin, age, disability, ethnicity, gender, marital status, and sexual orientation. Some locations include gender identity.

    -- Note particularly that religion and sexual orientation are both included in this list.

  4. What is bigotry?

    Various Existing Religious Beliefs:

    AbrahamicAncient TextsProhibit
    African NativeLoreProhibit
    American NativeLoreProhibit
    AsianAncient TextsBody abuse
    OtherVariousNo mention
    Politically CorrectBaha'i FaithPermit
    AtheismHates religionPermit

    ALL of these have EQUAL First Amendment rights

    Bigotry is the hatred of any person or group based on such characteristics as religion, creed, color, race, national origin, age, disability, ethnicity, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

    -- Note particularly that religion and sexual orientation are both included in this list.

    -- Note: A "bigot" was originally someone who hates a religious sect or belief.

    -- Note that this is always an act of hatred. There is no justification for such a hateful attitude.

  5. What is discrimination against a particular sexual orientation?

    This discrimination is unfair or unequal treatment based on sexual orientation.

    -- The discrimination must be directly based on the person's sexual orientation.

    -- Examples of such discrimination:

  6. What is discrimination against a particular religion?

    This discrimination is unfair or unequal treatment based on a person's religious beliefs or the beliefs of a religious organization.

    -- The discrimination must be directly based on the person's religion or the beliefs of a religious organization.

    -- An unintended side effect of a policy made for other purposes that causes a violation of any religious belief is still discrimination.

    -- Examples of such discrimination:

  7. What is a sexual orientation?

    A sexual orientation is a preference for one of the following kinds of sexual relationships:

  8. What is a gender identity?

    A gender identity is a preference of the person's own gender. There are several cases:

  9. What is GLBT?

    This is an abbreviation of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (see above).

    (The spellchecker of the network the page author must use forces the older spelling.)

  10. What is Homophobia?

    If so, is religiophobia a fear of religion?
    Or is it a hatred of religion?

    Homophobia is a pejorative slur created by homosexuals to denigrate religious people.

    -- The word comes from the erroneous belief that religious people are afraid of homosexuality.

  11. What is Religiophobia?

    Religiophobia is a term created by religious people to counteract the term homophobia.

  12. On what basis can religious people refuse to do what their religion prohibits?

    I Timothy 5:22
    Do not participate in the sins of others.

    The religion requires the member to not participate in the sins of others.

    I Timothy 5:22b: "Do not participate in the sins of others. Keep yourself pure."

    -- In other words, do not be an accomplice to the wrongdoing of others.

    -- Religious people must not do or make anything that disobeys God with their own hands.

    -- People must not demand that others must participate in their sins.

    -- Nobody has the right to deny the religious right to avoid sin.

  13. On what basis can someone hate a religion?

    It's not an act of hate against you.
    It's avoiding any participation in sin.

    None. The person hates the religion because seh thinks the religion hates sehm.

    -- Do not assume the religion hates you. It doesn't even know you exist.

    -- Notice that no religion (except new religions) believes that GLBT is congenital or innate.

    -- Do not demand that others must help you or participate in sinning.

    -- Do not demand that religions must change their beliefs to allow you to sin.

    -- Do not hate the person because sehr religion prohibits what you want to do.

    -- Do not hate the religion because it prohibits what you want to do. Find out why the religion prohibits it.

    -- Remember that the God of Israel told Israelites to avoid sexual immorality because He used sexual immorality to weaken Israel's enemies.

  14. Why do religions prohibit things that are GLBT?

    The deities of many religions have prohibited GLBT for several reasons:

    -- Remember that religious belief is a First Amendment CIVIL RIGHT.

    -- Remember that you have no right to challenge anyone's religious belief.

    -- Notice that no religion (other than new religions) believes that GLBT is congenital or innate.

  15. Don't religions tell members to hate GLBT people?

    Most religions don't tell anyone to hate.

    Most religions don't do this. They have other prescriptions:

    1. Avoid people who deliberately disobey the religion.
    2. Don't entangle your affairs with people who disobey the religion.
    3. Don't do for others anything that disobeys the religion.
    4. Don't do anything with your own hands that disobeys the religion.
    5. Don't become an accomplice to others doing what disobeys the religion.

