Construction constriction in 2018 - 2019
Construction constriction continues in 2019 and into 2020
I-69, IN 37 @ Walnut St North
Walnut Street ramps closed
Kinser Pk
- Bridge out
IN 45, IN 46 @ I-69, IN 37
- Right westbound lane closed
Vernal Pk
- Occasional alternating one-lane traffic for paving & sidewalk
I-69, IN 37 north of IN 48
- Lanes closed for paving
IN 48, 3rd St @ I-69, IN 37
- Lanes closed for work on bridge, lane additions
3rd St east of I-69, IN 37
- Normal rush hour backups westbound
IN 48 west of I-69, IN 37
- Normal rush hour backups eastbound
College Av between 17th St & 11th St
- Lanes closed for utility & sidewalk work
2nd St east of I-69, IN 37
- Normal rush hour backups westbound
Grimes Ln between Rogers St & Walnut St
- Normal rush hour backups eastbound
Walnut St between Hillside Av & Grimes Ln
- Normal rush hour backups northbound
Grimes Ln @ Walnut St
- Intersection closed for utility work, one lane each way on
Walnut open
IN 45, 2nd St @ I-69, IN 37
- Lanes closed for work on bridge, lane additions
I-69, IN 37 between IN 45 & Fullerton Pk
- Lanes closed for bridge, median, & ramp work
Tapp Rd @ I-69, IN 37
- Interchange closed except northbound entrance & exit for east
Tapp Rd
Tapp Rd, Country Club Dr @ Rockport Rd
- Intersection rebuild & signal installation
Country Club Dr between Walnut St & Rogers St
- Bridge replacement
Fullerton Pk @ I-69, IN 37
- Unfinished paving leaves very rough places
Gordon Pk between Walnut St & Rogers St
- Utility & road work, 2019 bridge replace
Walnut St @ Rhorer Rd
- Intersection & lanes closed for utilities & rebuild
Walnut St Pk & Rhorer Rd
- Intersection closed for rebuild & signal installation
Sare Rd @ Winston St
- Lanes closed at times for work on pedestrian islands
I-69, IN 37 north of Bloomington to Martinsville
- Lanes closed for bridge & ramp work
IN 48, 3rd St ramp to south I-69, IN 37
- Yield instead of merge to "protect workers"
IN 45, IN 46, 17th St
- Normal rush hour backups eastbound
Atwater Av, 3rd St between Jordan Av & High St
- Normal rush hour backups eastbound
Hillside Dr @ Walnut St
- Intersection closed for utility work
Miller Dr @ Walnut St
- Intersection closed for utility work
RED - Completely closed
YELLOW - Lanes closed
INDIGO - Places with substandard operation
PURPLE - Places that back up at rush hour without construction
- Crossing I-69, IN 37 - 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 14, 16, 17
- Walnut St continuity - 9, 12, 13, 18, 20, 21, 22, 28, 29
- Rockport Rd continuity - 11, 12, 13, 17, 19
- Tapp Rd continuity - 13, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21
- I-69, IN 37 continuity - 5, 15, 24, 25
Mainly politics:
I-69 construction took 2 years longer due to Democrat bond sabotage,
weather delays, and the state taking over.
- The state is restricting traffic on IN-37 and intersecting roads much
more than the private contractors did.
- Contracts for other projects were already let and then were delayed
because I-69 wasn't ready yet
- Politicians demanded that the construction be done as quickly as possible,
rather than with the least disruption of traffic.
- Lack of coordination between I-69, Bloomington, and Monroe County
construction schedules
- Democrats tried to ruin the I-69 construction project, causing
delays that exacerbated this problem.
- EPA fines for each month the sewer projects are delayed
(9, 13, 17, 18, 21, 28, 29)
- Record rainfall kept workers from compacting soil for I-69 roadbeds and
bridge embankments
- Delays in the Tapp Rd interchange work delayed the Tapp Rd and Country Club Dr
The combination of all of these projects created a zone where no traffic
can pass between the west side of town and the east side of town between 1st Street and
Church Ln. No path between the east side and the west side avoids construction.
Bloomington got a preview of the gridlock from these projects on 04/13/2018
when a power failure put out all of the signals on Walnut Street. This made all of those
signals become all-way stops and caused traffic to back up on Hillside Dr, Walnut St,
and Grimes Ln. Similar backups occurred on 04/20/2018 when a sheriff's car broke down on
Patterson Dr, closing a lane.
