Phonics vs Whole Language

The Arguments:

There is a big debate over whether Phonics, or the Whole Language System, should be used to teach reading. The arguments follow:

Proponents for Phonics make these arguments:

Proponents for Whole Language make these arguments:

The Systems:


The Phonics System consists of the following parts within the mind:

  1. A small device driver that works the auditory, vocal, reading, writing, and word memory systems
  2. A small Phonics table with 80 rows and 3 columns connecting the phonics, writing, and speech together
  3. A compact dictionary with phonics and meanings

It looks more complicated, but once operating, it functions in a much simpler way.

The device driver takes care of the operations of hearing, speaking, reading, and writing the word, phonic by phonic.

Here is the entire Phonics table. Only one is needed, because it works for all words:

PhonicSpellSoundSample  PhonicSpellSoundSample  PhonicSpellSoundSample  PhonicSpellSoundSample
āaepay  ōootone  bbbboy  nnnnet
ăaæcat  ŏoɔpod  chchcheck  ñnŋrink
âaaball  oəatom  chchkmach  phphfphysics
äaacar  oo-gaol  çhchʃcache  ppppan
aəpica  ūuiucute  cckcoat  qqkquest
aa-boat  ŭuʌcut  çcspace  šsʒfusion
ēeibeet  ûuutube  ddddog  shshʃcash
ĕeεpet  üu-curb  ffffix  ssssafe
ëe-berm  uəcircus  ffvof  ʂszis
eəbracket  uu-guitar  ghghftough  titiʃstation
ee-pace  ŵwublew  ghghgghost  ththθthink
īiaimice  wəcwm  ghgh-though  ththðthis
ĭiIfit  ww-hawk  gggg  ttttask
ïi-bird  ȳyaicyan  ğggerm  vvvgive
iəcretin  yItypical  ĝgʒregime  whwhhwwhile
ii-piece  ŷyihappy  hhhhat  wwwwind
rrɹbird  ÿy-myrrh  jjjar  xxksexit
ōooouboot  yəvinyl  ĵjʒjure  xxzxanthic
ŏoooUbook  yy-payment  kkkkiss  yyjyell
            llllist  zzzzoo
            mmmmiss  žzʒazure

Notes on the Phonics table:

The internal Phonics table needs only two columns, Phonic, and Sound.

The Phonics System also needs a dictionary table. It has three columns. Here are some sample dictionary entries:

shMoney in the form of currency and coins.Link to image of money
cătA small animal used for a pet.Link to image of a cat
cătīŏnA positive ion, attracted to a cathode.Link to chemistry entries
thōdeA negative electrode of an electrolytic or electronic circuit.Image link
utiọnBeing careful to avoid a hazard.Link to self-preservation routines

Notes on the Phonics dictionary:

Whole Language:

The Whole Language System consists of the following parts within the mind:

  1. Separate device drivers for each of these systems: auditory, vocal, reading, writing, and word memory
  2. A large dictionary with separate entries for each of these systems: auditory, vocal, reading, writing, and word meanings

The Whole Language System needs a dictionary table. It has many columns. Here are sample dictionary entries for the same words:

SpellingDefinitionLinkInstructions for hearing the word.Instructions for speaking the word.
cashMoney in the form of currency and coins.Link to image of money Sound recording of "cash"Muscle motions to speak "cash"
catA small animal used for a pet.Link to image of a cat Sound recording of "cat"Muscle motions to speak "cat"
cationA positive ion, attracted to a cathode.Link to chemistry entries Sound recording of "cation"Muscle motions to speak "cation"
cathodeA negative electrode of an electrolytic or electronic circuit.Image link Sound recording of "cathode"Muscle motions to speak "cathode"
cautionBeing careful to avoid a hazard.Link to self-preservation routines Sound recording of "caution"Muscle motions to speak "caution"

Notes on the Whole Language dictionary:

This table is several times larger than the dictionary table needed for Phonics. Thus, it takes longer to search. In addition, the matching of sounds also takes longer.


  1. The Whole Language System is a large unwieldy system that inhibits learning.
  2. The Phonics System is a small compact system that makes reading and learning much easier.
  3. Labor unions must not be dictating the methods used for teaching children.
  4. The methods that benefit children the most must be used, not the method that is the least work for teachers.

Children need Phonics to learn to read properly.