    Some radical Islamic sects DO tell members to hate GLBT people.

  16. What do religions give as causes for homosexuality?

    The GLBT say that GLBT cravings are congenital and cannot be changed.

    But most religions say that GLBT cravings are acquired, but do not agree on the causes:

    -- Notice that no religion (other than a new religion) believes that GLBT is congenital or innate.

    -- Notice that no religion (other than a very new religion) believes that GLBT is not wrongdoing.

    -- Nobody ever has to give in to a craving.
    -- Remember that some people crave robbing banks.

  17. What is a religion?

    Religion is a CIVIL RIGHT.

    A religion is a First Amendment CIVIL RIGHT.

    A religion or creed is a set of unchangeable beliefs.

    A religion or creed is one or more of the following:

    • Belief in one or more deities
    • Beliefs based on ancient scriptures
    • Beliefs based on conscience
    • Communication with one or more deities (prayer, revelations)
    • Beliefs about the origin and purpose of man or the universe
    • Beliefs governing human conduct
    • Devotional and ritual observances
    • Ethics not based on any deity
    • Ethics copied from another religion
    • Statism (worships government)
    • Secularism (has no deity)
    • Humanism (worships mankind)
    • Secular Humanism (worships mankind and government)
    • Darwinism (belief in parts of Evolution that depend on random chance)
    • Environmentalisticism (belief in unproved parts of Environmentalism)
    • Climate Change (belief in unproved theory or use of affirming the consequent)
    • Atheism (belief that no deities exist)
    • Militant Atheism (belief that all religion must be eradicated)
    • Humanitarianism (belief that Jesus was only a man)
    • Freemasonry
    • Any part of a religion (e.g. Yoga, Transcendental Meditations, Indian Lore, Mandala)
    • GLBT beliefs (belief that some religious prohibitions are wrong)
    • Political Correctness (plagiarized from the Baha'i Faith)
    • Multiculturalism (requires belief in multiple beliefs)
    • Diversity (requires belief in multiple beliefs)
    • Egalitarianism (requires all people to be totally equal)

    Because GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender) is a form of religious belief, it is on equal footing with other religions.

  18. What is Statism (also called Utopian Statism)?

    Statism is the worship of government as a deity.

    Utopian Statism is the worship of government as a utopia-creating deity.

    -- Statists believe that government can turn people into perfect beings.

    -- Statism is based on a version of Keynesian Economics that is missing one equation that defines wealth creation by work.

    -- Statists believe in a utopia created by government.

    -- Statists believe that high taxes and high government spending are needed to make the utopia appear.

    -- Statists believe that high government spending creates wealth.

    -- Statists believe that conservatives ruin the utopia with tax cuts and spending cuts.

    -- Statists believe that not taxing other religions prevents the utopia from appearing.

  19. What are some examples of people discriminating against other people's beliefs?

    Discrimination against religion includes one or more of the following:

    • Forcing people to disobey religions with their own hands
    • Forcing people to do things that any religion prohibits
    • Forcing people to do things to obey particular religions or beliefs
    • Requiring people to listen to religious or political material
    • Those in power forcing others to do things that religions prohibit
    • Education institutions refusing to hire religious people
    • Teachers or instructors assigning religions or parts of religions
    • Teachers teaching their own political beliefs as facts
    • Teachers teaching liberal propaganda as facts
    • Teachers teaching union propaganda as facts
    • Teachers teaching unproved scientific beliefs as facts
    • Teachers teaching unproved environmentalist beliefs as facts
    • Teachers forcing environmental or Global Warming fears on pupils
    • Employers assigning Jewish or Muslim workers to handle pork
    • Human resources departments refusing to hire religious people
    • Masons making people remove hats when entering buildings "to respect the building"
    • Forcing the Political Correctness religion on anyone
    • Forcing Statism, Egalitarianism, Diversity, or Multiculturalism on anyone
    • Public schoolteachers assigning readings that are obscene or offensive to religions
    • GLBT people demanding that religious people must violate their own religions
    • Employers making employees do Yoga or Transcendental Meditation (parts of religions).
    • Painting graffiti on a building belonging to a religious organization
    • Setting fire to a building belonging to a religious organization
    • Planting a bomb in a building belonging to a religious organization
    • Shooting at a building belonging to a religious organization
    • Killing people belonging to a religious organization

    "Those in power" include Governments, employers, schools, officials, policemen, soldiers, teachers, instructors, or other people.

