On August 2, 1965, Alan Smith allegedly took a photo of an unidentified flying object (UFO) in Tulsa Oklahoma, during a massive wave of UFO sightings. Here is my evaluation on what I think really happened:
On August 2, 1965, during a large wave of UFOs seen over the Plains States (United States), Alan Smith took a series of photos of a UFO he saw. In his report, he claimed that the object was very high. The photo processing company had not printed the UFO photos (most of which showed nothing), but one negative with an object in the corner was found to have not been printed. The photo, cropped, is reproduced at right. The UFO was not in the center of the photo, but was down in the lower right corner (see below).
Notice how the photo depicts a circular object that is dissected into several segments and arcs of different colors. The original object was said to have been flashing in several different colors, and UFOlogists have suggested that this photo shows the method of color change used by UFOs.
The Tulsa UFO Photo
The angular size of the object on the film is quite large - so large that, if the object had been "high", it would have been extremely large. But it is not so well known that the unaided human eye cannot determine the speed, altitude, distance, or size of any unknown object more than 30 feet away which is seen against the sky. So we do not really know the true size of the object. But at least one of the following must be true for the image on the film to exist:
Alan Smith's description of the angular size of the visual object is such that the object would not produce an image of the size obtained without a telephoto lens. Alan had a simple Boy Scout camera. An object the angular size that Alan reported to have seen visually would have left an image on the negative that was too small to be seen without magnification. The image should also have been in the center of the frame. Thus, the negative that was printed was not a negative of one of the shots attempted at the time of the sighting.
Note: the page author once shot photos of airplane lights at night, to use as a reference shot for angular size in a photo. A simple camera was used. Magnification was necessary to find the plane lights in the otherwise dark frame.
One other thing doesn't make sense. Most people bought black and white film for most photography in 1965, because color film cost about three times the price of black and white. They usually bought one roll of color film for Christmastime photos. It makes sense that a roll might still be in a camera from Christmas, but not a fresh roll of color film in August, unless the family had a lot of money. A lower item suggests that they did not have this money.
There are no stars visible in the photo. This may be due to the shortness of the exposure, or because no stars were there. According to other witnesses in Oklahoma that night, there were stars visible in the sky.
Note that most of the photos taken by others were of scintillating stars. Scintillation is the breaking up of starlight by the uneven refraction in the earth's atmosphere. It makes stars and planets flash with different colors.
The shape of the object suggests a circular or elliptical light source with some kind of coloring media in front of it. Here are photos of the most likely object that was in the photograph:
A contact print of a negative strip was printed in a UFO book, purporting to show that the UFO photo was between Christmas photos. But Alan says that the roll of film was new, and that the strip containing the photo was cut apart when he had it printed again, so he wouldn't be charged for all 4 pictures (indicating not a lot of money available). If it was cut apart, where did the book author get the strip? (I am trying to track down this book again.)
Flashbulbs were quite unreliable in the 1960s. My main theory is that this photo was the result of a flashbulb failing to go off. Thus, the film recorded only the one direct light source in the field of view.
Spartus rotating color wheel
Side view.
Spartus rotating color wheel
Front view.
Notice the following:
The Tulsa Photo - blown up
The color wheel matching pattern
The color wheel below blown up
The color wheel in the same position
A Penetray color wheel
Photometry is the measurement of the sizes and the brightnesses of images and comparing them with the real objects photographed.
These equations are used in photometry with a simple lens (see image below):
H = height (or width) of object
D = distance of object from lens
h = height (or width) of image (on film)
d = distance of image from lens (in camera)
α = angle subtended by H at distance D or by h at distance d
Standard camera view width (normal lens) | ? | ? | 46 ° |
![]() |
35 mm camera view | w = 43 mm | d = 50 mm | 46 ° | |
UFO Image on film (approx) | ? | ? | 5 ° | |
Palm of hand at arm's length away | 3 in | 24 in | 7.15 ° | |
Little fingernail at arm's length away | 1/4 in | 24 in | 0.57 ° | |
Sun | 865000 mi | 93000000 mi | 0.53 ° |
![]() |
Moon (right in this photo ->) | 2159 mi | 238900 mi | 0.52 ° | |
UFO Image on film (left in this photo, same scale) | ? | ? | 5 ° | |
Spartus color wheel | 1 ft | 6 ft | 9.53° | |
Half of Spartus color wheel (as in photo) | .5 ft | 6 ft | 4.77 ° | |
Cessna 182 private plane (distant plane at normal height) | 36 ft | 10000 ft | 0.21 ° | ![]() |
Cessna 182 private plane | 36 ft | 5000 ft | 0.41 ° | |
Cessna 182 private plane (full moon angular size) | 36 ft | 4000 ft | 0.52 ° | |
Cessna 182 private plane | 36 ft | 1000 ft | 2.06 ° | |
Cessna 182 private plane (FAA low limit overhead) | 36 ft | 500 ft | 4.12 ° | |
Cessna 182 private plane (Illegally low - UFO image angular size) | 36 ft | 400 ft | 5.15 ° |
The top part of this table shows the geometry of the formation of the image inside the camera, along with the angular size of reference items.
The eye can be substituted for the camera in the diagram for visual angular size.
Note that 35 mm is the width of the film, including sprocket holes. The smaller dimension of the image is in the direction of the width of the film and is between the rows of sprockets.
The middle part of this table shows sizes of items as they would appear on a photo. Notice that the UFO image is ten times the size of the full moon photographed under the same conditions.
The bottom part shows a photo of a small airplane, with different image angular sizes given. If this plane were really seen in the air at the angular size of the UFO as seen in the photo, the witness would have been running because the plane was too low and about to crash.
Here are my conclusions:
Note: I'd like to see the real frames, if the roll still exists. I am told that it does not.
This mistake also happened in the October 21, 1965 St George MN case (right). In this case, the original object was a light in the night sky. The wrong negative was again chosen to be printed. The object in the photo was a night light. The flash failed, leaving the night light as the only light source visible. And again the object was in a corner of the photo - not the center. See if you can find the shape of the bulb in the photo.
Tulsa Photo
Original location and size
Tulsa Photo
Expected location and size
St George MN photo