Another contributing factor is the lack of east-west streets connecting
Walnut St and Rogers St south of 1st St:
1st St | Dodds St (one-way east) | 0.13 miles |
Dodds St (one-way east) | Grimes Ln | 0.28 miles |
Grimes Ln | Country Club Dr | 1.22 miles |
Country Club Dr | Gordon Pk | 1.00 miles |
Gordon Pk | Church Ln | 0.99 miles |
Church Ln | Rogers St @ Walnut St | 0.66 miles |
The reasons for these large spacings were originally a railroad switchyard,
a railroad creosote plant, the railroad itself on an embankment, the Clear Creek stream,
and a sewage treatment plant.
√ Actual opening date
Interstate 69 Section 5 |
2014 |
03/2019 √ |
1,2,3,5,6,14,15,16,19,24,25 |
Kept open, with delays |
Sched 08/2018 Weather dependent |
Bloomington sewers |
2017 |
12/2018 √ |
6,9,13,14,16,17,18,20,21,22,28,29 |
Rogers St, |
EPA penalties for delays |
Rhorer Rd |
2017 |
03/2019 √ |
20,21,22 |
1st St, Rogers St, Church Ln, Fairfax Rd |
Gordon @ Walnut open 04/20/2018 |
Gordon Pk (again) |
02/2019 |
01/2020 √ |
20 |
Rogers St, Country Club Dr, Walnut St |
Bridge replacement |
Country Club Dr Bridge Replace |
03/01/2018 |
06/20/2018 √ |
18 |
Rogers St, Gordon Pk, Walnut St |
Original end date 07/26/2018 |
Tapp Rd @ Rockport Rd |
06/11/2018 |
11/23/2018 √ |
17 |
IN 37, 2nd St, Patterson Dr, Rogers St, That Rd |
Original start 06/01/2018 |
Tapp Rd @ IN-37, I-69 |
08/18/2017 |
06/01/2018 √ |
16 |
IN 37, 2nd St, Patterson Dr, Rogers St, Rockport Rd |
Delayed by weather |
Walnut St @ Grimes Ln |
06/04/2018 |
08/03/2018 √ |
13 |
Church Ln, Rogers St, 1st St, Henderson St |
Original 05/10/2018 to 08/20/2018 |
Second St IN-45 @ IN-37, I-69 |
2016 |
12/24/2018 √ |
14 |
Fullerton Pk |
Was very constricted, |
Third St IN-48 @ IN-37, I-69 |
2016 |
12/24/2018 √ |
6 |
IN-46 |
Was very constricted |
- Burma Rd - I-69 construction or leave county
- Dittemore Rd - I-69 construction
- Fox Hollow Rd - I-69 construction
- Simpson Chapel Rd - I-69 construction
- Sample Rd - I-69 construction
- Wylie Rd - I-69 construction
- Showers Rd - I-69 construction
- Walnut St (north)- I-69 construction
- Kinser Pk - Bridge out
- Arlington Rd - A mazy way around construction, bridge construction
- IN 46, IN 45 - I-69 construction - lanes closed at the interchange
- Vernal Pike - Bridge and sidewalk construction
- IN 48, 3rd St - I-69 construction closed lanes, severe backups
- IN 45, 2nd St - I-69 construction closed lanes, severe backups
- 1st St - Must use 2nd St west of Walker St
- Grimes Ln, Patterson Dr - Use 1st St, or 2nd St or 3rd St west
- Tapp Rd, Country Club Dr, Winslow Rd - I-69, Tapp Rd, and Country Club Dr
- Rockport Rd - Tapp Rd and Country Club Dr construction
- Rhorer Rd, Gordon Pk - Construction, road ends west of Rogers St,
- That Rd, Rogers St, Church Ln, Fairfax Rd, Moffett Ln, Harrell Rd,
Rhorer Rd - A mazy way around
- Victor Pk - Connects Rockport Rd to That Rd
- Dillman Rd - Connects Victor Pk to Fairfax Rd
- Walnut St (south) - Rhorer Rd construction
- Smithville Rd, Ketcham Rd - Connects Victor Pk to Fairfax Rd
- Popcorn Rd, Monroe Dam Rd, Strain Ridge Rd - Connects Rockport Rd to
Fairfax Rd
Everything south of Rhorer Rd is blocked by Lake Monroe on the east.
- Detour routes for Country Club Dr, Tapp Rd, and Grimes Ln also had
construction on them.
- The detour signs were often sparse or confusing.
- Four detours used Rogers St. At any place where any one of the detours
turns, direction signs should be posted for all of the detours present.