  20. Can religious people refuse to perform a service for someone who is GLBT?

    Nobody ever has to be an accomplice to acts a religion prohibits as wrongdoing.

    Not on the sole basis of that person being GLBT.

    -- There are several reasons why a person can legally refuse to provide a service:

  21. Why aren't these examples of discrimination against other people?

    Each case has the reason after it:

  22. Why are these examples of discrimination against other people?

    Each case has the reason after it:

  23. Why are religious people so fervent in the obedience of their religions?

    A religion is not a club.

    To religious people, the religion is the most important thing in their lives.

    -- Religion is a permanent way of life.

    -- Often the deity provides a strong desire to obey.

    -- Christians receive the Holy Spirit for this purpose.

    -- Sometimes the Holy Spirit actually stops the person from disobeying.

    -- Often the deity provides a strong revulsion to any disobedience.

    -- Many religions determine a person's destination in the afterlife.

    -- Too many people think that obeying a religion is optional, like belonging to some kind of club.

    -- A religion is a way of life, not a club or a set of suggestions.

    -- You have no right to challenge someone else's religious belief.

  24. Why are religions so hateful?

    Being careful to obey a religion is not hate.

    Most religions are not hateful.

    -- Only some occult religions, antitheists, and a few sects of radical Islam are truly hateful.

    -- Ask yourself: Does the religion hate you, or are you imagining that it hates you?

    -- Many people think a religion is hateful only because they are upset that it prohibits some things they want to do or have.

    -- Religious prohibition is not hate. It is the religion's way of avoiding what the religion considers to be wrongdoing.

    -- Many cases of people imagining being hated by a religion are similar to the little boy who didn't get his way:

          He says his parents hate him because they won't buy him a horse. Never mind that he lives in a city apartment.

  25. Why can't I hate a hateful religion?

    Hating a religion is bigotry.

    -- Hating a religion is discriminating against that religion.

    -- Discriminating against a religion is unconstitutional.

    -- Religious belief is a First Amendment CIVIL RIGHT.

    -- Ask yourself: Does the religion hate you, or are you imagining that it hates you?

  26. Why do I have to defer to hateful religions?

    Religious people have rights too.

    You never have to obey any religions.

    -- You are only required to avoid causing others to disobey their own religions.

    -- You are probably imagining the hate.

    -- If the religion prohibits some things you want to do or have, then you are imagining the hate.

    -- Remember that religious people have rights too.

    -- Religious belief is a First Amendment CIVIL RIGHT.

  27. Why do I have to obey the religion of the owner of a business?

    You don't have to obey it. But you do not have the right to demand that seh must do something that disobeys sehr own religion.

    -- Making people do things that disobey their own religions is bigotry and is discriminating against that religion.

    -- Remember that religious people have rights too.

  28. Why do I have to obey the religion of the person serving me at a business?

    When you demand that someone must use sehr own hands to do something that disobeys sehr own religion to get what you want, you are discriminating against sehr religion.

    You don't have to obey it. But you do not have the right to demand that seh must do something that disobeys sehr own religion.

    -- Making people do things that disobey their own religions is bigotry and is discriminating against that religion.

    -- Remember that religious people have rights too.

  29. How do religious servers and business owners find out that a person is GLBT?

    They don't need to or want to know.

    There are several ways it happens:

    -- Often the GLBT person does something that gives away sehr sexual orientation.

    -- Sometimes the GLBT person does something that is offensive to the religious belief of the server or business owner.

    -- In many cases, the GLBT person orders something that is prohibited by the religion of the server or business owner.

    -- Sometimes the GLBT person actually tells the server or business owner sehr sexual orientation and demands equality.

  30. Why do I have to care about a religion? I believe that all religions were created to control people's lives.

    Then remember that having a religious belief and obeying a religion are First Amendment Constitutional CIVIL RIGHTS.

    -- Discriminating against a religion is prohibited by the Constitution.

