Donald Trump didn't really win the election. Hillary Clinton tore down her own campaign with her own mouth and actions. She alienated too many people. Here is a list of how she lost:

  1. She Alienated Religious People.
  2. She Committed Many Crimes.
  3. She Believes Government Can Pay for Anything.
  4. She Lies and Lies and Lies.
  5. She Loses her Temper.
  6. She Bases Her Decisions on Emotion, not Logic.

The Details of the Troubles Caused by Clinton Follow:

  1. She Alienated Religious People

    Tapes and Wikileaks showed that she and her campaign staff made the following derogatory statements about religious beliefs:

    These wayward Democrats seem to think that a religion is some kind of club people join. They do not see the eternal consequences of choice of religion because they don't know God. God does not allow His Revealed Word to be changed.

    Hillary lost all of the Catholics (Including Hispanics) and evangelical religious people who heard these news stories about the bigotry of these liberals. Her position on abortion also lost her many voters.

    Democrats want to make you change your religious beliefs to agree with their sinful beliefs. They want you to give up eternal life so they can sin.

  2. She Committed Many Crimes.

    Over the many years, Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton have committed the following crimes:

    Hillary's lawbreaking turned many voters away.

  3. She Believes Government Can Pay for Anything.

    She believes that government has the power to create enough wealth to pay for anything the government decides to do. She has promised the following:

    She also believes that government has the power to make businesses create enough wealth to pay for anything the government requires them to pay. She has promised the following:

    Democrats don't understand that the only money available to a business to pay workers is the money that comes in from selling the products those workers made. And that is after the costs of materials, utilities, and the building are deducted.

    Democrats think that somehow government can create wealth, and that businesses can come up with as much wealth as they want. They do not realize that only work creates wealth.

  4. She Lies and Lies and Lies.

    Hillary Clinton has been caught in all of the following lies:

    Hillary's lies turned many voters away.

  5. She Loses her Temper.

    As first lady, Hillary Clinton got mad and threw things at Bill in the White House, breaking irreplaceable historic objects.

    Clinton gets mad at people who oppose her liberal beliefs.

    Hillary Clinton got mad at people at her campaign events.

    Hillary's anger turned many voters away.

  6. She Bases Her Decisions on Emotion, not Logic.

    She chooses whether to support or oppose something based on feelings, not thinking.

    She publicly attacked the women her husband had been unfaithful to her with.

    She gets mad when people oppose her beliefs.

    She uses namecalling and pejoratives against people who oppose her.

    Her emotional indecision cost four lives at Benghazi.

    She doesn't care who her policies hurt.

    She expects everyone else to think exactly as she does, and gets mad when other people don't.

    She expected everyone else to think exactly as she does when they voted.

    Hillary Clinton cried all night when she found out she had lost.

    Hillary's illogical decisions using emotion turned many voters away.

Trump didn't beat Hillary. She defeated herself.