- Some detour signs had the wrong kind of arrow for the turn made.
- Some detour signs had misleading arrows.
- A changeable message sign on Grimes Ln said right turn only "at Grimes"
(fixed 07/11/2018).
- Some detour signs said to turn at the wrong place.
- Entrance ramps used YIELD signs instead of having proper merges.
- A traffic light wasted time by not letting a concurrent movement go.
- Some lanes seemed to be closed for no reason.
- The city scheduled sidewalk projects on the detour routes.
- Signs were placed in front of other signs, hiding them until the last
- 07/11/2018 +, they closed Walnut from Dodds St to Hillside Dr without
advance warning or changes in advance signing.
- Drivers wanting westbound Grimes to northbound Walnut were diverted
south at Washington, going a mile in the wrong direction.
- Update: This was not planned. A water main broke in the construction
- When they put the barricades back where they were after closing Walnut,
they barricaded off the northbound left turn onto Allen St that was open before.
Construction constriction continues in 2019 and 2020.
IN 46 bridge over I-69
- Bridge replacement - half closed at a time. Ramps closed
17th St
- Closed for total reconstruction Arlington to
2nd St between Landmark and Patterson
- Traffic signal changes and add sidepath
Grimes Ln between Rogers St & Walnut St
- Normal rush hour backups eastbound
Walnut St between Hillside Av & Grimes Ln
- Normal rush hour backups northbound
Tapp Rd from I-69 to walnut
- Sidepath construction
Walnut St north of Rhorer Rd
- Sidepath construction
Gordon Pk between Walnut St & Rogers St
- Closed for bridge replacement
Walnut St Pike @ Rhorer Rd
- Intersection rebuild and traffic signal install
Rogers St. @ Gordon Pike
- Closed for roundabout construction
IN 37 Martinsville
- Lanes closed for I-69 work
RED - Completely closed
YELLOW - Lanes closed
INDIGO - Places with substandard operation
PURPLE - Places that back up at rush hour without construction
- Traffic restricted on IN 46 I -69 - 1
- Getting to and from IN 46 when using I -69 - 1
- Restriction when following IN 45 - 1
- Getting to I-69, IN 37 - 1, 3, 6
- Getting to Curry Pike - 2, 3, 4, 6
- Second and Third St used as detours get backed up - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10
- Tapp Rd backs up as a detour - 3, 4, 5, 6, 10
- Walnut St backs up as the detour for others - 8, 9, 10
- Rogers St has a 2-mile detour - 8, 9, 10
- Walnut St Pike has a 2-mile detour - 8, 9, 10
- Rhorer Rd and Gordon Pike have 2-mile detours - 8, 9, 10
- IN 46 bridge over I-69 - to 11/2019
- 17th St - to 09/2019
- 2nd St between Landmark and Patterson
- Grimes Ln between Rogers St & Walnut St - permanent
Walnut St between Hillside Av & Grimes Ln - permanent
- Tapp Rd from I-69 to walnut - to 11/2019
- Walnut St north of Rhorer Rd - to 06/2019
- Gordon Pk between Walnut St & Rogers St - to 11/2019
- Walnut St Pike @ Rhorer Rd - to 07/2019/
- Rogers St. @ Gordon Pike
- Entire length of 2nd St between Patterson and Basswood repaved 04/2020
- Entire length of IN-46 from Clarizz to IN-446 will be reconstructed to two lanes
with one turn lane and bike lanes and repaved 05/2020
- IN 37 Martinsville to totally close in mid 2020 for I-69 construction
The first half of the IN-46 interchange closure (May to Aug):
- Traffic on IN 46 is reduced to one lane in each direction on the south
- Detours are posted for I-69 and IN-37, but no detour is posted for IN-45
which turns at the interchange using closed ramps.
- Only 3 ramps are open: Eastbound to southbound, southbound to eastbound,
and northbound to eastbound.
- The northbound entrance to I-69 / IN 37 is closed. The detour goes south
to turn around at the IN-48 interchange.
- The southbound I-69 / IN 37 exit to westbound IN-46 is closed. The marked
detour goes west on IN-48 and IN-43 to Spencer.
- The northbound I-69 / IN 37 exit to westbound IN-46 is closed. The marked
detour goes west on IN-48 and IN-43 to Spencer.
- The westbound exit and IN-45 to southbound I-69 / IN 37 is closed. The
detour goes west to Curry Pike to make a U-turn.
- Local drivers can follow an unmarked detour by taking the
I-69 / IN 37 exits to eastbound IN-46 and making a U-turn at Kinser Pike.