    -- Denying that a religion is real is discrimination against that religion and is prohibited by the Constitution.

    -- You can believe that is false if you want. Your belief is just another religious belief.

    -- Remember that religious people have rights too.

  31. Why can't I have equality?

    When others give in to you, it is not equality.

    You can, provided you don't do things that offend the beliefs of others.

    Note that ALL PEOPLE have to obey these same rules. You are not being singled out.

  32. But that is not total equality. Why can't I have total equality?

    Your idea of "total equality" seems to be that you have the right to offend everyone else, but nobody else has the right to offend you.

    -- Remember these facts:

  33. Why must Atheists be exposed to other peoples' religions? Exposure to religion violates our beliefs.

    Religious belief is a First Amendment CIVIL RIGHT. You have no right to stop religious events.

    -- There are several reasons why you cannot be isolated from religion here:

    To get what you want, you must build or buy something that keeps you from seeing or hearing anything religious, and then stay in it.

  34. Why must Atheists be exposed to religious broadcasts on TV and radio?

    You have the right to ignore religion.
    You have no right to make others ignore it.

    Religious belief is a First Amendment CIVIL RIGHT.

    -- You can always turn off your radio or TV or change to another station.

    -- You have the right to ignore anything religious.

    -- You have no right to cause others to ignore religion.

    -- If others are listening to a religious program, you have no right to make them stop.

    -- You have the right to leave any area where anything religious is happening.

  35. Why must Atheists be exposed to religious websites?

    Religious belief is a First Amendment CIVIL RIGHT.

    -- You can always avoid visiting websites.

    -- You have the right to ignore anything religious.

  36. Why must Atheists be exposed to religion, while religious people are protected from seeing sex acts in public?

    Religious belief is a First Amendment CIVIL RIGHT. Sexual activity is not.

    -- Governments prohibited nudity and sex acts in public to protect children from seeing things that they are not old enough to understand.

    -- Governments prohibited nudity and sex acts in public to protect children from sexual predators.

  37. Why do schools and universities have to hire religious people?

    It is job discrimination to deny hiring someone based on sehr religion.

  38. How do schools and colleges keep employees from adding religion to the curriculum?

    Most religious people have the honor to avoid violating the rights of others.

    -- Many Atheists do not have the honor to avoid violating the rights of others. They demand the removal of religious instructors.

  39. Why are religious people allowed to do scientific work or teach science?

    There is no conflict between most kinds of science and religious belief.

  40. Don't religious people taint the science when they do scientific work?

    No. It is an Atheist belief (not a fact) that science is somehow tainted by religious people doing the work.

  41. How can religious people do scientific work if they don't believe in science?

    It is a pejorative slur that religious people don't believe in science.

    -- Most religious people believe in science.

  42. What about news stories saying that religious people don't believe in science?

    Science and religion usually don't conflict.

    Religious people object to only bad science and speculative science:

    In some cases, Atheist biases were deliberately introduced into science to bias science against the possibility that God exists or does miracles.

  43. Don't religious people punish other people who disobey their religions?

    Members don't enforce religious beliefs.

    Most religions don't allow individual members to punish others.

    -- Punishment is usually handed over to government authorities for any civil law violations.

    -- Punishment is otherwise done by religious leaders after investigation and trial.

    -- Only some radical sects let members take punishment into their own hands.

    -- Nobody in the US has the legal right to punish others for not obeying a religion.

  44. What other forms of wrongdoing do people often do for or against a religion?

    Here is a list of how people do wrong:

  45. What should be done when beliefs conflict in any situation?

    Never make others DO what violates beliefs.

    Nobody has the right to force anyone to do anything that disobeys any religious belief.

    -- Remember the following:

  46. Why can some religions see nothing wrong with anything GLBT, while other religions prohibit everything GLBT?

    This makes the question of whether GLBT is right or wrong a religious question, not a logical or legal one:

  47. Why do I have to tolerate a religion that is obviously false?

    Your opinion of the veracity of the other person's beliefs is not germane:

    How is it obviously false? You can't prove that it is false.

  48. Why do I have to tolerate their religion when they pick and choose which parts of their own religion to obey?

    You have NO RIGHT to judge how people obey their religions.

    What religious people believe and obey is none of your business.

  49. Can a religion discriminate against other people?

    It depends on what the person does:

    -- Religions cannot discriminate against a person because of who or what seh is.

    -- Religions can discriminate against a person because of what seh does.

  50. How can I get rid of a religious belief that severely offends me?

    You can't. These are the reasons:

    -- Every religious belief is a First Amendment CIVIL RIGHT.

    -- You have NO RIGHT to judge any religious belief.

    -- You have NO RIGHT to force your beliefs onto others.

    -- Religions have the right to do things that offend other religions.

    -- YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS DOING WRONG if you want to get rid of a religious belief.

    -- If you are offended by anything that any religion is doing, then you should leave the area.

    -- If you are offended because the religion violates any of these religions:
          Political Correctness, Egalitarianism, Diversity, Multiculturalism, Statism, Secular Humanism, and Animal Rights
          then you have no right to force these man-made religions onto others. Instead, you must leave the area.

    -- Trying to get rid of a religious belief that severely offends you is forcing your own beliefs onto others.

  51. Why can't government tax churches?

    These are the reasons:

    -- Separation of church and state

    -- Taxation without representation

    -- The lack of representation comes from the separation of church and state.

    -- If you believe the government should get the money that is donated to a religion, you are unconstitutionally forcing the religion of Statism (government worship) onto others.

  52. Why does government have to obey religions? What happened to separation of church and state?

    Government does not have to do things that obey religions.

    Government must never DO anything that any religion prohibits people from doing.

    Government does have to avoid doing things that religions prohibit:

    -- Government has NO RIGHT to DO anything that any religion prohibits.

    -- Government doing things that any religions prohibit violates the First Amendment.

    -- No tax money may be used to fund any government operation that disobeys any religion.

    -- Use of tax money to disobey a religion causes the taxpayer to disobey that religion.

    -- Nonmembers are not qualified to judge obedience of any religion.

    -- An "establishment of religion" is a religious denomination or organization

  53. Why do various religions believe what they believe about GLBT?

    Each religious group has a different reason:

    ALL of these have EQUAL First Amendment rights

  54. Why do religious people oppose letting transgender people use the restroom they want to use?

    Their religions prohibit them from being in a state of undress in the presence of people of opposite BIRTH gender.

    Letting transgender people choose restrooms discriminates against religious people who need to obey their own religions in restrooms.

  55. What can be done to solve this transgender restroom problem?

    Never demand that others must disobey

    There are several possible solutions:

    -- Don't sue. A lawsuit just makes everyone mad without changing anything.

    -- Single-user restrooms (each with a toilet, a sink, and a locking door)

    -- Light-tight locking stalls large enough to change clothes in

    -- Provide both so people can choose what they need at a lower cost

    -- Be nice.

  56. How can we solve the conflicts between religion and GLBT?

    Never demand that others must disobey their own beliefs

    -- Don't sue. A lawsuit just makes everyone mad without changing anything.

    -- Nothing can change someone's religious belief.

    -- Never demand that a person must be an accomplice to your disobedience of sehr religion

    -- Never demand that a person must use sehr own hands to disobey sehr own religion

    -- Never force others to obey your beliefs.

    -- Offer an alternate solution that does not disobey the religion.

    -- If a dispute occurs, go somewhere else for what you want.

    -- Be nice.

  57. How can we solve all conflicts between religion and others?

    Never demand that others must disobey their own beliefs

    -- Don't sue. A lawsuit just makes everyone mad without changing anything.

    -- Religious belief is a First Amendment CIVIL RIGHT.

    -- Nothing can change someone's religious belief.

    -- If you are trying to get rid of a religious belief, YOU are the one doing wrong.

    -- Never demand that a person must DO something you want done.

    -- Never demand that a person must use sehr own hands to disobey sehr own religion

    -- Never force others to obey your beliefs.

    -- Offer an alternate solution that does not disobey the religion.

    -- If a dispute occurs, go somewhere else for what you want.

    -- Be nice.

  58. Why does this page use GLBT instead of the later version with the letters in a different order?

    The spellchecker of the network the page author must use forces the older spelling.

    Any instance of GLBT is automatically changed to GLBT (as happened here).