- Local drivers can follow an unmarked detour by using IN-48 and Curry Pike.
The second half of the IN-46 interchange closure (Aug to Nov):
- Traffic on IN 46 is reduced to one lane in each direction on the north
- Detours are posted for I-69 and IN-37, and finally a detour is posted for IN-45
which turns at the interchange using closed ramps.
- 6 ramps are open: Westbound to northbound, northbound to westbound,
southbound to westbound, eastbound to southbound, southbound to eastbound,
and northbound to eastbound.
- The left turn from westbound to southbound I-69 / IN 37 and IN-45 is
closed. The detour goes west on IN-46 to Curry Pike to make a U-turn, and then takes the
southbound ramp.
- The left turn for the eastbound exit to northbound I-69 / IN 37 is
closed. The detour route goes south to turn around at the IN-48 interchange.
- Local drivers can follow an unmarked detour by going eastbound IN-46, making a
U-turn at Kinser Pike, and then taking the northbound ramp.
Sometime in September 2019, the section left open for entrances to eastbound IN-46 and IN-45
was closed. This also closed these ramps:
- Exit ramps from both directions of I-69 to eastbound IN-46 and IN-45 - Detour
by taking a ramp to westbound IN-46 and make a U-turn at Curry Pike.
Sometime in October 2019, both bridges opened one lane each and the southbound I-69 ramp from
IN 45 / IN 46 was closed.
- Closing this ramp makes the detour for IN 45 and southbound traffic go north
to Sample Road to turn around. Eastbound traffic from IN 46 must U-turn at Kinser Pike
- Local drivers can follow an unmarked detour by using Curry Pike and IN-48.
During the final two weeks of the project in November, various ramps were closed and opened
repeatedly as they worked on the ramps. The various detours listed above applied again.
- Local drivers can follow an unmarked detour by using Curry Pike and IN-48.
It's not done yet! Ramps will be closed again starting 12/06/2019.
- They have been closing ramps and bridge lanes in a seemingly random
- The page author has not yet seen anyone working there as he passed through
during the closures.
- The barricades and barrels remain on the sides of the roads when nothing is
12/20/2019 - All ramps on the I-69 and IN-45/46 interchange are open.
12/2019 - The Gordon Pike bridge is still not open.
04/2020 - Entire length of 2nd St between Patterson and Basswood repaved
04/01/2020 - Kirkwood Ave is closed from Walnut St to Indiana Ave, with most cross
streets closed.
05/01/2020 - 17th Street is still not open.
05/2020 - Orange drums have appeared again along I-69 in Bloomington.
05/2020 - Entire length of IN-46 from Clarizz to IN-446 will be reconstructed to two
lanes with one turn lane and bike lanes and repaved.
06/2020 - IN-37 will close in Martinsville for overpass construction.
01/2020 - The Gordon Pike bridge opened in January 2020.
08/01/2020 - Kirkwood Ave is closed from Walnut St to Indiana Ave, with most cross
streets closed.
11/27/2020 - 17th Street finally opened. A huge retaining wall and wide sidepaths delayed
07/2020 - The Orange drums along I-69 in Bloomington are gone.
07/2020 - Entire length of IN-46 from Clarizz to IN-446 is under reconstruction to two
lanes with one turn lane and bike lanes.
08/2020 - IN-37 closure in Martinsville for overpass construction is delayed. It is now
set for the entire year of 2021.
Note: Official detours for numbered highways must use actual state highways, not other
surface streets. Turnbacks at interchanges are an exception because the interchanges are
state property.
If Bloomington adopts that awful traffic plan with no one-way streets, the
Construct-Lock would be permanent with everyday backups.
This is a political plan designed to wrongly penalize motor vehicles and favor bicycles.
It also penalizes most senior citizens unable to walk or ride bicycles.
And for what? Officials want a "walkable" downtown. Those are rare for a reason:
Most downtown areas start at what then becomes the crossroads of two major roads. Unless the
state government builds bypasses around the town early in the development of the town, the
center of the town always becomes a major thorofare area. This plan is an emotional desire
of the officials, not a logical plan.
Bloomington adopts another awful traffic plan with a one-way street, making the
Construct-Lock more permanent with everyday backups.
They made the angle parking on Lincoln St between 2nd St and 3rd St
back-in parking in 2021. This will cause the following problems:
This is another political plan designed to wrongly penalize motor vehicles and favor
bicycles and pedestrians.
It also penalizes most senior citizens who will probably be unable to safely back into
the spaces.